Happy New Year. Five days into 2005, and the 12 Japan pro baseball teams have spent the offseason wheeling and dealing, acquiring and firing foreign players. Confused about who left and who is left? Following is a team-by-team rundown of who's gone and who's on at this point.

SEIBU LIONS -- Dropped infielder Scott McClain but kept first baseman Alex Cabrera, third baseman Jose Fernandez and Taiwanese pitchers Hsu Ming-chie and Chang Chi-chie.

FUKUOKA SOFTBANK HAWKS (How does that grab you?) -- Fired outfielder Pedro Valdes and pitchers Brandon Knight, Brad Voyles and Hector Mercado. Retained DH Julio Zuleta, pitcher Lindsay Gulin and farm team hurler Anderson Gomes. Will likely sign one more position player and one pitcher.