Normal service was resumed at the Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament on Friday as grand champion Asashoryu bounced back from a controversial loss to tear down fellow Mongolian Kyokutenho and get his Emperor's Cup campaign back on track.

Meanwhile, all four ozeki emerged victorious but, along with Asashoryu, still trail surprise package Tokitsuumi, the only wrestler with a spotless record six days into the 15-day tournament at Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium.

Still reeling from Thursday's defeat to nemesis and compatriot Kyokushuzan, Asashoryu (4-2) took out his frustration on Kyokutenho but needed every ounce of strength to yank down the stubborn sekiwake in the day's finale.

Kyokutenho (2-4) appeared the immovable object as the Mongolian pair locked horns in a prolonged mid-ring tussle but Asashoryu prevailed as he dug deep into his energy reserves to wriggle away and send his opponent sprawling to the dirt with an underarm throw.