Ozeki Asashoryu became the first Mongolian to win the Emperor's Cup after defeating sekiwake Wakanosato on Friday to secure the title at the Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament.

The 22-year-old moved his record to an unbeatable 12-1 with two days remaining after dumping Wakanosato (6-7) in the dirt in the final bout at the Fukuoka Kokusai Center.

Asashoryu's overall victory comes just 24 tournaments after his sumo debut at the 1999 New Year basho, equaling Takanohana's record of the quickest-ever title since the present format of six meets a year was introduced in 1958.

"I'm so pleased I don't really know what to say. There seem to be so many things I have done for the first-time ever," said Asashoryu, whose only loss came at the hands of rank-and-filer Tochinonada on Wednesday.