New Japan coach Zico has named Parma midfielder Hidetoshi Nakata captain of the team ahead of Wednesday night's friendly against Jamaica, the Brazilian said Monday night.

"Nakata has played well and is well respected by the other players. I trust him very much," Zico said in explaining the reason for naming a new captain after Monday's first training session in Tokyo.

"From a tactical point of view he is the natural choice, and if he proves to me that he is a worthy leader, then he will keep the captain's armband," Zico said.

Mitsuo Ogasawara of the Kashima Antlers has withdrawn from the squad after hurting his leg and no one was called up in place of the young midfielder.

The team trained for two hours, which included a 60-minute practice match at a Tokyo ground.

"I'm content with our session today as everyone showed a good understanding of what I had told them," Zico said.