The International Friendship Football League will hold its 10th annual five-a-side charity soccer tournament on Sunday, Dec. 23, at the Big Circus Fujitsu Sports Center near Hon-Atsugi Station on the Odakyu railway line.

The tournament will run from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is open to all. Senior sides ("masters") are particularly welcome.

The tournament is aiming to raise 100,000 yen for the UNHCR Refugees Aid Fund. This year's tournament is split between adult teams and masters teams.

The adult contest will have up to 24 teams with a maximum of 16 players per roster. Each team has to pay an entry fee of 25,000 yen.

The masters competition will have six teams and each team should pay 15,000 yen. Various prizes will be awarded to the winners, including a scooter from World Motors.

For entry and other information, contact Ernest Van on: e-mail [email protected]; tel. (03) 3453 2676; or fax (03) 3453 2677.