Yomiuri Giants chairman of the board Tsuneo Watanabe on Wednesday said the Central League is willing to consider interleague play in Japan in the future, but suggested that 2002 may be too soon.

Watanabe also indicated that he was open to the idea of staging Giants' games in Taiwan in the future, even though the club would "probably lose a lot of money."

The Yomiuri chairman, a long-time opponent of interleague games with the Pacific League clubs, said none of the front office heads were opposed to the idea of interleague play when they met on Nov. 5, but cautioned that the idea was only in its formative stage.

"The schedule for next season has already been decided, so next season is out of the question. But it is something we would like to do," said Watanabe.

His comments appeared to be a reverse after Central League clubs ignored a proposal issued last year by PL clubs and the baseball players association for interleague play.

"Up until now, the demand of the PL has gotten stronger, but the feeling of the CL has also gotten stronger," Watanabe said. "If the feeling of the CL becomes positive, then interleague play will not be something to oppose."