A unique pre-registering system has been introduced to purchase World Cup tickets when the second round of ticket sales starts on Nov. 19, the Japanese World Cup Organizing Committee announced Friday.

A total of 80,000 to 100,000 tickets are expected to be put on the market, which includes tickets for wheelchair users. The whole procedure will be done by telephone in an attempt to make it as fair as possible, JAWOC said.

To register you should call 0570-06-2002 (not available from mobile phones) or #9802 (for mobile phones but not PHS) from noon on Nov. 19 to 6 p.m. on Dec. 4. The 24-hour voice message service in English and Japanese will guide you through the procedure.

A draw will be held to decide successful applicants on Dec. 5. The results will be announced in the newspapers from Dec. 6-8, on the JAWOC web site (www.jawoc.or.jp) or can be checked by calling the Second Round Sales Ticket Information Center on 0810-993-531.

Successful applicants will be divided into groups that determine when tickets can be purchased.

For information, call the JAWOC Ticket Center at (03) 3287-1199 or the Second Round Sales Ticket Information Center.