Get your free tickets for Yankees Day Sept. 16.

The Pacific League Nippon Ham Fighters will hold their annual AIWA Yankees Day promotion on Sunday, Sept. 16, at the Tokyo Dome and, as usual, the ball club is inviting 3,000 foreign fans as guests to this fun international event. Yankees Day is held so the Fighters can recognize their working agreement with the defending World Series Champion New York Yankees, with whom Nippon Ham has been partners for 27 years. Also honored will be foreign players and you, the foreign fans.

This year's visiting team is the Chiba Lotte Marines, and game time is 1:30 p.m. AIWA Co. Ltd. is the title sponsor again, and other American companies will join as sub-sponsors. All will provide prizes for fans in a lottery draw, and there will be an MVP prize for the outstanding player in the day's game. Public address announcements throughout the day will be made in English as well as Japanese, and a message from a Yankees official will be read prior to the game. A pre-game ceremony will feature the presentation of sponsors' gifts to player representatives of both teams, floral bouquets given by American children to managers Yoshinori Oshima of the Fighters and Koji Yamamoto of Chiba Lotte and foreign players of the two clubs.