ICHIHARA, Chiba Pref. -- Kashiwa substitute forward Naoki Sakai struck the winning goal in the 99th minute, helping one-man-down Reysol edge JEF United Ichihara 3-2 at Ichihara Seaside Stadium in J. League Division One action Saturday.

JEF United's South Korean forward Choi Yong Soo scored an equalizer but failed to celebrate his J. League debut with a win. Ichihara remained winless in this season's first stage.

Playing in sleet, Kashiwa's South Korea forward Hwang Sun Hong set up Harutaka Ohno's 10th-minute opener. The 1999 J. League's top scorer then took his turn two minutes later to score his third goal of the season. But Ichihara rallied with young forward Hisato Sato's 32nd-minute goal off an Edin Mujcin free kick, before Choi slotted in an equalizer off a Yuki Abe corner in the 53rd minute.