In my column of Feb. 18 about the Pacific League's plan to play lots of games on Monday night during the coming season, I asked readers to send in their comments and ideas regarding the MPL (Monday Pacific League) format. Following are two e-mails I received and my response to each:

I always look forward to reading (Marty) Kuehnert's and your column, in contrast with soft touched and slashing contents, in every Sunday's Japan Times. I'd like to suggest some plans for MPL as one of the baseball fans and Sunday baseball players. I hope they show not only the games but also the practice and prepare enough time for the crowds who want to mingle and associate with the players. Also, they'll succeed in merchandising if they sell T-shirts or baseballs the players autograph during the players-fans mingle time, and they could expand these services on a daily basis if this tentative movement succeeds.

I also hope these services remind the players that one of their duties is to sell a dream to the kids and fans. Why don't we launch the PLB consultant firm if you think it's a good idea? By the way, I recommend you change your photo on the column to the tender face one from the stiff face one. So it (your column) could generate the number of your fans.