The Yokohama BayStars front office told manager Hiroshi Gondo on Friday that the Central League club will not renew its contract with the stoic, unconventional manager.

Gondo will remain in the dugout for Yokohama's final six games of the season, but speculation has been rife that the BayStars are hoping to conclude a deal with former Seibu Lions manager Masaaki Mori as the new skipper. "I was only told that I would not get a contract for next season," Gondo said. "We still have six games remaining on our schedule and I have a duty to manage those games. That's all I'm thinking about now." Gondo, promoted from battery coach to manager in 1998, led the BayStars to their first CL pennant in 38 years and the Japan Series title.

During the championship run, Gondo was known for his dislike of team meetings and the sacrifice bunt to move a leadoff runner along -- both considered by other managers in Japan to be essential elements of baseball.