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Japan Times
Jan 9, 2008

Japan Economy News

Japan Economy News is a blog that delivers just what it promises: almost daily news and analysis on Japan-related economic issues, from marketing to real estate to finance and politics. Founder, editor and writer Ken Worsley is a senior partner at a marketing and strategic consulting firm in Tokyo and...
Dec 26, 2007

A man of principles in desperate times

LOS ANGELES — There are times when — from a moral standpoint — men and women simply should not remain silent. In such times, seemingly fine lines need to be turned into unequivocal hard lines. This is when the men and women of conscience stand out.
Japan Times
Nov 20, 2007

Watching them watching us

A s many non-Japanese are well aware, today is "G Day," or "F Day," or whatever cute name you'd like to assign to it: The day that the government begins fingerprinting virtually all foreigners — or "gaijin," or more appropriately "gaikokujin" — entering Japan. And those of us who will be subjected...
Nov 19, 2007

Fallout from an indictment

Public prosecutors have indicted a family court-appointed psychiatrist for leaking secret investigative materials on a teenager who set fire to his house in Tawaramoto, Nara Prefecture, in June 2006, killing his stepmother and two siblings. But they have decided not to indict the freelance journalist...
Japan Times
Nov 2, 2007

Beaujolais Nouveau, 7-5-3 specials and a hit Prix Fixe in Yokohama

Celebrations for the kids Nov. 15 is Shichi-Go-San, the traditional Japanese family event that celebrates the healthy growth of 7-, 5- and 3-year-old children. Colorfully dressed in traditional costumes, the children and their families visit a shrine or temple to pray for health and happiness. To celebrate...
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Aug 24, 2007

Love you and you're green

It seems that when Amami-Oshima, an island in southern Kagoshima Prefecture, was created, there was just one color left on the palette: green.
LIFE / Lifestyle
Aug 21, 2007

Ten seconds to duck 'n' cover

With the annual Sept. 1 Disaster Prevention Day approaching, residents in Japan will be reminded of a simple fact: They are living in a country where earthquakes are a fact of life.
Japan Times
Reference / Special Presentations / WITNESS TO WAR
Aug 17, 2007

Journalism in the service of war authority

Kanji Murakami began his reporting career in January 1941, joining the Asahi Shimbun's bureau in Seoul, or Keijo as it was then known, when the Korean Peninsula was under Japanese colonial rule.
Aug 12, 2007

KANSAI: Who & What

English tour takes in Koyasan temple town
Aug 11, 2007

Japan, U.S. clarify rules on handling secret data

In the wake of Japanese leaks of sensitive data on the U.S.-developed Aegis defense system, Tokyo and Washington concluded an agreement Friday designed to bolster security for the military information they exchange.
Jun 7, 2007

JCP: GSDF unit illegally monitored dispatch foes

The Ground Self-Defense Force's information security unit conducted detailed surveillance on journalists and citizen and religious groups opposing the GSDF's operation in Iraq, the Japanese Communist Party alleged Wednesday when revealing what it claims are GSDF internal documents.
Japan Times
May 29, 2007

Aso Mining's POW labor: the evidence

One year after media reports that Aso Mining used 300 Allied prisoners of war for forced labor in 1945, Foreign Minister Taro Aso is refusing to confirm that POWs dug coal for his family's firm — and even challenging reporters to produce evidence.
LIFE / Digital / IGADGET
May 23, 2007

Internet umbrellas — today's pet rocks?

Once upon a time, during the stone age era known as the 1970s, a product completely devoid of usefulness was created: the pet rock. This thing enjoyed a burst of commercial success that engenders acute embarrassment. Its inventor proved that the alchemists were right, you can make gold out of completely...
Japan Times
May 1, 2007

Mixi vs. MySpace -- a fight for your bytes

Since she started using the mixi Web site last summer, Yuki Nikitaki has linked up with a network of friends all over the world, including in Japan, and in Greece where she grew up.
Japan Times
Apr 11, 2007

Toyota cars get real-time traffic data to map smartest routes

New Toyota cars will have up-to-date map and traffic information for electronically determining the quickest routes in an upgrade of network-linking technology now offered mostly in luxury models.
Japan Times
Apr 3, 2007

Veggies of the world unite

Yakitori, "donburi," "shabu shabu." Pig feet, cow tongue, whale bacon. Even salads in Japan are usually topped with chicken, wee fishies or eggs.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital
Mar 11, 2007

What happens when blog bullies get hot under the collar

In April last year, Jiji Press technology reporter Tsuruaki Yukawa felt as if he had enemies all around him.
Feb 28, 2007

Panel endorses formation of new security council

The formation of a Japanese version of the U.S. National Security Council designed to respond quickly to fast-developing threats ranging from terrorism to North Korea's nuclear ambitions was endorsed Tuesday by a government panel in its final report.
Feb 27, 2007

Death row: limbo of not knowing when

Japan is among 69 nations, including the United States, that have the death penalty.


It's back to the classroom for some residents as municipal governments across the country conduct lessons to learn how to use new technologies.
Can aging Japan go digital without leaving anyone behind?