
Jun 28, 2002

Peace without Mr. Arafat

U.S. President George W. Bush has finally laid out his vision of Middle East peace, and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat does not seem to have a place in it. That is one of the few details in Mr. Bush's speech, which is long on "vision" and short on specifics. The call for a new Palestinian leadership...
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2002

Mazda chief sees bright future

The next two years at Mazda Motor Corp. will be a period of "product-led growth," new company President and CEO Lewis Booth said Thursday.
SOCCER / World cup
Jun 28, 2002

Sas sneaks onto Golden Ball list

YOKOHAMA -- Turkey forward Hasan Sas was a surprise nominee on the 10-man list for the honor as the top player in this World Cup, sponsor adidas announced Thursday in Yokohama.
Jun 28, 2002

Producer accused of tax evasion

The Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau has filed a criminal complaint of tax evasion against a well-known television producer and his brother, suspecting them of concealing some 350 million yen in income, sources familiar with the case said Thursday.
Jun 28, 2002

Airlines ordered to bolster cockpits

The Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry instructed Japanese airlines Thursday to reinforce the doors to their cockpits by next April to prevent hijackings, ministry officials said.
Jun 28, 2002

LDP postal reform panel criticizes deregulation bills

A Liberal Democratic Party panel on postal reforms has drafted a six-point report criticizing four postal service deregulation bills currently being debated in the Diet, a senior LDP lawmaker said Thursday.
Jun 28, 2002

Toyota develops proactive safety system

Toyota Motor Corp. said Thursday it has developed a vehicle system that gives motorists advance warnings of unavoidable collisions and takes pre-emptive action to minimize impact and injuries.
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2002

Takuma admits child slayings in court

OSAKA — Mamoru Takuma told the Osaka District Court on Thursday that he stabbed eight children to death at an elementary school last June.
Jun 28, 2002

New pollution-reduction plan set up

Senior ministry officials involved with antipollution policy agreed on a new pollutant reduction plan Thursday for Japan's three most contaminated bodies of water, the Environment Ministry said.
Jun 28, 2002

Nikkei may test 13,000 by 2003

Uncertainties about the prospects of a U.S. economic recovery are putting major stock markets worldwide in a slump.
Jun 28, 2002

Japan-Myanmar panel set to hold final meeting

Amid a rapid easing of political tension in Myanmar, a key joint economic panel of Japanese and Myanmar government officials and private-sector experts will hold what is supposed to be its last meeting next month.
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2002

Shareholders flock to over 2,000 annual meetings

Around 2,020 firms held shareholders' meetings nationwide Thursday, with scandal-ridden companies claiming most of the limelight.
Jun 27, 2002

Teetering on the edge of real democracy

ANKARA -- "The main obstacle to democracy is not Islam, but Kemalism," says Atilla Yayla, the unassuming head of Turkey's Association for Liberal Thinking. Turkey is a critically important country, but also an amazingly complicated and frustrating one. And while it has done better than most other Muslim...
Jun 27, 2002

Former vice farm minister reportedly took 2 million yen from Yamarin

Yamarin, the Hokkaido timber firm at the center of a bribery probe, in 1998 paid Toshikatsu Matsuoka, a former parliamentary vice farm minister, 2 million yen the same day it allegedly paid a 5 million yen bribe to Muneo Suzuki, a former lawmaker now under arrest on bribery charges, sources said.
Jun 27, 2002

Labour spinning backward

LONDON -- When its press becomes the story, a country is in a strange shape.
Jun 27, 2002

Observations from the other side

It's almost over now, and I have to admit it's been a lot less painful than anticipated.
Jun 27, 2002

Obituary: Masao Kamei

Masao Kamei, former chairman of Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., died of pneumonia Sunday at a Tokyo hospital. He was 86.
Jun 27, 2002

Astronaut ready to stroll in space

Astronaut Soichi Noguchi said Wednesday he is looking forward to helping with construction work on the International Space Station when the U.S. space shuttle Atlantis is launched in January.
Japan Times
Jun 27, 2002

Aum Shinrikyo officer Niimi given death sentence for role in 26 murders

Senior Aum Shinrikyo figure Tomomitsu Niimi was sentenced Wednesday to death for his role in 26 murders and other crimes committed by the doomsday cult, including two deadly sarin attacks.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?