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Apr 23, 2011

Waterproof camera set to probe pool in No. 4

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Friday it will use a waterproof camera to see if the fuel rods in its Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant reactor 4's spent-fuel storage pool are damaged.
Apr 23, 2011

Morgan Stanley, Mitsubishi UFJ OK preferred stock deal

Morgan Stanley agreed to convert most of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc.'s preferred stock in the company, paying a premium of about $2 billion to eliminate annual dividend payments of $784 million.
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2011

Ringo Deathstarr

Mashing together Ringo Starr and the Death Star from "Star Wars" to create their name, noise-pop group Ringo Deathstarr were one the "buzz" bands at last month's South by Southwest (SXSW) Music Conference and Festival in Austin, Texas. With 2,000 acts performing over the heralded bash's five days, this...
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2011

NHK hopes for a home run with new anime

It's a quintessential scene of Japanese youth: Young boys out in baseball uniforms jog across their school grounds, the white and maroon of their gear contrasting with a clear blue sky. In the bleachers, an earnest-looking high school girl named Minami, in a jersey that matches the team's uniforms, eyes...
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2011


Life as you know it can shatter and change in just a few short minutes — ain't that the truth. For Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) in "Unknown," the shock comes twofold: Although he can remember his own identity and life prior to his taxi accident, no one else recognizes him — not even his wife....
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Apr 22, 2011

Tradition goes on display at Yokohama fair

From ink prints to flower arrangements, Japanese handicrafts are renowned all around the world for an unmistakable blend of ancient customs with a dash of foreign-influenced flavor. This month, a festival in Yokohama will showcase a host of local artisans and their creations in a bid to support these...
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Apr 22, 2011

Tokyo's art scene opens up

You would be forgiven for thinking that Tokyo's art scene is only accessible to those with large wallets and gold cards. However, the Tokyo Art & Antiques festival — for a few days at least -- hopes to make the city's art scene accessible to everyone.
Apr 22, 2011

Orchestra made homeless by quake

The earthquake that hit northeastern Japan last month sent ceilings crashing as far away as Muza Symphony Hall in Kawasaki, more than 300 km from its epicenter.
Apr 22, 2011

Tepco's road map

Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Sunday announced a road map for actions to bring the nuclear crisis at its Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant under control. It is expected to take three months to steadily decrease the release of radioactive materials while cooling the reactors (Step 1), and additional...
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2011

Children's voices soothe Iwate survivors

As survivors from the March 11 earthquake and tsunami sat in evacuation centers across Iwate Prefecture on March 19, support came from a surprising source. Amid the steady flow of information from the radio, a children's choir began singing.
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2011

'Artists' Action For Japan'

Tokyo Midtown Atrium
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2011

'Artist File 2011'

The National Art Center, Tokyo
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2011

Subtleties that shine through the shadows

Recently, thanks to the power cuts caused by the damage to the Fukushima nuclear reactors, many of us have been rediscovering exactly what light is again. Instead of something to be taken for granted, unvarying and instantly available at the flick of a switch, it has once again become altogether more...
Apr 22, 2011

Mori sells Shanghai tower floorsMori sells Shanghai tower floors

Mori Building Co., owner of China's tallest building, has sold five floors of the property and may offer more in the tower following demand from investors.
Apr 20, 2011

Tepco starts to pump out turbine 2 unit

Tokyo Electric Power Co. started Tuesday pumping highly radioactive water at its Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant's reactor 2 turbine building into a nearby storage facility, a crucial step toward restoring the reactor's dedicated cooling system, the government nuclear watchdog said.
Apr 20, 2011

Bulls' Rose clear selection for MVP

It's time to break up this space's monotony and cast votes instead of aspersions.
Apr 19, 2011

Robots detect dangerous spike in reactor 3 radiation

Robots sent in to explore the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant have found high radiation levels in three reactor buildings that may seriously hinder efforts to bring the plant under control, Japan's nuclear watchdog said Monday.
Apr 19, 2011

Who pays for nuclear nightmare?

Dear Prime Minister Naoto Kan,
Apr 19, 2011

A blow to the rule of law

The administration of U.S. President Barack Obama has abandoned plans to try several terrorists, including the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, in civilian courts. Instead, it will use military tribunals to administer justice. It is a sad decision. The United States should be leading...
Apr 18, 2011

Child organ transplants

For the first time in Japan's medical history, organs from a person under 15 were transplanted to other people on April 13-14. Such transplants became possible after the revised Organ Transplant Law went into force in July 2010.
Apr 17, 2011

The confidence to look out again

The tragic events in Japan continue to attract general sympathy here, and contributions toward relief of the sufferers are still pouring in. But even the problems at the Fukushima nuclear reactors have ceased to be front-page news. Attention in Britain has focused on Libya, problems in Syria and other...
Apr 17, 2011

Foreign students since the disaster

Of the many consequences of the Tohoku crisis, one of the most disappointing is the fear so many foreigners now have about coming to Japan. Half a million hotel reservations have been canceled, according to the Japan Tourism Agency. In addition to those losses, the number of foreign students planning...
Apr 16, 2011

The enemies of a digital universal library

Scholars have long dreamed of a universal library containing everything that has ever been written. Then, in 2004, Google announced that it would begin digitally scanning all the books held by five major research libraries. Suddenly, the library of utopia seemed within reach.
Japan Times
Apr 15, 2011

Meet a smoking new rock band

Formed in Fukuoka in 2005, The Cigavettes knew it would only be a matter of time before they relocated to Japan's capital. After years of discussing it, the melodic rockers finally packed up their instruments, along with their Beatles- and Rolling Stones-inspired catalogue of catchy, radio-friendly pop-rock,...
Japan Times
Apr 15, 2011

Dance artists come together for Japan

Last Friday, at exactly 2:46 in the afternoon, the "Nihon Kizuna" bonus album, containing a further 34 electronic tracks from a range of producers worldwide to supplement the 50 tracks on the original album, was released for free online. As well as marking one calendar month since the March 11 earthquake...
Japan Times
Apr 15, 2011

There are oppositions that attract

Japan's limited progress at Tohoku's Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant after damage from the Great Eastern Japan earthquake and tsunami makes the March opening of this Taro Okamoto exhibition seem apocalyptic. Okamoto's unique avant-garde style was deeply influenced by the West. He found contradictions...
Japan Times
Apr 15, 2011

Yoshihiko Takahashi's messages in a bottle

The obvious property of glass is that it is transparent, but for Yoshihiko Takahashi this is only one of its essential characteristics. The prolific glass artist, whose career is being honored by a retrospective at the Crafts Gallery of the Museum of Modern Art Tokyo, clearly has several handles on the...
Japan Times
Apr 15, 2011


A leading name on the local music indie circuit — having played Spring Love, SonarSound and Nagisa Music Festival in Tokyo earlier this month — DJ, producer and label owner Altz opens up his record bag.


Atsuyoshi Koike, the president and CEO of Rapidus, says there is a “sense of urgency” when it comes to Japan’s efforts in manufacturing semiconductors. “We have to make sure we are successful,” he says.
Atsuyoshi Koike’s big game: Fourth down and 2 nanometers to go