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Reader Mail
Sep 29, 2011

Don't belittle individual efforts

I am a foreign resident who usually doesn't watch the Sunday morning talk shows, so I was not aware that Nobuteru Ishihara, secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, and other political party leaders appeared on an NHK broadcast Sept. 11 to discuss the national government's response...
Reader Mail
Sep 22, 2011

Reputation, placement and fees

Whoever wrote the Sept. 18 editorial "Slow transparency of universities" does not know what he or she is talking about. While some colleges in Japan — mostly small-scale family-run operations — provide little detailed information — the real universities in Japan deluge you with information. For...
Aug 25, 2011

Nuclear refugees struggle to cope with uncertain future

Like thousands of other people, Miwa Kamoshita's life was turned upside down when the March 11 tsunami struck the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, leading her and her family to voluntarily evacuate their home in Iwaki, some 40 km south of the crippled power station.
Aug 9, 2011

Citizens measuring radiation

In the wake of the Tohoku's radiation problems, the government's insistence of safety no longer seems credible to many people, especially those closest to the hardest-hit areas. To find out for themselves if their food is safe or not, a radiation measurement station has been set up by citizens in the...
Jul 23, 2011

News of the World scandal

The revelations of misdeeds committed by the British tabloid News of the World are horrific but should not be surprising. There have been suspicions about the paper's behavior for years but a perverse fascination with its reporting — like the inability to not watch a car wreck — and a casual refusal...
Japan Times
Jul 12, 2011

Foreign students back but numbers look likely to fall

They're back. Worries that foreign students would abandon Japan following the Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami and accompanying fiasco at Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant have proven to be largely unfounded.
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Jun 12, 2011

Enjoy art with alpine views

Back in the 1960s, a New York postal worker named Herbert Vogel and his librarian wife, Dorothy, began buying paintings. Using Herb's modest salary, and living off Dorothy's, they picked out affordable pieces that took their fancy — most of them by artists unknown at the time. By the early '90s, their...
Jun 4, 2011

Sony investigating more hacker claims

Sony Corp. started investigating a hacker group's claim that it stole personal information from 1 million accounts at the Sony Pictures website.
May 31, 2011

English magazines run gamut from poetry to prose, Kanto to Chubu

We received several additional English-magazine suggestions in response to our May 17 column, "Print is suffering, but English readers have never had it so good."
Japan Times
May 27, 2011

Monthly yoga, diet plan in Tokyo

The Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo will offer a monthly special accommodation program called Karada (Body) Happy Stay for women who want to get a taste of a different lifestyle.
May 8, 2011

Trusting imports from Japan

The crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant has prompted many countries to restrict the import of Japanese agricultural and industrial products. In recent talks with U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton in Washington, Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto asked for American help in preventing...
May 1, 2011

Tabloids warn of major quake beneath Tokyo

Now that northeast Japan is gradually shifting into recovery mode and the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis is becoming more manageable, new themes have been emerging in the vernacular media. One is the life expectancy of the cabinet of PM Naoto Kan.
Japan Times
Apr 26, 2011

Tokyo: What magazines do you read here in Japan?

Jenny Wright
Apr 19, 2011

'Nuclear plants on tofu,' 'Debito's drivel': readers respond

Some readers' responses to our stories and letters on Japan's nuclear crisis and Debito Arudou's "Letting radiation leak, but never information" (April 5):
Mar 24, 2011

Preparation for nuke crisis woeful

FUKUSHIMA — When the massive earthquake and tsunami rocked the northeast March 11, residents who had been prepared by years of drills knew exactly what to do: They scrambled for cover until the shaking stopped, then ran for higher ground to avoid the giant waves.
LIFE / Digital
Mar 23, 2011

Volunteers translate quake data into visuals

Over the past week we've seen a stark contrast in how the Fukushima nuclear disaster has been reported. "Panic" read the New York Daily News. "Get out of Tokyo Now" said The Sun. One expects that of tabloids, yet more credible media also described an "exodus" from Tokyo, neglecting to mention that it...
Japan Times
Mar 15, 2011

HIV/AIDS awareness often too late

More than two decades after the first case of AIDS in a Japanese patient was officially reported by the health ministry's National AIDS Surveillance Committee in 1985, HIV/AIDS seems to have become a disease of the past. With much less media coverage, people have become complacent about the issue, experts...
Feb 4, 2011

Citizen journalists playing big role in China

As China's state-run media works to boost its presence overseas, it is facing increasing competition from commercial media and citizen journalists who are providing more credible content than that disseminated by the government, award-winning journalist Yuen Ying Chan said at a recent lecture in Tokyo....
Japan Times
Dec 7, 2010

Abuse rife within trainee system, say NGOs

In October 1999, 19 Chinese trainees came to the Takefu city office pleading for help. In their first year in Japan as interns, the women had been promised ¥50,000 a month, but scraped by on ¥10,000. The next year, as technical trainees, they should have received ¥115,000 a month. After health insurance,...


It's back to the classroom for some residents as municipal governments across the country conduct lessons to learn how to use new technologies.
Can aging Japan go digital without leaving anyone behind?