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Japan Times
Aug 19, 2021

U.S. leaves more blood in the sand

Almost every modern U.S. military intervention in the developing world has come to rot. It's hard to think of an exception since the Korean War.
Japan Times
Aug 18, 2021

Afghan central bank's $10 billion stash not all within reach of Taliban

The country's central bank is thought to hold foreign currency, gold and other treasures in its vaults, but the vast majority of the assets are held outside Afghanistan.
Special Supplements / ASEAN Special
Aug 9, 2021

Japan forges stronger regional ties in face of pandemic

Amid the continuing disruptions caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic, the work of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on issues of trade, diplomacy, development and public health has continued, including the group’s first summit by video conference in November.
Japan Times
Aug 6, 2021

China’s demographic manipulation

Officially, China's demographic situation was nothing to be alarmed about. But less than a month after the census was released, Beijing suspiciously loosened the family-planning rules.
Japan Times
Jul 28, 2021

A pandemic-weary world is facing a distressing reality check

Around the globe, people and governments are finding out that COVID-19 won't be thrashed into extinction, but is more likely to enter a long, endemic tail.
Jul 22, 2021

For karateka at the Games, the goal is gold. For karate the sport, the goal is inclusion.

Karate is getting its moment to shine at the Olympics, but are the Games simply catching up to something a lot of us already know?
Japan Times
Belgium report 2021
Jul 20, 2021

Conti-Lines: Committed to growth in the Japanese market

“Honor, reliability, trust and respect: These are the key values when doing business in Japan” said Jean-Frederic Brion, executive chairman of Conti-Lines. “Exactly because of these values — which are paramount in the Japanese culture and in the way they do business — our company is drawn towards...
Japan Times
Jul 16, 2021

Malaysian mothers fight government over sexist citizenship law

Malaysia is one of 25 countries that do not give mothers and fathers equal rights to pass their nationality to their children.
Japan Times
Jul 7, 2021

Trouble stirs amid the quest for gold and glory

Was it an ominous premonition or just another blunder by a gaffe-prone politician?
Japan Times
Jul 6, 2021

The curious case of the Balkan war criminals

International tribunals are largely ceremonial until leaders who commit war crimes are ousted, or their armies defeated.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball / Sac Bunts
Jul 5, 2021

Punishment does not always fit crime with NPB's dangerous pitch rule

There is intent and there is common sense.
Japan Times
Jul 3, 2021

Why politicians make the switch from Upper to Lower House

One almost never hears about a Lower House member trying to move to the Upper House, but movement the opposite direction has plenty of precedent.
Japan Times
PRESS / Services
Jul 2, 2021

英字新聞のThe Japan Timesが人材紹介事業を開始

株式会社ジャパンタイムズキューブ(代表取締役:末松弥奈子)は、株式会社ワークポートと提携し、バイリンガル人材に特化した、人材紹介事業「The Japan Times Jobs」を開始しました。
Japan Times
Jun 30, 2021

A half-century of an endless drug war

Fifty years of failure is enough. Now is the time for the U.S. to lead the world toward humane, people-centered and evidence-based drug policy for the twenty-first century.
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2021

Crossing the red line: Behind China’s takeover of Hong Kong

One year ago, the city's freedoms were curtailed with breathtaking speed. But the clampdown was years in the making, and many signals were missed.
BUSINESS / Companies / FOCUS
Jun 24, 2021

Corporate governance issues haunt troubled Toshiba as it faces off with investors

Amid scandal, a shareholders meeting on Friday is set to be a showdown between Toshiba's board, who are pushing to retain Chairman Osamu Nagayama, and investors who want him out.
Japan Times
Jun 24, 2021

Musk-Bezos spat reflects bad space policy

Earlier this month, the U.S. Senate passed a measure that would allot $10 billion over five years for NASA to develop two new lunar landers. Buried in a nearly $250 billion bill intended to boost innovation, the measure was equal to about 43% of the space agency’s total budget.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Books / The World of Translators
Jun 20, 2021

Morgan Giles: ‘I’m astounded by the sense of community among literary translators’

The World of Translators series wraps up with Morgan Giles, whose first full-length work, Yu Miri's “Tokyo Ueno Station,” won the National Book Award for translated literature in 2020.
Japan Times
Jun 18, 2021

Rick Carlisle resigns as Mavericks coach

Dallas Mavericks coach Rick Carlisle resigned on Thursday.
Japan Times
Jun 17, 2021

China launches crewed spacecraft Shenzhou-12 in historic mission

The crew members will be monitored for how they fare in space physically and psychologically for an extended period of time.
Japan Times
Jun 14, 2021

Do free markets still beat central planning?

Is China's system really diametrically opposed to that of, say, the United States? In a word: no.
Japan Times
Jun 12, 2021

An agreement on tax could remind world of G7’s value

The G7 could be relevant, however, as an avatar for democratic and value-oriented leadership and some leaders see the institution evolving in that direction.
Japan Times
Jun 8, 2021

Wuhan lab dispute obscures a more pressing problem

Senior Chinese officials acknowledge their country's “clear shortcomings” in its high-level biosafety labs in comparison with the U.S. and warned of insufficient operating funds.
Japan Times
Jun 2, 2021

Taiwan’s Shih recognized for lifetime of service, dedication

This year, the 38th Niwano Peace Prize will be awarded to the Venerable Shih Chao-hwei of Taiwan in recognition of her work in peace building through her safeguarding of all forms of life, promotion of gender ethics and gender equality, and her approach to open-minded dialogue with different religious...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society / Regional Voices: Kyushu
May 31, 2021

Pandemic wreaks havoc on Japan's homeless as government touts 'self-reliance'

As the coronavirus scourge continues to wreak havoc on the economy, the burden is unduly falling on so-called nonregular workers whose employment is unstable.
Japan Times
May 27, 2021

Eric Carle, author of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar,’ dies at 91

When a fictional caterpillar chomps through one apple, two pears, three plums, four strawberries, five oranges, one piece of chocolate cake, one ice cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake and one slice of...


Eme-Ima Kitchen is one of over 10,000 kodomo shokudō in Japan. A term first used in 2012 to describe makeshift eateries offering free or cheap meals to disadvantaged kids, it now refers to a diverse range of individuals, groups and organizations working to provide not only food but a sense of belonging to both children and adults.
Japan’s ‘children’s cafeterias’ are booming — but is that a good thing?