
Jul 24, 2005

Japan-China-U.S. ties said vital

Scholars and experts from Japan, China and the United States agreed in a recent meeting in Beijing that stable and cooperative relations among the three countries "will be in the best interests" of them and the rest of the world, according to organizers of the event.
Jul 24, 2005

Vulnerability is all too apparent

The strong earthquake that struck the Kanto region Saturday reminded Tokyo residents of the city's vulnerability to natural disasters -- and left them wondering what would happen if the capital is hit by the long-anticipated Big One.
Jul 24, 2005

Race across the Pacific

IN THE WAKE OF THE JOMON: Stone Age Mariners and a Voyage Across the Pacific, by Jon Turk. New York: International Marine/McGraw-Hill, 2005, 287 pages, with b/w illustrations, $24.95 (cloth). Midway through "In the Wake of the Jomon" comes a paragraph that poses all the questions Jon Turk ponders in...
Jul 24, 2005

Takeda sleeping pill OK'd in U.S.

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. said Saturday its U.S.-based research and development center has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for a new prescription insomnia medicine.
Japan Times
Jul 24, 2005

Mama Calcutta

Emiko Dhar moved to Calcutta (now renamed Kolkata) in 1962 after she married an Indian engineer whom she met through her job in Japan. She has lived there ever since.
Jul 24, 2005

Seibu to hang on to Kyoto hotel

Scandal-tainted Seibu Railway Co. said Saturday it will continue to operate the Takaragaike Prince Hotel in Kyoto, the upscale hotel that hosted the 1997 conference which produced the Kyoto Protocol, reversing its original plan to sell the property under a business rehabilitation program.
Jul 24, 2005

Weaving together tales of exotic trade

THE SILK ROAD: Two Thousand Years in the Heart of Asia, by Frances Wood. University of California Press, 2004, 270 pp., $19.95 (paper). "The Silk Road, or Roads," begins Frances Wood in this fascinating book, have only been known this way since the late 19th century, when a German explorer came up with...
Jul 24, 2005

It's the black comedy of Japan: 'Don't mention the war . . .'

A point that tends to be overlooked in the debate over textbooks that whitewash Japan's actions during World War II is that Japanese junior high school history classes rarely make it past the Meiji Restoration. Whether or not "comfort women" or the Rape of Nanking is mentioned in textbooks becomes an...
Jul 24, 2005

NHK's "Sono Toki — Rekishi ga Ugoita," TV Asahi's " Kikujiro and Saki" and more

On Wednesday, NHK will explain one of the great ironies of the Pacific War on its history series, "Sono Toki -- Rekishi ga Ugoita" (That Time -- History was Changed; NHK-G, 9:15 p.m .). On Apr. 7, 1945, the Yamato, the biggest battleship ever built by the Japanese Imperial Navy, sank in the South Pacific...
Japan Times
Jul 24, 2005

Ryan Kisor Quartet

The "young lions" was a phrase used (in fact, overused) to describe the resurgence of young jazz musicians in New York that started in the 1980s. More marketing tool than stylistic category, young lions still felt like a term of respect, all things considered. One of the best, and youngest, of this generation...
Jul 24, 2005

Strangelove encounters of a MAD scientist kind

Herman Kahn is back in the news.
Japan Times
Jul 24, 2005

We call it 'metal,' they call it 'rock'

Detroit7's new release is the sound of Led Zeppelin, Nirvana and Kiyoshiro Imawano being shackled in a shower room together and sprayed with sulfuric acid until they dissolve into a messy pile of punk-rock metal gunk -- and the detritus we get on their new five-track "EP Vol. 1" is "bad" in a very good...
Jul 24, 2005

Adassa: "Kamasutra"

As with any musical genre that becomes popular overnight, reggaeton, the Spanish-language hip-hop form that has taken Latin America by storm, is much bigger than any of its individual stars, who are often difficult to distinguish amid the synthesized beats and rapid-fire, dancehall-style rapping.
Jul 24, 2005

End of the 'calm' for Israel, Palestinians

LONDON -- Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas called for a "period of calm" when he took over the late Yasser Arafat's job in January, and for a while some people allowed themselves to believe that peace was within reach. But that delusion depended on the belief that Arafat had been the main obstacle to...
Jul 24, 2005

Data on Rakuten shoppers leaked

Personal data on 123 people who used Rakuten Ichiba, Japan's largest online shopping portal, has been leaked, its operator said Saturday.
Jul 24, 2005

Seibu to hang on to Kyoto hotel

Scandal-tainted Seibu Railway Co. said Saturday it will continue to operate the Takaragaike Prince Hotel in Kyoto, the upscale hotel that hosted the 1997 conference which produced the Kyoto Protocol, reversing its original plan to sell the property under a business rehabilitation program.
Japan Times
Jul 24, 2005

Strong quake hits Tokyo

A strong earthquake jolted the Tokyo area Saturday afternoon, paralyzing train and subway services and disrupting road traffic.
Jul 24, 2005

Selling evil without a cause

If British Prime Minister Tony Blair wants to prevent more London bombings, he needs to come up with some better arguments to condemn Islamic militancy. His claim that Britain confronts an "evil ideology" was both naive and foolish.
Jul 24, 2005

1980 report called for airborne-asbestos measures

A government study panel warned in 1980 of the health dangers near asbestos-related facilities and called for concrete steps to prevent the material from spreading in the air, according to government sources.
Jul 23, 2005

Japan to play Honduras

Japan will take on Honduras in September in a Kirin Cup friendly match, the Japan Football Association said Friday.
Jul 23, 2005

Making ends meet with less

The fiscal 2005 "Annual Report on the Japanese Economy and Public Finances" pays attention to the impact on the economy of two inevitable demographic changes: the expected shrinkage of the population (the first such shrinkage since World War II) and the retirement in large numbers of baby boomers born...
Japan Times
Jul 23, 2005

Defense chief given missile-intercept role

The Diet enacted a revised law Friday that allows the Defense Agency chief to order emergency missile interceptions without waiting for approval from the prime minister and the Cabinet.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?