
Japan Times
Sep 18, 2005


Sep 18, 2005

TBS's "Human Body Science Spectacle — The Limits" and more

One of nature's more sobering statistics is that only 0.008 percent of the earth's water is fit for human consumption. The preciousness of this most precious of resources is becoming more acute as the global environment changes. Some areas suffer from ongoing drought while others, like Bangladesh, are...
Sep 18, 2005

Japan in the doldrums needs a lot more than hot air

It is not every election in Japan that raises questions about the direction of the nation and the identity of its people. It was natural that last week's poll was a polemical one. After a "lost decade" now well on the way to becoming a "lost double-decade," Japanese people have been asking themselves:...
Japan Times
Sep 18, 2005

In skeptical quest of a boom

"Why don't you write about the kimono boom?" they said, citing anecdotal evidence suggesting that the traditional gown of Japan was making a comeback. So, with several people at The Japan Times claiming they'd seen "a lot" of people wearing them recently, off I set to investigate.
Sep 18, 2005

Sweet Mysteries of the Orient

THE ASIAN MYSTIQUE, by Sheridan Prasso. Public Affairs Books, 437 pp., 2005, $27.95, 2,850 yen (cloth). Apparently, there are still Western men who believe that the East is an obliging seductress, mass producing an endless line of voluptuous women, whose laconic sexual pliancy is only exceeded by their...
Sep 18, 2005

Lessons of the penguins

This summer, a lot of people in quite a few countries saw a modest French-made documentary about penguins. So many, in fact, that the movie, "La Marche de lfempereur," or "March of the Penguins," was recently named the second-highest-grossing documentary film ever, after "Fahrenheit 911." In many cities,...
Japan Times
Features / WEEK 3
Sep 18, 2005

Block-rockin' beats hit town

Few things were as emblematic of 1980s America as "breaking," the inner-city dance style whose head-spinning and somersaulting acrobatics became a world sensation.
Sep 18, 2005

Trying to keep the train-groping perverts out of touch

Earlier this year when some Japanese train lines inaugurated women-only cars the Western media picked the story up as yet another example of Weird Japan, a place, they implied, where sexual deviancy was so culturally grounded that the only thing railway companies could do to protect female passengers...
Sep 17, 2005

Kotooshu remains alone in first at Autumn Grand tournament

Bulgarian Kotooshu remained undefeated and in sole possession of the lead on Friday, the sixth day of the Autumn Grand Sumo Tournament.
Sep 17, 2005

Premier clubs playing not to lose, instead of trying to win

LONDON -- Last Sunday I watched the penultimate day of what has been an enthralling series between England and Australia when the Aussies, the best cricket team in the world for two decades, were finally beaten by their oldest rivals.
Sep 17, 2005

With playing days over, Baggio considers coaching

Italian soccer legend Roberto Baggio is looking forward to a coaching career which may include a stint at a J. League club or as Italian national team boss, he said at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo on Thursday.
Sep 17, 2005

Ruling bloc planning 42-day Diet session

The ruling coalition proposed to the opposition camp Friday that the special Diet session convening next Wednesday last 42 days, lawmakers said.
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2005

Local version of wedding magazine teaches men how to tie the knot

While brides-to-be may complain that their future spouses do nothing to help them prepare for the big day, it's often the case that men just don't have a clue about what to do to help.
Sep 17, 2005

Demand for China gas drilling data reasonable: energy chief

Japan's demand that China hand over concrete data on its ongoing gas drilling projects in a disputed sea zone is not unreasonable because it pertains to sovereignty, according to a senior Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry official.
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2005

Tax bureau PCs vanish

The Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau discovered Friday that two personal computers that may contain personal data on nearly 470,000 taxpayers may have been stolen.
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2005

Narita to pare landing fees but add offsetting charges

Narita International Airport Corp. said Friday it has agreed with the International Air Transport Association to cut its notoriously high landing fees for the first time by an average of 21 percent.
Sep 17, 2005

TSE, FSA at loggerheads over listing plan

A confrontation with the Financial Services Agency has hindered Tokyo Stock Exchange Inc.'s plans to list its own shares on the TSE by the end of this fiscal year.
Sep 17, 2005

Divisive embrace of Hong Kong democrats

HONG KONG -- After 16 years during which it ostracized members of the prodemocracy camp, Beijing is finally adjusting its policy toward Hong Kong.
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2005

All eyes on rival consoles as game exhibition begins

CHIBA -- The nation's largest game exhibition opened Friday at the Makuhari Messe convention hall here, with industry chatter focused squarely on an upcoming war between the new game consoles of Microsoft Corp., the Sony group and Nintendo Co.
Sep 17, 2005

Taiwan sees wider recognition as key to upholding democrac

Taiwan has been endeavoring to lift the stature of its 23 million people in the eyes of the international community as a foil to China's plans for unification.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?