
Oct 18, 2005

Murakami, Tokyo Style reach settlement

Outspoken financier Yoshiaki Murakami said Monday his fund has reached a court-mediated settlement with Tokyo Style Co. after the apparel firm's president, Yoshio Takano, agreed to pay 100 million yen in compensation to his own firm for inflicting damages as a result of investments that turned sour.
Japan Times
Oct 18, 2005

Water pumps

Dear Alice:
Oct 18, 2005

Ministry missive wrecks reception

Between Oct. 7-11, the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT), Japan's largest convocation of language educators, held its annual meeting in Shizuoka, a pleasant city between Tokyo and Osaka.
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design
Oct 18, 2005

e.m.'s The Message, Lift Position, Blackpain wristwatches, Soe in Naka-Meguro . . .

Message in a boutique
Oct 18, 2005

TBS sets up in-house team to study Rakuten bid

Tokyo Broadcasting System Inc. said Monday it has set up an in-house panel to study a proposal from Rakuten Inc. to integrate their operations under a joint holding company.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Oct 17, 2005

Matsuzaka to pursue MLB

Seibu Lions ace right-hander Daisuke Matsuzaka said Sunday he will press ahead with his wish to pursue a career in the major leagues via the so-called posting system in the upcoming offseason.
Oct 17, 2005

On the precipice in Iraq

WASHINGTON-- How are things going in Iraq? The short answer, unfortunately -- based on Brookings' Iraq Index and my own assessments -- is not very well. There is still considerable hope, and much that does go well in Iraq. But on balance, there is more reason for worry than optimism right now.
Oct 17, 2005

Marriage of convenience in Germany

Germany has a new government. After weeks of grueling negotiations, a grand coalition of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats has emerged. Ms. Angela Merkel, head of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) will take over as chancellor, presiding over a Cabinet in which the Social Democratic Party (SDP)...
Oct 17, 2005

Toward a new Constitution

The special constitution research committee of the Lower House has started debate on establishing legislation to make it possible for Japan to hold a national referendum on revising the Constitution.
Oct 17, 2005

Murakami, baseball and the pitfalls of Japanese managers

Financier Yoshiaki Murakami's bid to influence the Hanshin Tigers after recently becoming their parent firm's top shareholder has drawn public attention not only to his acquisitions, but also to the way that Japan's professional baseball teams are being run.
Oct 16, 2005

Revitalized Chiba Lotte franchise alive and well in Makuhari

Most Japanese fans of Major League Baseball are pulling for a Chicago-St. Louis World Series, hoping to see a match-up of the "Guchi Brothers," former Japan Pacific League rivals Tadahito Iguchi of the White Sox and So Taguchi of the Cardinals.
Oct 16, 2005

Shogi pros warned not to play computers

to be cautious about an easy offer for a match." The association says on its Web site that there are around 150 pro and 35 retired players, who all happen to be men, and another league of around 50 pro and retired female players who have won a female pro title and compete in tournaments for women.
Japan Times
Oct 16, 2005

Canon president tabbed as next Keidanren chief

Canon Inc. President Fujio Mitarai is likely to be the next chairman of the Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren), the nation's most powerful business lobby, sources said Saturday.
Oct 16, 2005

Koizumi urges greenhouse action

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Saturday urged major greenhouse gas-emitting countries that are not members of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on climate change to take action to save the world from the threats of global warming.
Oct 16, 2005

Airborne asbestos levels to be checked at 360 locations across Japan

The Environment Ministry has announced it will measure asbestos concentration levels in the air at 360 spots in 140 areas nationwide, for the first such study since 1995.
Oct 16, 2005

The latest battle of Trafalgar

I t doesn't sound like the kind of thing you'd take your children to see: a 3.5-meter-high, gleaming marble statue of a naked woman who is not only eight-plus months pregnant but also physically deformed, with no arms and stunted legs. Yet just such a statue was installed in London's refurbished Trafalgar...
Oct 16, 2005

Lenin can still save Russia

MOSCOW -- To: Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?