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Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
May 20, 2014

Kiev's election plans falter in east

From a cramped office in residential Donetsk, election officials Sunday frantically worked to prepare for next Sunday's Ukraine presidential poll, despite what they described as intimidation and threats from pro-Russian separatists.
WORLD / Science & Health
May 20, 2014

Study to ask: Do mobile phones hurt teen brains?

British researchers are launching the largest study yet to investigate whether using mobile phones and other wireless gadgets might affect children's brain development.
May 20, 2014

Singer Mayu Wakisaka takes inspiration from the TV drama boom

Singer-songwriter Mayu Wakisaka harbors dreams of Hollywood, but she's not about to enroll at drama school.
May 19, 2014

The gap in GDP wellbeing

The link between economic growth and human wellbeing seems obvious. As measured by gross domestic product, economic growth is widely viewed as the ultimate development objective. But it is time to rethink this approach.
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / ON: TECH
May 19, 2014

Robots, video, skincare and even nail art — all enhanced by your smartphone

Robotic fun
Japan Times
May 18, 2014

A dog named Gran: Perfect poodle

Five-year-old Gran is a standard poodle, but only in terms of his breed. His personality and temperament are definitely high-end.
Japan Times
May 18, 2014

Swedish tradition of outdoor activities

Children living in the city were able to enjoy nature's wonders during a Sunday event earlier this month at Arisugawa-no-miya Memorial Park in the Hiroo district of Tokyo.
Japan Times
May 17, 2014

Dying for democracy: 1980 Gwangju uprising transformed South Korea

As South Korea marks the 34th anniversary of the Gwangju uprising, we examine the massacre's influence on national identity and the country's struggle for democracy.
Japan Times
May 17, 2014

China's bold maritime claims test Obama's Asia 'pivot'

U.S. President Barack Obama sought to reassure allies in Asia last month that the United States would support them in the face of a more assertive China.
JAPAN / Science & Health
May 16, 2014

Teen female athletes suffering stress fractures

An increase in stress fractures linked to weight-conscious teenage female athletes who stop menstruating spurs an educational campaign on the problem.
May 16, 2014

Wide-ranging traditional performance in Osaka

Traditional Japanese music, theater, dancing and comedic storytelling will be performed May 25 in Osaka.
May 16, 2014

Media's one-sided Yemen spin

According to the Western narrative, Yemen exists for one purpose and nothing else: maintain Western interests in that part of the world. When these interests are threatened, only then does Yemen matter.
Japan Times
May 16, 2014

U.S. FCC proposes new 'net neutrality' rules

U.S. regulators on Thursday advanced a "net neutrality" proposal that would ban Internet providers from blocking or slowing down access to websites but may let them charge content companies for faster and more reliable delivery of their traffic to users.
May 15, 2014

Pacifism at a crossroads following panel's verdict

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe takes a major stride toward his goal of ending Japan's pacifist stance and orders the ruling parties to open talks on legalizing collective self-defense.
Japan Times
May 15, 2014

Blanchett channels Blanche for Oscar-winning role in 'Blue Jasmine'

When actress Cate Blanchett took to the stage at this year's Academy Awards, winning the best actress Oscar for her performance in "Blue Jasmine," she delivered a memorable and eloquent speech.
Japan Times
May 15, 2014

Short-film festival holds Tokyo edition

Short-film fever is hitting Tokyo this month, with festivals planned in arty-nooks and cinema-crannies across the capital. But not all short-film festivals are created equal — the good ones are both cleverly curated and take daring approaches in how they screen films.
Japan Times
May 15, 2014

'Wood Job!'

Shinobu Yaguchi has become a consistent hit maker by following a simple formula: generate laughs from the stumbles and mistakes of heroes learning a new job, art or sport. This formula usually results in audience cheers and tears when triumph finally arrives after many ups and downs. Examples include...
Japan Times
May 15, 2014

'Winter's Tale'

There's something Shakespearean about "Winter's Tale." Perhaps it's the way everyone talks in British or Irish accents, faked or genuine; or how the emotions seem to fester in the depths of a hot caldron; or the grandiose gestures and sweeping statements that are often delivered out of context and leave...
Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
May 15, 2014

Visit some of Tokyo's top museums for free

Museums sometimes get the unfair reputation of being a bit boring, which is one reason why International Museum Day could exceed your expectations.
Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
May 15, 2014

Eat, drink and be merry at Manpaku festival

A healthy appetite is all you'll need to take to the Manpaku festival at the Green Culture Zone of the Showa Kinen Park (Tachikawa Park) in Tachikawa, western Tokyo. "Manpaku" is a play on the words "manpuku" ("enjoy food to the fullest) and "mankitsu hakurankai," which roughly translates to "enjoying...
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
May 15, 2014

Fun ways to teach kids eco-friendly concepts

Global warming, nuclear energy, deforestation, pollution, toxic waste — the list of environmental issues that play on our minds is long, but teaching future generations not to repeat the mistakes we made needs a soft touch. In the run-up to the June 5 World Environment Day, the Kitakyushu Environment...
Japan Times
Events / Events In Tokyo
May 15, 2014

Design Festa vol. 39 celebrates 20 years of original creativity

With so many designer goods now manufactured in large numbers, sometimes we forget that "design" stems from creativity and originality.


Ayumi Matsuki, a priestess at Yoshiwara Shrine, shows off some "o-mamori" charms. She says visitors to the shrine have increased since the NHK drama “Unbound” began airing this month.
Tracing Tsutaya Juzaburo, Edo’s media maverick