
Dec 26, 2005

Sino-Japanese strains bode ill for EAS

HONG KONG -- The inaugural meeting of the East Asia Summit (EAS) -- including all 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus six other countries in the region -- went off without a hitch, except for the rather serious fact that China and Japan were not talking to each other.
Dec 26, 2005

Crown Princess may attend water confab in Mexico

Crown Princess Masako may visit Mexico together with Crown Prince Naruhito in March to attend the Fourth World Water Forum, according to sources.
Japan Times
Dec 26, 2005

EU must act in a unified manner to catch U.S., keep lead over China and India

The European Union needs to take a regionwide approach -- in addition to independent efforts by member countries -- as it tries to catch the United States in labor productivity and remain competitive vis-a-vis emerging powers like China and India, a top economic adviser to the French government told...
Dec 26, 2005

Public deserves role in picking LDP leader, Takebe says

Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Tsutomu Takebe on Sunday reiterated his desire to have the public participate in the party's presidential election next September.
SOCCER / J. League
Dec 25, 2005

Urawa Reds breeze into Cup semifinals

SAITAMA -- Urawa Reds eased through to the semifinals of the Emperor's Cup with a convincing 2-0 win over Kawasaki Frontale on Saturday.
Dec 25, 2005

Snapshot: All I want for Christmas is a new (digital) camera

This week I would like to tell you about the camera that has been my constant companion to ballgames all around Japan for almost 30 years.
Dec 25, 2005

Technology keeping Mizuno key player in sports market

It's funny how fate plays a role in life.
Dec 25, 2005

Toshiba Fuchu nabs second title

Toshiba Fuchu won its second straight title in the rugby Top League on Saturday when its closest rival, Sanyo Electric, lost 56-18 to Yamaha Motor.
Dec 25, 2005

Arakawa's Turin bid gaining steam

Former world champion Shizuka Arakawa took the lead at the Japanese national figure skating championships on Saturday, improving her chances of securing one of three spots for Japan at the Turin Winter Olympics.
Dec 25, 2005

Agreement on new S. Korea flights

Japan and South Korea agreed Saturday to allow their airlines to open four new routes between the two countries, including a service linking Hakodate in Hokkaido and Seoul, Japanese officials said.
Dec 25, 2005

Man held for threatening Starbucks

A 28-year-old man was arrested Saturday on suspicion of sending an e-mail message to the Web site of Starbucks Coffee Japan, threatening to set fire to its stores on Sunday, Tokyo police said.
Dec 25, 2005

Missile shield project to proceed

The government formally decided Saturday to begin joint development of a next-generation interceptor missile with the United States in April -- a move critics say will create tension in East Asia.
Dec 25, 2005

Firm headed by Sony founder's son in tax fight

A now-defunct company headed by Hideo Morita, the eldest son of late Sony Corp. founder Akio Morita, failed to declare some 22.8 billion yen in income in the three years to March 2004, it was learned Saturday.
Dec 25, 2005

Born to be wild

The Gorillarium at Howletts Zoo, near the cathedral city of Canterbury in the southern English county of Kent, is about as good as it gets. If you are a captive gorilla. Or if you want to see one.
Japan Times
Dec 25, 2005

Creators, not hacks

OUTLAW MASTERS OF JAPANESE FILM by Chris Desjardins. London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2005, 262 pp., $19.95 (paper). IRON MAN: The Cinema of Shinya Tsukamoto, by Tom Mes. FAB Press, 2005. 237 pp., $24.95 (paper) Foreign critics used to worship at the altars of Akira Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu and Kenji Mizoguchi...
Dec 25, 2005

Merry Christmas -- whether rendered as a fact or not

Today being Christmas Day, I think we should all come clean and dedicate ourselves to truth. When all is said and done (and pretty soon it may be), there is probably no person in the world as tortured over the truth these days as U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
Dec 25, 2005

Ground floor of a scandal

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Chiba and Kanagawa prefectural police launched a joint investigation Dec. 20 into Japan's building-design scandal, raiding more than 100 locations in Tokyo and five prefectures -- Chiba, Saitama, Fukuoka, Kumamoto and Miyazaki.
Dec 25, 2005

Political 'capital' like dust in the wind

WASHINGTON -- What a year! When 2005 began, there was so much hope and optimism in Washington, even among us Democrats.
Dec 25, 2005

Haruki Kadokawa: Spirits of the Yamato

Haruki Kadokawa is the closest Japanese equivalent to fabled Hollywood moguls like Sam Goldwyn or Howard Hughes in their glory days as master promoters and unrepentant egotists.
Dec 25, 2005

Cultural depths of celluloid

READING A JAPANESE FILM: Cinema in Context, by Keiko I. McDonald. Honolulu: Hawai'i University Press, 2005, 294 pp., photo illustrations. $20.00 (paper). Films are not only to be passively watched, they are also to be actively "read." The viewer deciphers not just the story but all the other indications...
Japan Times
Dec 25, 2005

Government streamlining bill planned

The Cabinet decided Saturday to submit a bill next year to demonstrate its resolve to maintain Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's initiative to streamline government agencies.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?