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Jul 6, 2008

Still 'efficient' G8 faces new realities

The 19th-century historian and political analyst Walter Bagehot divided affairs of state between what he called the dignified and the efficient. In the dignified category were great formal meetings of state, the pomp and ceremony surrounding heads of state and monarchs, and all the symbolic parades and...
Japan Times
Jun 28, 2008

Revamped Japan meets New Zealand Maori in Pacific Nations Cup

NAPIER, New Zealand — A freshened-up Japanese national rugby team will face the New Zealand Maori on Saturday at McLean Park in Napier, as the fourth round of the Pacific Nations Cup begins.
Jun 17, 2008

King Kojien dictionary knights new words

The four writing systems utilized in Japanese (>kanji, katakana, hiragana and the Roman alphabet, known as romaji ) provide Japanese advertising copywriters, journalists and young people with an abundance of raw material from which to create new words. The great majority of these neologisms fade away...
Japan Times
Jun 12, 2008

Fukutoshin subway line debuts

Part of a new subway line that will snake down through Tokyo to link Saitama and Kanagawa prefectures will open Saturday, giving the public a new convenient way to access the crowded Shibuya, Shinjuku and Ikebukuro districts.
May 22, 2008

New insurance plan ups burden on 'later-stage' seniors

Following are questions and answers about the new health insurance plan the government introduced in April for people aged 75 and above:
May 11, 2008

Coping with new strains of flu

The Diet has passed revisions to the Infectious Disease Law and the Quarantine Law to effectively cope with a possible outbreak of new types of influenza. There is fear that deadly new types of influenza will emerge, since the H5N1 bird flu is spreading mainly in Southeast Asia and bird-to-human infection...
Apr 3, 2008

New strategy in Pakistan

The new government in Pakistan could bring about important changes in the fight against al-Qaida and the Taliban. The Cabinet of new Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani, sworn in Monday, will not give the United States the free hand that it has enjoyed in Pakistan since the months after 9/11.
Apr 1, 2008

New-look game

NEW YORK (AP) Joe Torre will be in Dodger blue. Joe Girardi will be the manager as Yankee Stadium hosts its final opener.
Mar 30, 2008

Flying in the face of common sense in building new airports

Several weeks ago while walking through Tokyo's Ueno Station a friend and I passed a poster advertising the new Ibaraki airport. After we boarded our train, we started talking about the poster. Neither of us were aware that Ibaraki had an airport and we wondered why the prefecture needed one.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Mar 19, 2008

New-look Swallows embrace changes

It seems like everything about the Yakult Swallows is new these days.
Feb 27, 2008

New occupant in the Blue House

South Korea has a new president. Mr. Lee Myung Bak has vowed to take the same "bulldozing" approach to running his country as he did when he was the head of a construction company and the mayor of Seoul. His first priority is economic revival, but he also hopes to forge new relationships with his neighbors,...
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / IGADGET
Feb 20, 2008

Toshiba unveils its new Gigabeat MP3 player; and 'Phoenix' hits the DS

Striking a chord: Toshiba has upgraded its Gigabeat T401 MP3 player, giving it wireless network connectivity and rebadging it as the T802. It also has 8 gigabytes of flash memory, up from the 4 gigabytes of the T401, and its battery is good for 16 hours of music playback or five hours of video. The new...
Feb 13, 2008

Election of new Iwakuni mayor may speed U.S. realignment

IWAKUNI, Yamaguchi Pref. — Sunday's mayoral election, in which Yoshihiko Fukuda, a former Diet member, narrowly defeated former Mayor Katsusuke Ihara, is expected to ease tensions between Tokyo and Iwakuni over the planned relocation of U.S. military aircraft to a base here.
Jan 8, 2008

How to avoid an attack of the new year blues

For as long as I can remember, Oshogatsu (New Year's) and me just haven't gelled.
LIFE / Language
Jan 3, 2008

Sights, sounds and tastes of new year in Japan

Don't be surprised if you've noticed an unusual proliferation of rodents lately. Today marks the start of a nezumi-doshi, or Year of the Rat, the first in the order of 12 celestial animals of the Chinese zodiac.
Japan Times
Dec 25, 2007

New pact to make EU more democratic, transparent

A landmark treaty to reform decision-making in the European Union stands a good chance of being ratified by all 27 member states by the end of 2008, a top EU diplomat to Japan told a recent seminar in Tokyo.
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design
Nov 27, 2007

Feeling designs

'Design is not just about making something, it is about designing the feelings of the person who uses it," says Tokujin Yoshioka, sitting in his Daikanyama studio among magazine-laden shelves and prototypes in various stages of development.
Nov 5, 2007

Can new stock market keep startups in Tokyo?

Last week, the Tokyo Stock Exchange announced it was tying up with the London Stock Exchange to establish a new type of market in Japan.
Oct 5, 2007

KDDI unveils new price plans

KDDI Corp. announced new mobile phone subscription packages Thursday that will slash calling fees, raise handset prices and possibly alter the alliances among handset manufacturers.
Japan Times
Sep 4, 2007

Farm chief for week, Endo exits in scandal

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's week-old Cabinet suffered a major blow Monday as farm minister Takehiko Endo stepped down over a money scandal just eight days after he was appointed.
Jun 30, 2007

A new era for Britain

In physical terms, Mr. Gordon Brown has not gone far this week: He moved his office one door down, from No. 11 to No. 10 on Downing Street in London. He did not even have to move his family, which already lives at the private quarters at No. 10. But the change in jobs from chancellor of the Exchequer...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly