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May 22, 2009

Principal apologizes for letting students go to New York

Takayoshi Maeda, principal of Senzoku Gakuen's junior and senior high schools, apologized Thursday for letting a group of students go to New York, where two of them contracted swine flu, but said he thought he lacked the authority to cancel the special trip.
Japan Times
May 19, 2009

Toyota debuts new Prius hybrid

Toyota Motor Corp. on Monday launched its much-awaited new Prius gasoline-electric hybrid to face off against rival Honda Motor Co.'s Insight hybrid released in February.
Japan Times
May 19, 2009

IC you: bugging the alien

When the Japanese government first issued alien registration cards (aka gaijin cards) in 1952, it had one basic aim in mind: to track "foreigners" (at that time, mostly Korean and Taiwanese stripped of Japanese colonial citizenship) who decided to stay in postwar Japan.
LIFE / Style & Design / WEEK 3
May 17, 2009

Capital's new rail map is on the right lines

We all depend on them, especially when we are new to a place, but how many subway users realize that their trusty transit maps are the subject of a tug-of-war between the forces of geographical accuracy and graphical distortion in the interests of ease of use?
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / IGADGET
Apr 8, 2009

New technology to transform old products

Ray of hope: Two new Blu-ray products by Sony are taking aim at the DVD and also undermining traditional television. Sony's new Blu-ray recorders, the 320-gigabyte BDZ-A750 and the larger 500-gigabyte BDZ-A950, work as both Blu-ray burners and hard-disk video recorders. The pair are designed for downloading...
Japan Times
Mar 26, 2009

Toyota aims to keep hybrid pole position

OYAMACHO, Shizuoka Pref. — Pushing the pedal to the metal, the machine quickly raced to 70 kph on the short circuit at legendary Fuji Speedway as if it was personally attacking the standard image that hybrids are sluggish off the mark.
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2009

Canucks abroad fret over new curbs on citizenship

Citizenship can mean the difference between "belonging" and being just a visitor. Some people endure years of waiting in line and filing applications in a bid to change citizenship; others, by virtue of their birthplace and familial ties, begin their lives with the opportunity to be citizens of two or...
Mar 5, 2009

'New' ASEAN, old problems

Last weekend the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) held its first summit since its new charter went into effect. The charter has been heralded as inaugurating a new era for the organization, which formed in the 1960s to fend off the threat of communism but has since evolved into an all-inclusive...
Feb 18, 2009

Are we ready for a new form of capitalism?

MELBOURNE — Is the global financial crisis an opportunity to forge a new form of capitalism based on sound values?
Reader Mail
Feb 8, 2009

New Zealand hasn't a president

I would like to point out that Frank Evans — in his Feb. 3 Have Your Say letter, "Whiners disprove stereotype" — is wrong. New Zealand has a prime minister not a president. We are not a republic; New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. We still like the British monarchy.
Japan Times
Feb 4, 2009

Moving Tsukiji to new site raises fears of toxic seafood

Tokyo's Tsukiji, dubbed "the fish market at the center of the world" for its influence on the global seafood trade, is being forced to move to a site laced with benzene and cancer-causing chemicals.
Japan Times
Events / WHERE IT'S AT
Feb 3, 2009

Yokohama Chinatown lions roar in new year

With the beating of drums, the clang of cymbals and the popping of firecrackers, Yokohama's Chinatown welcomed in the new year, with festivities reaching a peak on Chinese New Year's, Jan. 26.
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Dec 26, 2008

Start your new year with night of opera

Popular scenes from operas and ballets will be performed by top singers and dancers from Japan and Italy in the "New Year Opera Palace Gala" at the New National Theatre Tokyo on Jan. 5 and 6.
Japan Times
Oct 23, 2008

'X' marks the spot for TV's odd couple

Japan Times
Oct 11, 2008

Offering shelter from life's storms

"It's the single most stressful job I've ever had. It's also the best job," says Briar Simpson of Tokyo's Animal Refuge Kansai.
Sep 25, 2008

Aso gets quick start, names new Cabinet

Hawkish Liberal Democratic Party President Taro Aso was elected prime minister Wednesday and immediately formed his new Cabinet.
Japan Times
Sep 25, 2008

Aso policies seen as short-term fix

Prime Minister Taro Aso's choices for finance and economic ministers failed to impress economists Wednesday, who said they are not likely to take bold measures to shore up an economy threatened by the global economic downturn.
Sep 3, 2008

Fukuda exit underscores New Komeito rift, may spur poll

Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's sudden resignation Monday may set in motion a round of political upheaval, with his successor likely to dissolve the Lower House and call a snap election before year's end, critics say.
Aug 29, 2008

DPJ trio to form new party

Only two weeks from the start of the extraordinary Diet session, three Democratic Party of Japan lawmakers will leave the DPJ to form a new political party with two Upper House independent lawmakers, officials said.
Aug 21, 2008

New 'Tang' Dynasty for rapidly rising China?

PRAGUE — On Aug. 8 the world watched with awe the amazing spectacle of the Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing. We saw the electronic unrolling of Chinese scrolls replete with great historic symbols and were mesmerized by dancers creating "harmony," using their bodies as ink brushes. Two thousand...
Aug 2, 2008

Key challenge: Keeping New Komeito on board

Although Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda finally managed to name his own Cabinet on Friday, the lineup appears subdued and reserved, just like him, critics say.
Japan Times
Aug 1, 2008

Romancing the West: Kamakura's charming boutique hotel

The symmetrical beauty of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, the meditative colossus of Kotokuin, and the Zen-inspired splendors of Kenchoji and Enkakuji may win Kamakura inscription on the World Heritage List. Comparatively unknown are its Western-style buildings constructed after Kamakura became accessible...
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / IGADGET
Jul 23, 2008

New entry adds zing to Wii swing

In motion: Nintendo Co. became the big dog in the console-game arena by never resting too much on its laurels and always trying to squeeze one more success or innovation out of its best achievements. (For some reason, the name "Mario" keeps coming to mind.)
Jul 6, 2008

Toyota leads charge for new 'green' power source

As the world warms and gasoline prices rise, Japanese automakers are gearing up their efforts to develop vehicles that emit less or zero carbon dioxide.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly