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Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / A TASTE OF HOME
Oct 17, 2013

Where's a New Yorker to find a decent slice in Tokyo?

I heard a rumor that there was a New York-style pizza shop in Tokyo Station that was importing water from New York City. That's how hard they were trying to make their pizza taste authentic. This was exciting news: New York-style pizza, served by the slice with long trails of gooey mozzarella (and maybe...
Japan Times
PRESS / Events
Oct 15, 2013

"The Japan Times / International New York Times" to launch tomorrow; commemorative event scheduled for Oct.23

Starting tomorrow (October 16th), The Japan Times embarks on a new phase in its 116-year history as it commences a publishing tie-up with The New York Times. From tomorrow's issue, the newspaper will be packaged with The New York Times' international edition, to become “The Japan Times / International...
Japan Times
PRESS / Events
Oct 15, 2013

新紙面「The Japan Times / International New York Times」 明日16日より発行開始・23日特別記念イベント開催のご案内

株式会社ジャパンタイムズ(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:堤丈晴、以下ジャパンタイムズ)はNew York Times Companyとの業務提携に伴い、明日(10月16日)より新紙面「The Japan Times / International New York Times」の発行を開始することをお知らせします。...
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Oct 9, 2013

Nissan-only N.Y. taxi fleet plan struck down

New York's plan for a new fleet of cabs from Nissan Motor Co. has been blocked by a judge who ruled that the city's Taxi and Limousine Commission overstepped its authority by requiring medallion owners to buy a specific vehicle.
Oct 5, 2013

Kabaya looks past glory of title team, forward to new season

Masayuki Kabaya played a starring role in leading the Yokohama B-Corsairs to a championship in their second season in the bj-league.
Sep 26, 2013

Tokyo to build new wharf for big liners

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will build a new wharf that can handle large cruise ships to bring more tourists to the capital, Gov. Naoki Inose said.
Japan Times
Sep 19, 2013

Mandarin Oriental’s Pink Ribbon campaign; Hilton Tokyo’s new Wine Garden; Park Hyatt invites U.S. chef to New York Grill

Mandarin Oriental charity campaign
Japan Times
Sep 15, 2013

'Freddy vs. Jason' maker documents new horror: Fed's role in meltdown

Flashback to Christmas 2002. America was recovering from the twin shocks of the tech bubble crash and the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The stock market was rising, real estate was heating up and optimism was rebounding.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media
Aug 31, 2013

To J.D. Salinger, new book would likely seem a hit below the belt

J.D. Salinger would hate this.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Entertainment news
Aug 30, 2013

One Direction's new movie is a sign of the times

Those of us discreetly looking forward to a theatrically released film featuring One Direction were perhaps hoping for something more captivating and ingenious than a glorified electronic press kit. We wanted something that didn't represent the depthless, scandal-mongering, narrow-minded, pleasure-seeking...
Japan Times
Aug 22, 2013

The ramen burger that ate New York

It's too early to tell if Aug. 3, 2013, will go down as a landmark date in culinary history, but for the hundreds of people who lined up that morning at a food fair in Brooklyn, New York, the excitement was palpable. The crowds had braved steady rain for a chance to try the ramen burger, an East-meets-West...
PRESS / Corporate Trends
Aug 7, 2013

New pricing plans for The Japan Times / International New York Times; details of renewed product lineup

In March this year, The Japan Times announced a publishing agreement with the New York Times Company that will see its daily newspaper, "The Japan Times" packaged with the "International New York Times" in the Japan market commencing with the Oct. 16 issue. The new combined newspaper will be called "The...
PRESS / Corporate Trends
Aug 7, 2013

新紙面 「The Japan Times / International New York Times」の価格設定と その他商品ラインアップについてのお知らせ

株式会社ジャパンタイムズ(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:堤丈晴、以下ジャパンタイムズ)は本年3月、New York Times Companyと日本国内での新聞発行に関する業務提携を発表いたしました。
Jul 21, 2013

Frantic rule-writing won't avert new bank crisis

Five years after the great financial meltdown, the U.S. and others haven't decided how to respond to the breakdown of short-term capital markets.
Jul 21, 2013

Indians fight to exercise new rights

Three years ago, a group of parents in a remote tribal hamlet in India handed local officials a petition demanding a new school. Their children had to walk nearly 3 km through farmland, forest and creeks to reach the closest public school, although, they argued, the country's new Right to Education law...
Japan Times
Jul 4, 2013

'New' Royal Ballet spans the frontiers of dance

For the first time in three years, one of the world's most esteemed ballet companies is bringing its talent to one of the world's most appreciative audiences, as part of a tour that explores the parameters of dance.
Jul 2, 2013

Nuclear safety rules put onus on utilities

The Nuclear Regulation Authority on July 8 will begin enforcing new safety standards at atomic power stations, more than two years after Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1 plant experienced three reactor core meltdowns.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 28, 2013

Komeito to campaign for nuke phaseout, denies disconnect with LDP

New Komeito, the junior coalition partner of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, pledged Thursday to push for a nuclear phaseout at the earliest possible date and bolster the Constitution by adding more provisions, a sharp contrast to the LDP's desire to promote atomic power and rewrite the national...
Jun 28, 2013

New nuclear safety standards

Four power companies are expected to apply to restart up to 12 nuclear reactors under newly approved nuclear safety and emergency-response standards.
Jun 24, 2013

Callers flood New Delhi's hotline for women

The phones ring without a break.
Japan Times
Jun 21, 2013

The bell tolls on Demon Pond

The sound of the temple bell of "Yashagaike (Demon Pond)" will ring for the first time at the New National Theatre, Tokyo (NNTT) — but it's the bell's silence that will reverberate for the characters of this new Japanese-language opera.
Jun 17, 2013

New Delhi rebalancing defense relationships

While America's 'pivot' to the Asia-Pacific continues to hog the limelight, other players also are renegotiating their engagement in the region, including India.
Jun 16, 2013

Indonesia 15 years after the New Order

In May 1998 President Suharto resigned, ending three decades in power in Indonesia and what was known as the New Order. As an army general, he had intervened against a coup attempt in 1965 that ended with the sidelining of President Sukarno and months of massacres all over the archipelago as Suharto...
Japan Times
Jun 11, 2013

New ID system for keeping tax tabs, finding cheats

The Diet passed the "common number" bill May 24, paving the way for every resident, including foreigners, to be assigned a personal identification number.
Japan Times
Jun 8, 2013

How did Germany become the new champion of Europe?

Sitting in his brightly lit office overlooking the green hills of rural Westphalia, surrounded by photographs of aluminium and titanium castings, Phillip Schack has drawn a blue triangle on a piece of paper. Pointing to a small shaded section at its apex, he says: "Look. If that's your market, up at...
Japan Times
May 27, 2013

Delta ups ante in battle for New York fliers with $1.4 billion terminal

Delta Air Lines Inc. sharpened the jockeying for the highest-paying passengers in New York, the biggest U.S. aviation market, as it opened a $1.4 billion terminal at John F. Kennedy International Airport.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly