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Japan Times
Nov 28, 2018

Pursuing the creation of a supercity

Building a supercity that condensates the essence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution would be a great policy legacy for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
WORLD / Science & Health
Nov 23, 2018

Scared your DNA is exposed? Then share it, scientists suggest

A group of medical researchers have a counterintuitive proposal for shielding people's most intimate personal data from prying eyes.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Oct 23, 2018

Trump lawyer: Paul Manafort said nothing damaging in Robert Mueller interviews

Under an unusual arrangement, Paul Manafort's attorney has kept Donald Trump informed about the former campaign chairman's meetings with prosecutors investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election and, according to Trump's lawyer, Manafort has not said anything damaging about the president....
Japan Times
Oct 22, 2018

What are the distinguishing features that define a 'sōgō shōsha'?

This is the third part of a new series of reports written by industry specialists. The first 12 articles are about Japanese general trading companies, or sōgō shōsha.
Japan Times
Sep 3, 2018

Japanese police to test AI use for improving investigations of criminal activity

The National Police Agency plans to conduct experiments in fiscal 2019 on using artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of investigations, including for analyzing vehicle types.
Japan Times
Aug 29, 2018

Trump's bogus Google claims stir up a tech risk

Trump is wrong on the facts, but his complaints underscore the business threats to tech companies from growing and largely disingenuous complaints by right-wingers.
Japan Times
Jul 27, 2018

Hiroshima's foreign residents detail rain disaster, call for support in multiple languages

Miho Ariadny Izumi, 19, risked her life to help save a couple whose house was destroyed by a massive landslide on July 6 just outside the city of Hiroshima.
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Jul 14, 2018

Recent flooding highlights power of social media in a disaster

Online users in Japan followed the storms that lead to devastating floods and landslides in the western part of the country closely as they unfolded last week. The topic remained central to discussion on social media as the days went on and the full extent of the damage became clear.
Jul 12, 2018

Find and fix the weak points in disaster defenses

The heavy toll of last week's heavy rains in western Japan highlight flaws in the nation's disaster defenses.
May 17, 2018

Student's idea for app that pulls up athlete profiles on demand gets nod from Tokyo organizers

A student's idea for making a facial-recognition app for smartphones that can provide speedy access to the profiles of Olympic athletes who appear on TV has drawn interest from the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee, which hopes it can meet the changing needs of modern sports fans.
Japan Times
Apr 15, 2018

Advice on HIV tests, Japanese pensions, rugby and reuniting with kids

Lifelines works through a selection of topics that have come our way recently.
Japan Times
Apr 4, 2018

EPA gives giant refiner Andeavor a 'hardship' pass from biofuels regulations

The Environmental Protection Agency has exempted one of the nation's largest oil refining companies, Andeavor, from complying with U.S. biofuels regulations — a waiver historically reserved for tiny operations in danger of going belly up, two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Japan Times
Mar 25, 2018

Controlling the web a dream and nightmare

Authoritarian governments regulate what their citizens can see online. The U.S. lets tech companies make similar decisions.
WORLD / Politics
Mar 18, 2018

Facebook critics want regulation and investigation after data misuse

Facebook faced new calls for regulation from within U.S. Congress and was hit with questions about personal data safeguards on Saturday after reports a political consultant gained inappropriate access to 50 million users' data starting in 2014.
Japan Times
Feb 11, 2018

With his U.S. scholarships for Japanese students, tycoon Tadashi Yanai could do better

Tycoon's fund is accused of giving help to those who don't need it when it could instead be altering more destinies.
Japan Times
Feb 5, 2018

Japanese startup Sansan looks to bring business cards into the 21st century

Even in the age of LinkedIn profiles and digital addresses, the business card endures.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Jan 27, 2018

Game on! Japan's live-action games offer players a fleeting escape from reality

A group of surly guards inspect a line of inmates on death row standing in front of a prison.
Japan Times
Jan 25, 2018

Some policy dentistry could combat truth decay

The American public's mental bandwidth is being stressed by a torrent of information.
Japan Times
Dec 3, 2017

Can a death kill property value?

The apartment in Zama, Kanagawa Prefecture, where police found the remains of nine bodies in late October is one of 12 units in a two-story wooden apartment building located 10 minutes from Sobudai Station on the Odakyu Odawara line. Each unit consists of one room and a kitchen and, according to various...
PRESS / Corporate Trends
Nov 28, 2017

Establishment of Japan Times Satoyama Consortium

Tokyo, Nov. 28, 2017 - The Japan Times (Minato-ku, Tokyo. Representative: Takeharu Tsutsumi) will establish a new consortium on Jan. 1, 2018, to promote the dissemination of information in English about the initiatives of individual practitioners, local governments and corporations in Japan regarding...
Nov 28, 2017

Establishment of Japan Times Satoyama Consortium
Promoting Japan’s satoyama activities to the world

The Japan Times (Minato-ku, Tokyo. Representative: Takeharu Tsutsumi) will establish a new consortium on Jan. 1, 2018, to promote the dissemination of information in English about the initiatives of individual practitioners, local governments and corporations in Japan regarding “Satoyama Capitalism,”...
Japan Times
Nov 28, 2017

Bee research may redefine understanding of intelligence

The brain of a honeybee is tiny — the size of a pin head — and contains less than a million neurons, compared to the 85 billion in our own brains. Yet with that sliver of brain, bees can do some extraordinary things. They can count and interpret abstract patterns. Most famously, bees have the ability...
Japan Times
LIFE / Digital / ON: TECH
Nov 19, 2017

Home comforts, the tech way

Wrapped up in the sound system
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Nov 10, 2017

U.S. Air Force missed at least two chances to stop Texas shooter from buying guns

The U.S. Air Force missed at least two chances to block the shooter in last weekend's deadly church attack in Texas from buying guns after he was accused of a violent offense in 2012, according to current and former government officials and a review of military documents.


A man offers prayers at Hebikubo Shrine in Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward. The shrine is one of several across the country dedicated to the snake.
Shed your skin and reinvent yourself in the Year of the Snake