Search - 2012

Aug 20, 2002

Cyclists continue Silk Road trek

A Japanese citizens' group will cycle to Turkmenistan in Central Asia at the end of this month on another leg in their 15,000-km journey along the Silk Road.
Aug 17, 2002

Uncertainty overshadows Earth summit

The largest United Nations gathering in history is to start in Johannesburg in nine days' time, with nations reflecting on the progress -- or the lack of it -- toward achieving a more sustainable world over the past decade and wrangling over how to do a better job in the future.
Jul 29, 2002

Eco-law in works to push rail, sea freight transport over trucks

The transport ministry has begun deliberating a new law to cut carbon dioxide emissions from goods distributed by truck by supporting businesses that switch to rail and marine transport, ministry officials said.
Jul 19, 2002

Carbon dioxide emissions hit record high

Japan's carbon dioxide emissions hit a record 1.24 billion tons in fiscal 2000, up 4.3 million tons from a year earlier, the Environment Ministry said Thursday.
Jul 1, 2002

Carbon tax is long past due

The global environment is deteriorating. I saw this firsthand on my trip to China several years ago. The plane arrived a few hours behind schedule because of blowing dust. As I disembarked, I noticed the jetliner was covered with black particles of "yellow sand."
Jun 6, 2002

Japan sends Kyoto papers to U.N.

The Japanese government on Wednesday submitted ratification documents to the United Nations for the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on global warming, government officials said.
Jun 5, 2002

Japan officially ratifies Kyoto climate protocol

Japan ratified the Kyoto Protocol on Tuesday, officially committing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, nearly 4 1/2 years after the pact was inked.
Jun 1, 2002

Upper House OKs laws in support of Kyoto pact

The House of Councilors on Friday approved statutes designed to put Japan on the path to meet its legally binding international obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, also given the legislative stamp of approval the same day.
May 25, 2002

Kyoto Protocol to be ratified by Cabinet on June 4: Oki

The Cabinet will ratify the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on curbing global warming on June 4, Environment Minister Hiroshi Oki said Friday.
Apr 29, 2002

The importance of conserving forests

Forests play a vital role in preventing global warming and building sustainable societies. So the need to protect and develop them can never be stressed enough. Japan's substantial forests make it a notable example. In brief, that is the message of the government report on forests and forestry released...
Feb 28, 2002

Bush fiddles figures as the globe warms up

Last June, in the Rose Garden of the White House, President George W. Bush declared the Kyoto Protocol "fatally flawed in fundamental ways," and dubyaed it "unrealistic, arbitrary and not based on science."
Feb 19, 2002

DoCoMo signs i-mode deal with German firm

NTT DoCoMo Inc. said Monday it has signed an agreement licensing Germany's E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG to use its patents and technology for i-mode in Germany.
Feb 4, 2002

State bill would demand energy-efficient buildings

A government-drafted bill would amend the energy-conservation law so that plans to build nonresidential buildings with a floor space of 2,000 sq. meters or more would have to include specific energy-saving measures, according to a draft of the bill obtained Sunday by Kyodo News.
Jan 26, 2002

China could help Japan by taking its money and cutting its Kyoto target

Backed by its status as the world's largest single aid donor, Japan is anxious to have dibs on China as a partner in a scheme linking development aid to achieving required cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
Jan 24, 2002

Public buildings face new barrier-free codes

The Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry plans to strengthen the barrier-free law by making it obligatory for public buildings to install handrails and other facilities needed by senior citizens and the physically impaired, ministry sources said Wednesday.
Jan 21, 2002

Activating the Kyoto treaty

The international agreement on climate change, better known as the Kyoto Protocol, is expected to take effect later this year, perhaps in September. But the United States, the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, is conspicuously absent from the ratification process. The U.S. boycott is certainly a serious...
Jan 19, 2002

Role of forests seen leading environmental debate

Last of three parts Staff writer Forests are now at the forefront of climate-change debate in Japan.
Jan 17, 2002

Carbon tax stuck in detour to Kyoto

This is the first in a three-part series on Japan's struggles to curb global warming gas emissions. Staff writer The dust is finally settling.
Japan Times
Jan 3, 2002

Death of domestic coal leaves legacy for future

Four decades of protection for the domestic coal mining industry are nearly at an end as the government moves to procure stable and more economical supplies from abroad.
Dec 9, 2001

The climes they are a-changin'

Smokers probably have something to teach us about why it's so hard to believe in global warming.
Dec 6, 2001

Forests eyed for bulk of greenhouse cuts

The government is intent on achieving nearly two-thirds of the greenhouse gas cuts it has pledged under a U.N. climate accord by using the carbon dioxide-absorbing properties of the nation's forests, The Japan Times learned Wednesday.
Nov 16, 2001

Job growth tipped for environmental technologies

Promoting technologies that would ease climate change could boost economic growth and employment significantly by 2010, according to a report being put together by a think tank commissioned by the Environment Ministry.
Nov 16, 2001

Ministry urges companies to report greenhouse gas emissions

The Environment Ministry proposed Thursday establishing a mechanism to encourage companies to publicize their greenhouse gas emissions and a system of neutral third parties to evaluate and check reported emissions.
Nov 14, 2001

Keidanren support on Kyoto Protocol sought

Environment Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi said Tuesday she has asked to meet the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren) to seek industry support for Japan's plan to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on global warming.
Nov 13, 2001

Kyoto, by way of Marrakech

Two weeks of intense negotiations have yielded a "rule book" for implementing the Kyoto Protocol to combat global warming. The agreement will not satisfy hard-nosed environmentalists, but it represents an important first step toward controlling the greenhouse gases that are exacting a terrific toll on...
Nov 11, 2001

Bills planned to ratify Kyoto pact

The government plans to submit several bills to next year's ordinary session of the Diet to lay the groundwork for Japan's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by the end of 2002 following the completion of a rule book for the pact, government sources said Saturday.


A man offers prayers at Hebikubo Shrine in Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward. The shrine is one of several across the country dedicated to the snake.
Shed your skin and reinvent yourself in the Year of the Snake