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Japan Times
Feb 23, 2023

Biden and Putin display their alliances with Ukraine war backdrop

Global tensions between superpowers were highlighted on a day of diplomacy in Warsaw and Moscow.
Japan Times
Feb 23, 2023

‘Tocka’: An existential end-of-the-road trip

Yoshitaka Kamada’s drama about a man looking to end his life is bleak, sometimes beautiful and shot through with dark humor.
Japan Times
Feb 23, 2023

‘Red Shoes’: Boxing tearjerker makes for a lightweight entry

Toshiro Saiga’s drama geared toward a mainstream audience tugs at the heartstrings but doesn’t deliver an emotional punch in the way of Sho Miyake’s “Small, Slow but Steady.”
Japan Times
Feb 23, 2023

Math rock act Jyocho provides a cheerfully chilling soundtrack to new Junji Ito series

The quartet brings its unique blend of frenzy and sweetness to horror artist Junji Ito's new macabre Netflix series.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

Putin says Russia and China have reached ‘new milestones’ on cooperation

Cooperation between Russia and China is 'very important for stabilizing the international situation,” Putin told Chinese State Councilor Wang Yi at talks in Moscow.
Feb 22, 2023

Going down: Battle at Japanese elevator maker Fujitec reaches final level

The firm's top shareholder with a 17% stake, Oasis Management, aims to replace all five outside directors of an eight-strong board with its own candidates.
Japan Times
PODCAST / deep dive
Feb 22, 2023

A Japanese photographer heads to Ukraine; a student flees to Tokyo

On the anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Gabriel Dominguez joins the podcast to talk about the effects this war in Europe has had on Japan.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

Clean-energy goals and technological optimism

Speeding up the adoption of already proven and scalable technologies and exposing the many hidden costs associated with fossil fuels is a necessary clean-energy goal.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

Can money turn the tide on global fertility rates?

Japan, the poster child for aging societies, promises radical spending to boost its birthrate. That’s unlikely to fix the issue.
Feb 22, 2023

Japan accepted over 2,300 Ukrainians last year. Is its refugee policy finally changing?

Many were surprised with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's decision to accept Ukrainians into the country given Tokyo has long held a strict definition of who is eligible for asylum.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

COVID-19 tracker: Tokyo reports 1,195 new coronavirus cases

The seven-day average of new cases stood at 1,145.7, down 30.5% from a week earlier.
Feb 22, 2023

Investors watch Japan’s spring wage talks for clues on BOJ moves

This year, the outcome of annual wage negotiations matters to bond investors, stock traders and anyone, really, with anything at stake in the country.
Feb 22, 2023

Defending Japan with better Pacific Island diplomacy

By improving its diplomatic efforts and listening to the Pacific Islanders, Japan will spend less money and achieve more security.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 22, 2023

Kishida faces mounting pressure to visit Kyiv as only G7 leader yet to do so

Although Friday’s one-year anniversary of the start of the war has raised questions over a possible trip to Kyiv in the coming days or weeks, Japanese officials have remained tight-lipped.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

The dark side of neutrality in times of conflict

As with Western “pacifists,” the nonalignment of Brazil, India, South Africa and other countries amounts to a tacit support for imperialism.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

Sole U.S. rare earth producer will ship to Japan in new deal that skips China

Output from the Mountain Pass mine in California has typically gone to China for processing, with Japanese companies purchasing from there.
Feb 22, 2023

Japan firms make a show of raising wages to tempt talent and stem brain drain

An official at an employers' group said any effort by individual companies in annual wage negotiations was unlikely to draw enough attention to aid recruitment.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

Scientists newly confirm 1,350 km metallic structure at heart of Earth's inner core

The research studied waves from 200 earthquakes with magnitudes above 6.0 ricocheting like ping pong balls up to five times within the planet.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

Philippine lawmakers ratify entry to world's largest trade pact

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership includes 10 Southeast Asian economies along with China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and Australia.
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

Airlines turn profitable amid travel surge after COVID cutbacks

'Aviation is investible again,” said a portfolio manager in Sydney. 'Asian airlines are going to go through the roof.”
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

Biden vows Russia will never win Ukraine as Putin fights on

Speaking in the capital of NATO ally Poland, Biden pledged that 'Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia — never.'
Japan Times
Feb 22, 2023

Nuclear risk seen rising as Putin 'suspends' last treaty with U.S.

The move raises the risk of a new arms race — in parallel with the war in Ukraine — in which neither side can rely on the stable, predictable framework.
Japan Times
Feb 21, 2023

China decoupling debate misses the most important point

The decoupling of China and Western economies will be very expensive, but there are other needs to be considered.
Japan Times
Feb 21, 2023

Putin suspends last nuclear treaty with U.S. and puts new missiles on combat duty

The New START Treaty limited both sides to 1,550 warheads on deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine ballistic missiles and heavy bombers.
BUSINESS / Economy
Feb 21, 2023

Severe allergy season in Japan threatens to drag down spending

Households are expected to hold back from eating out, clothes shopping or participating in leisure activities.
Japan Times
Feb 21, 2023

Why the world needs a deal to protect its oceans

The ocean supports a huge range of biodiversity, including potentially millions of species that humans have not discovered yet.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly