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Apr 16, 1997
Aid views: 'Aid just props up regime of oppression'
Apr 16, 1997
Interviews to set reform blueprint
Apr 16, 1997
Criminal charges sought against PNC, officials
Apr 14, 1997
Korean war laborers sue for apology, 60 million yen
Apr 11, 1997
SDP duo break ranks on base bill
Apr 11, 1997
Aoshima qualifies scope of disclosure
Apr 11, 1997
Okinawa activists protest base lease bill
Apr 10, 1997
Banned candidate to run from adjacent constituency
Apr 10, 1997
Top officials back yen; currency's fall halted
Apr 10, 1997
LDP, allies agree on Okinawa aid plan
Apr 9, 1997
Cohen, Hashimoto seek to ease Okinawa burden
Apr 9, 1997