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Apr 30, 1997

Hokkaido officials return taxpayers' money

Officials at the Hokkaido Prefectural Government on April 30 refunded a total of 180 million yen, including interest, to the government's finance office.
Apr 29, 1997

Nurse recounts sex slave system of Imperial Navy

Chiyo Nakazato, 71, a former nurse for the Imperial Japanese Navy, remembers that during the war, her male colleagues at the navy hospital on Hainan Island in the South China Sea were so anxious to go out at night they queued up by the door even before 6 p.m., when they were officially off duty.
Apr 29, 1997

Chief determined to build JR West into truly private enterprise

While Masataka Ide, the former president of West Japan Railway Co., was seen as a man of action, Shojiro Nanya, 55, who took over the JR West helm on April 1, is seen as a man of quiet resolve.
Apr 29, 1997

Supporters of homeless held after clash with police

Two supporters of homeless people living at Shinjuku Station were arrested early April 29 on suspicion of battery and obstructing justice.
Apr 29, 1997

ODA for Cambodian industrial park in works

Japan plans to conduct a feasibility study on the development of a major industrial park at a site close to Sihanoukville Port, Cambodia's only seaport for international commerce, through official development assistance, government officials said April 29.
Apr 28, 1997

Disclosure for disposal of arms left in China urged

The government must make public information on how it will dismantle poison gas weapons abandoned in China at the end of the war, a citizens' group holding exhibitions on Japan's wartime development and use of poison gas demanded April 28.
Apr 28, 1997

Dollar continues to rise despite intervention talk

The uptrend in the dollar's value continued unabated April 28 in Tokyo, with an intervention threat by finance officials from the Group of Seven industrialized nations going largely unheeded.
Apr 28, 1997

G-7 agrees to constrain dollar, surplus

WASHINGTON -- The Group of Seven industrialized nations, warning against a further upswing of the dollar against the yen, joined hands April 27 in an attempt to check the U.S. currency's rise and to keep Japan's external surplus from increasing markedly.
Apr 25, 1997

Disaster-relief bill is unveiled

Lawmakers and activists jointly unveiled a bill April 25 that would provide financial support to survivors of natural disasters, including the Great Hanshin Earthquake.
Apr 25, 1997

Witnesses relive Tokyo subway gas attack

Three witnesses for the prosecution testified at the April 25 session of Aum Shinrikyo founder Shoko Asahara's trial, telling the court how they cared for victims of the 1995 Tokyo subway nerve gas attack immediately after the incident occurred.
Apr 24, 1997

New ministry estimate puts JNR debt at 70 trillion yen

Repaying the debts of the now defunct Japanese National Railways will eventually cost the government 70.21 trillion yen, the Transport Ministry said April 24.
Apr 24, 1997

Okinawa, surplus, and Koreas to dominate U.S. summit

Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and U.S. President Bill Clinton are expected to reaffirm their commitment to further strengthen bilateral relations, especially in the security field, when they meet April 25 in Washington.
Apr 24, 1997

Nomura in black despite taking big hit for subsidiary

Nomura Securities Co. made 124.19 billion yen in pretax profits for the business year ending March 31, up 35.7 percent from the year before, the company announced April 24.
Apr 24, 1997

Asahara denies guilt in gas attack, 16 other cases

In a barely intelligible statement, sometimes using English and sometimes Japanese, Aum Shinrikyo founder Shoko Asahara said April 24 that he is not guilty of ordering the 1995 nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system or a series of other crimes.
Apr 24, 1997

Izui pleads guilty to tax evasion

Osaka-based oil dealer Junichi Izui pleaded guilty April 24 to committing massive tax evasion between 1992 and 1994.
Apr 24, 1997

Aum lawyers dispute majority of evidence

Shoko Asahara's lawyers disputed on April 24 most of more than 11,000 pieces of evidence presented by the prosecution on the 1995 Tokyo subway attack.
Apr 23, 1997

Aum Shinrikyo data on sarin gas came from Russia

The apocalyptic cult Aum Shinrikyo had obtained Russian blueprints for producing nerve gas sarin by spring 1994, a former senior Aum figure told the Tokyo District Court on April 23.
Apr 23, 1997

Shinshinto adopts agenda to work with, dethrone LDP

Shinshinto's third national convention on April 23 adopted a set of policy agenda resolutions stating, among other things, that the party will work harder to overthrow the administration of Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and that it will also work with his Liberal Democratic Party to realize reforms....
Apr 23, 1997

Questions raised over Japan's crisis management system

The hostage crisis in Lima ended with the release of all but one of the hostages by Peruvian forces, but questions have been raised about Japan's readiness to deal with a similar situation in the future.
Apr 23, 1997

Police raid PNC, Tokai plant offices

MITO, Ibaraki Pref. -- Police on April 23 carried out a raid the head offices of the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp. (PNC) in Tokyo and of its nuclear fuel reprocessing plant situated in Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture, over a falsified report on the fire and explosion during Japan's worst...
Apr 23, 1997

Families, friends celebrate after news of rescue

Families and colleagues of Japanese hostages released from the ambassador's residence in Lima embraced a long-awaited end to the four-month crisis April 23.
Apr 21, 1997

Vote looms on legality of brain death, transplants

After years of inaction, members of the Diet must make the difficult decision of whether brain death should be stipulated as human death to pave the way for allowing organ transplants from brain-dead donors in Japan.
Apr 21, 1997

Yamaichi denies report it reimbursed Hanwa

Yamaichi Securities Co. denied on April 21 a newspaper report that it had reimbursed Hanwa Co., an Osaka trader, for investment losses.
Apr 18, 1997

Japanese internees' literature to be published

Two scholars are trying to shed light on the novels, essays and poems written by Japanese internees at wartime relocation centers in the United States, so their experiences and feelings will not be lost to history forever.
Apr 18, 1997

NGOs offer North Korea food aid

The alleged abductions of Japanese by North Korean agents has partly made Tokyo reluctant to extend food aid to the famine-threatened nation. However, this has not stopped some Japanese and Korean residents here from offering help, mainly through nongovernmental organizations.
Apr 18, 1997

JR firms doing just fine without government

Masatake Matsuda, president of East Japan Railway Co., recalls how his company, along with Central Japan Railway Co. (JR Tokai) and West Japan Railway Co., rejected the government's plan in December to have the three JR group firms shoulder a greater financial burden for building new bullet train lines....
Apr 18, 1997

WTO sought on Indonesia car row

Japan has initiated procedures to file a request with the World Trade Organization to set up a dispute settlement panel to examine Indonesia's national car policy, according to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
Apr 17, 1997

Havana willing to grant asylum to Peruvian rebels

Cuba is willing to grant asylum to Peruvian rebels holding 72 hostages at the Japanese ambassador's residence in Lima, Cuban Foreign Minister Roberto Robaina Gonzalez reaffirmed April 17 in Tokyo.
Apr 16, 1997

Aid views: 'Abductions a frame-up; food comes first'

Allegations that North Korean agents have abducted Japanese are a frame-up and Tokyo should pledge money to the United Nations to help the state's starving citizens, according to a former senior U.N. official who teaches at Saitama University.
Apr 16, 1997

Komei rep open to Shinshinto-LDP alliance

Tomio Fujii, a representative of Komei, a political party consisting of Upper House members and about 3,000 local assembly members, indicated on April 16 that the party would accept a possible alliance between Shinshinto and the Liberal Democratic Party if it is formed to carry out economic reforms and...


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo