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Jan 7, 2000

Seven-Eleven ties up with seven firms for e-mart

Seven-Eleven Japan Co. said it will set up a joint venture with seven firms in February to operate an e-commerce market that will offer products ranging from books to cars.
Jan 6, 2000

Dynamic duo has the right vibe

Anthony Gill and Cristina Bornstein want to make your chakras vibrate.
Jan 6, 2000

Seven-Eleven to open e-market with seven firms

Seven-Eleven Japan Co. said Thursday it will set up a joint venture with seven firms in February to operate an e-commerce market that will offer products ranging from books to cars. The new company, 7, will open its Web site in June to provide online services and introduce multimedia terminals...
Jan 4, 2000

India hijacking victim returns to Japan

A Japanese woman who was held for eight days aboard a hijacked Indian airliner in December returned to Japan on Tuesday, four days after her release. Chiaki Hisada, 30, arrived at Narita Airport aboard a Japan Airlines plane from New Delhi with her family, who had flown to India to join her. Hisada...
Dec 31, 1999

Japan celebrates new year free of major Y2K problems

Japan ushered in the new year with various celebratory events Friday night that included fireworks, all-night dancing and concerts while much of the public harbored concerns over possible Y2K-related problems. Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi addressed the nation from the Prime Minister's Official Residence...
Dec 30, 1999

Gay magazine Fabulous targets lifestyles of 'matured' community

Staff writer Five years working as supervisor of a mainly pornographic gay magazine convinced Toh Ogura, 38, that gays in Japan need a lifestyle magazine. Although a handful of pornographic magazines have been available, no lifestyle magazine targeted gays before Ogura started Fabulous in November....
Dec 28, 1999

Flying first class around the globe

Since this is my last column of the year, I'll look back instead of forward.
LIFE / Digital / CYBERIA
Dec 22, 1999

The accidental ambassador

Stop me if you've heard this one: A mustachioed fun-loving Turkish guy throws up a personal Web page that, in simple, bad English, depicts him as a regular Renaissance stud muffin, who loves to travel, plays numerous instruments, is single, and -- the kicker -- he states, "I like sex." He offers a picture...
Dec 22, 1999

Making sweet music together an educational experience

June 10, Donald Hunsberger conducting in Takemitsu Memorial Hall -- Second Suite in F for Military Band (Gustavus Theodore von Holst, 1874-1934), Fantasy Variations (Donald Grantham, born in Oklahoma in 1947), Concerto for Saxophone and Orchestra (Henri Tomasi, 1901-1971; transcribed by Mamoru Nakata)...
Dec 21, 1999

Israel, Syria take difficult first step

The key to enduring peace in the Middle East is an agreement between Syria and Israel. Syria has long been Israel's most implacable foe. Its military power and its de facto control over Lebanon give Damascus the ability to scuttle any progress Tel Aviv makes with other negotiating partners. Syria does...
Dec 20, 1999

A diplomatic 'paper tiger'?

In recent years, we have seen active debate on Japan's sanctions-based diplomacy. Discussions focused on the justifications for and effects of sanctions, as well as changes in the balance of power resulting from the lifting of such measures. The lifting of sanctions against North Korea Dec. 14 renewed...
Dec 14, 1999

Singapore Airlines banks on new services, alliance

Staff writer Singapore Airlines hopes to increase its share of the passenger market for travel between Japan and Singapore by upgrading in-flight services and forming an alliance of multiple carriers, says T.K. Tan, general manager of the company's Japan office. "Our strategy is to emphasize our products...
Dec 1, 1999

Foot-reading cult raided over scam to fleece flock

Police raided offices and gathering spots Wednesday linked to Honohana Sanpogyo over allegations that the religious sect duped thousands of people into paying large sums to cure serious illnesses it diagnosed through reading the soles of their feet.
Dec 1, 1999

Built to last long winters of discontent

One of the most fascinating crossroads on earth lies to the northeast of Japan. The ancient Bering land bridge used to span the current Bering Straits, connecting the land masses of Siberia and Alaska into one vast continent and enabling a traffic of plants, animals and even people to exchange across...
Nov 24, 1999

New Luddites at the gates

LONDON -- Ned Ludd was the leader of a mob, circa 1815, who went around smashing up new textile machinery in factories. Ludd calculated, correctly, that traditional jobs would be lost and familiar ways of life destroyed for thousands, even millions of British workers if the machines prevailed.
Nov 23, 1999

Terror for the 21st century

A few weeks ago, New York was hit by an outbreak of the West Nile virus. Five people died and another 50 were sickened before authorities were able to respond. West Nile fever is a rare, encephalitic virus that is common in Africa and Asia, but had never before been diagnosed in the Western Hemisphere....
Nov 20, 1999

Something in the air of Japan's 'Deep South'

They were known as the "girlie photographers," dozens of young female photographers who elbowed their way through the society of cameramen to rise to prominence in Japan during the early 1990s. And as the media loves an underdog, critics loved so-called onnanoko shashinka.
LIFE / Food & Drink
Nov 11, 1999

Japanese white lightning from a still in Tonga

I admit it. I had to travel all the way to the Kindom of Tonga to learn about shochu. In my six years in Japan, I had simply not heard of it. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true. No, the Tongans don't make it, never mind drink it. They hadn't heard of it till recently either. In fact, most of them still...
Nov 10, 1999

Air travel unruffled by Y2K: IATA chief

Staff writer
Nov 7, 1999

Hail Japan, for you will surely miss it one day

The foreign community in Japan is transient. People come and go. The funny thing is, when they go, they're usually ready. It's something biological: that need to return home.
Nov 2, 1999

Lebanese envoy seeks 'bridge' with Japan

After 19 years of strife and internal struggles that destroyed the entire nation's infrastructure, Lebanon's reconstruction work is under way but the country is still in need of assistance from abroad, including Japan, the new Lebanese ambassador to Japan said Tuesday.
Oct 31, 1999

Ending the Balkan tragedy

LONDON -- Economics and business trends are bringing the world together, but politics continue to tear it apart.
Oct 29, 1999

JAS earnings climb in first half; JAL's dive

Two of the nation's major airlines watched their unconsolidated earnings travel in opposite directions during the first half of fiscal 1999, with industry leader Japan Airlines Co.'s falling and Japan Air System Co.'s increasing, reports released Friday showed.
Oct 27, 1999

Canadian educators push quality academics at the right price

Staff writer
Oct 24, 1999

Who needs coffee when you've got kids around?

On Saturdays I volunteer at the Shiraishi Island Kindergarten, where I teach English at high volume. That's because Japanese kindergarten students are taught to shout everything in unison. So, a simple "good morning" becomes "GOOD MORNING!" Multiply that by 15 students and it's kind of like an alarm...
LIFE / Travel
Oct 20, 1999

Trying times for bees

VANCOUVER, Canada -- For millions of years, honeybees have been doing what they do best -- transforming the nectar from blossoms into thick, sweet honey. Since the development of agriculture, they have also been ensuring that the pollination necessary for the production of the world's fruits and vegetables...
Oct 20, 1999

Nature scenes pure eye Kandy

If you visit the Sri Lanka hill capital of Kandy and fall in love, be content. You are in illustrious company.
Oct 18, 1999

ANA pins survival hopes on global alliance

Staff writer
LIFE / Travel
Oct 9, 1999

Beijing throws new light on Silk Roads

BEIJING -- As China celebrates the 50th anniversary of communist society and evolves toward a more prosperous future, it is once again recognizing the value of its rich past.
Oct 6, 1999

When trappers outfoxed the Bering islands

The red fox is a familiar creature here in Japan, but travel northward and it is soon replaced by another species. At higher latitudes, the arctic or polar fox is the ubiquitous hardy scavenger and predator. It is better adapted to the colder conditions, with a shorter muzzle, smaller ears and a thicker,...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly