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Jan 3, 2001

Walking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Approaching Machu Picchu on foot along Peru's 32-km Inca Trail might sound the stuff of legend. Or, better still, the stuff of Tin Tin. In all honesty, however, it can be more trial than trail.
Jan 3, 2001

Asian continent in league of its own

First of three parts As the third millennium dawned, the light of the rising sun swept westward across the Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. It brought a gray half-light that crept slowly across the dark ice-locked wastes of northeast Asia. Farther south, the sun's fiery-orange disc rose majestically...
Jan 1, 2001

Cute, inexpensive was 'in' in '00

Consumers in 2000 sought goods matching their preferences for "easier and cozier" living, particularly in electronics products and computer-related services, according to a report compiled by a major ad agency.
Jan 1, 2001

Much ado about nothing

In a fierce fit of free-market commercialism, ads in Moscow subway insist that the real new millennium will start today. With the economy weakened by crisis, revenues from the advent of Y2K were not as impressive as in the West, and now Russian boutiques, travel agencies and software stores are trying...
Dec 31, 2000

Guesthouse making enemies of tenants and neighbors

Advertisements for Apple House Co., a chain of low-budget guesthouses, tout it as the "biggest guesthouse in Japan" and play up its "no curfew, no key money and no guarantor required" policy.
Dec 31, 2000

People jam transport as cities empty

Airports and railway terminals in urban areas were jammed with holiday makers Saturday as a record number of people headed overseas for the end of year holidays.
Dec 31, 2000

Slithering on through the year of the snake

It's almost 2001, the year of the snake. I've done a little research using the Chinese "koyomi" calendar for the 13th year of Heisei, the year of the snake, in order to let you know what kind of year you're about to have.
Dec 30, 2000

Shadow between abstract and concrete

The geometrical dreams of Omar Rayo are awaking at Shinjuku Park Tower.
Dec 28, 2000

Down's diagnoses defied

Hope was not in the prognosis that doctors gave to Chie Myo, after examining her first son, Shunsuke, at the age of 3 months. They diagnosed the baby as having been born with Mongolism, a derogatory term previously used for Down syndrome, and predicted that he would not live long, saying a mere cold...
LIFE / Travel
Dec 27, 2000

Hot springs by the Vienna Woods

BADEN, Austria -- More than most European capitals, Vienna, which bears a rich legacy as the one-time heart of the old Austro-Hungarian empire, has enough monuments and museums (not to mention restaurants and coffee houses) to keep you hopping from morning until night.
Dec 25, 2000

Sanctions target the innocent

The use of sanctions as a tool of foreign and international policy increased dramatically in the 20th century. Yet as the crumbling sanctions on Iraq show, their track record in ensuring compliance is pitiful. They inflict pain on ordinary citizens while imposing questionable costs on leaders who are...
Dec 24, 2000

The miraculous manifestation of a man of the cloth at Xmas

T'was 10 days before Christmas, and all through the house . . . complete and utter panic! Who to interview for Christmas Eve? Jim Carey (promoting his seasonal movie "The Grinch") has come and gone -- along with most of the foreign community (for the holiday break). As for the Japanese, they are all...
Dec 23, 2000

Nippon Life, Sumitomo Mitsui in insurance tieup

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp., to be launched in April through the merger of Sumitomo Bank and Sakura Bank, will tie up with the Nippon Life Insurance Co. group to sell insurance products at its outlets, industry sources said Friday.
Dec 23, 2000

Sanctions eased for Iraq, Yugoslavia

Japan has decided to partially ease economic sanctions against Iraq for humanitarian reasons and lift sanctions against Yugoslavia due to democratic reforms there, Foreign Minister Yohei Kono said Friday.
Dec 21, 2000

Shigenobu-linked premises searched

Police said Wednesday they have searched 10 locations, including the home of a 34-year-old assemblywoman in Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward, in connection with forged passports allegedly used by Fusako Shigenobu, the founder of the Japanese Red Army.
Dec 17, 2000

Strong pound strangling British industry

BRUSSELS -- Britain's exclusion from the single European currency and the resulting high pound has led to a bleeding away of jobs in manufacturing. Day by day, the press publishes the casualty figures as stories of closures, amalgamations and redundancies, for in manufacturing the high pound is a weakness...
LIFE / Digital
Dec 13, 2000

Deck the halls with boughs of games

Video games used to be the No. 1 gift request of preteen boys alone, but not anymore. With the release of sophisticated hardware such as Sony's PlayStation 2 console, the audience for games has expanded to include older gamers, both male and female.
Dec 13, 2000

Unlocking secrets of the original Marseille Tarot

Tarot cards can be found in the game sections of toy shops, and there are hundreds of different decks. But Tarot is an ancient tradition, says tarot master Philippe Camoin, and the philosophy behind the cards is a powerful tool for awakening intelligence.
Dec 10, 2000

Filling in the contours of a changing world

Sometimes people are disappointed with the quality of exhibitions visiting Japan, but there are no reservations about the superb drawings now at the Tobu Museum of Art.
Dec 10, 2000

Japan's new goodwill ambassador to the UNEP

Tokiko Kato Tokiko Kato is every bit as energetic and candid in person as she appears on stage. Best known as a singer and musician, Kato is also a poet and painter, and serves on the board of the World Wide Fund for Nature Japan. Though her schedule is hectic, it is by choice, and she has energy to...
Dec 10, 2000

Japanese players strike: believe it when you see it

A number of articles appeared in the press this past week, leading us to think there may be a players strike on the horizon in Japan pro baseball. To my thinking, however, a work stoppage by the players here is about as unlikely as a no-hitter being pitched on opening day or Yomiuri selling the Giants....
Dec 10, 2000

Anchita Ghosh

When she was a little girl living in Tokyo, Anchita Ghosh liked to stay behind after school and help her teacher clean up the classroom. When she was at home, she liked to help her mother cook. Her mother practiced professional Indian massage, and Anchita liked to pick up the towels, put away the oils...
Dec 9, 2000

Refuges are running out for Pinochet

LONDON -- The freedom to murder your fellow citizens with impunity used to be what made up for the long hours and all the paperwork. Some people simply wouldn't have taken the job of president without it, and Augusto Pinochet was one of them. If somebody had told the former Chilean dictator that he would...
Dec 8, 2000

International flights at Haneda OK'd for Narita's off-hours

The Chiba Prefectural Government has approved the use of Tokyo's Haneda airport for international chartered flights, telling transport authorities that it would allow such flights on condition they are operated during the hours Narita airport is closed, it was learned Thursday.
Dec 7, 2000

Japan pledges 1.5 billion yen for Zambia's program of reforms

Japan on Wednesday pledged 1.5 billion yen in grants to Zambia to support the country's efforts to improve its economic structure and to promote sanitary and educational development programs, Foreign Ministry officials said.
LIFE / Travel
Dec 7, 2000

Popularity of Aso region both blessing and burden

FUKUOKA -- Kumamoto Prefecture's mountainous Aso region is a place where you could get drunk on nature's immensity. Swing your car onto Aso's Panorama Line road, step on the accelerator and you'll fly past grassy plains stretching upward to the green-tipped crags of Mount Aso and its five peaks. Here,...
Dec 7, 2000

Traditions found anew

"It's only recently that the great mass of Indians have begun to feel that rising in the world and becoming rich was a good thing, a valuable thing," says Asha Amemiya.
Dec 5, 2000

Yohei Kono considers trip to Middle East to tighten links with oil-rich nations

Foreign Minister Yohei Kono may visit several Middle East nations, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, in early January if he keeps his Cabinet post after today's planned reshuffle, Foreign Ministry sources said Monday.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly