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Mar 15, 2001

Thai women, twice victimized

OWED JUSTICE: Thai Women Trafficked into Debt Bondage in Japan. Human Rights Watch, 227 pp., unpriced. For many women, the journey begins in northern Thailand, where refugees and hill-tribesmen languish in poverty and statelessness. The favored prey of sex-trade recruiters, these undocumented Thai...
Mar 13, 2001

Matsuo denies charges of fraud

A former Foreign Ministry logistics chief arrested on suspicion of swindling the government out of 42 million yen in discretionary state funds has denied the fraud charge, saying officials at the Prime Minister's Official Residence tacitly approved of his conduct, police sources said Monday.
Mar 7, 2001

Norwegian king to visit March 25

King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway will make a weeklong visit to Japan starting March 25 to deepen friendly relations between the two countries, the Foreign Ministry said Tuesday.
Mar 4, 2001

Readers write about Monday night ball

In my column of Feb. 18 about the Pacific League's plan to play lots of games on Monday night during the coming season, I asked readers to send in their comments and ideas regarding the MPL (Monday Pacific League) format. Following are two e-mails I received and my response to each:
Mar 1, 2001

International spa secrets

Some of the best recipes for a do-it-yourself spa come from those cultures known to go in for a bit of sybaritic pampering. Japan is high up on the list: A highly developed sense of aesthetics, a long tradition of bathing and a sublime appreciation of ritual have helped beauty practices here evolve into...
Mar 1, 2001

Spreading the word of Zen

They don't hold formal conferences or seek out media coverage of their more than 20 years of charitable work in Myanmar. Rather, members of the Asian Buddhist Association put their time into the project itself and traversing Japan drumming up interest among grassroots Buddhist groups, nongovernmental...
Feb 27, 2001

Fairy tales for modern Japan

GHOST OF A SMILE: Stories, by Deborah Boliver Boehm. Kodansha International, 2000, 288 pp., 2,900 yen (cloth). Imagine Lafcadio Hearn venturing to 21st-century Tokyo reincarnated as a single American woman with a penchant for the exotic and erotic, and you will have a sense of the stories in "Ghost of...
Feb 27, 2001

Blackmans seek privacy after ordeal

The father of murdered British hostess Lucie Blackman arrived in Japan on Monday morning, asking that the family be granted some privacy before they return to Britain with her remains and outlining a trust fund in her name.
Feb 25, 2001

Railway companies divided over proposed ban on alcohol sales

Kyodo News
Feb 25, 2001

Railway companies divided over proposed ban on alcohol sales

Kyodo News
Feb 24, 2001

Asian music celebration

Next time you feel like pulling your hair out over the bureaucratic pitfalls of overseas travel, spare a thought for Richard Pontzious.
LIFE / Digital / CYBERIA
Feb 21, 2001

Who's napping now?

As any music fan knows, the future of Napster, the biggest free lunch of MP3s on the Net, is still very much in legal limbo. Last week a San Francisco appeals court confirmed a decision made this summer: Napster is knowingly infringing the copyrights of recording artists. The court asked U.S District...
LIFE / Travel
Feb 19, 2001

Coming soon: cheap space travel

If all goes well, American millionaire Dennis Tito will this year become the world's first space tourist, flying on the Soyez rocket to the International Space Station. The ticket price? A cool $20 million. But a new fueling system developed by Andrews Space & Technology of Segundo, Calif., could soon...
Feb 18, 2001

Rainy days and Mondays won't dampen baseball

"Rainy Days and Mondays (Always Get Me Down)," Karen and Richard Carpenter's hit record out of the 1970s, might have been an anthem for baseball fans in Japan several years ago.
Feb 18, 2001

Helmut Morsbach

Something Helmut Morsbach has been dreaming of for many years is about to become reality.
Feb 17, 2001

Olympic officials to inspect Osaka

OSAKA -- Seventeen members of the International Olympic Committee are scheduled to tour 29 sports and other facilities during a visit to Osaka between February 25 and March 2, city officials said Friday.
Feb 14, 2001

Japan readies fresh ODA for Myanmar

Japan is considering the first large-scale official development assistance in four years for Myanmar to help relieve the impoverished Southeast Asian country's acute power-supply shortages, government sources said Tuesday.
Feb 14, 2001

Japan readies fresh ODA for Myanmar

Japan is considering the first large-scale official development assistance in four years for Myanmar to help relieve the impoverished Southeast Asian country's acute power-supply shortages, government sources said Tuesday.
Feb 9, 2001

Which 'global standard'?

At the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland last month, Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara reportedly attracted more attention than Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori.
Feb 7, 2001

Softbank scales down Internet plans

Softbank E-commerce Corp., a wholly owned unit of Softbank Corp., announced its intention Tuesday to postpone the launch of eS! Music Corp., an online music providing service, and to stop supporting Internet businesses of small and midsize firms under the SmartAge name.
Feb 7, 2001

Asian biodiversity under threat

As we travel south through the broad swath of continental Asia, we move along two contrasting gradients. First, land area declines as we approach the tropics from the Arctic. Second, and in direct contrast, species diversity increases enormously, as do elements that are uniquely Asian.
Feb 6, 2001

Civil servants are not serfs

The "shunju" (spring and autumn) column on the first page of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun often contains comments that are right on target. The Jan. 27 column commented on the sometimes arrogant and unwarranted demands made by Japanese politicians on Japanese diplomats in missions abroad.
Feb 4, 2001

Cosmic artist leaves a legacy of world harmony

Cosmic artist Sachiko Adachi knew intuitively that her art was powerful, so she went to great lengths to dispel any misunderstanding that she was playing with fire.
Feb 3, 2001

Kono orders diplomats abroad to decline politicians' cash gifts

Foreign Minister Yohei Kono on Friday said he has ordered all Japanese ambassadors and consuls general stationed overseas to refrain from accepting any cash gifts from visiting Diet members.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly