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Apr 14, 2001

Workers to get more days off for Golden Week

Employees of major companies in Japan will get an average of 7.3 consecutive days off work during the Golden Week holiday season, according to a Labor Ministry survey released this week.
Apr 12, 2001

Record number to take Golden Week trips

A record number of travelers are expected to arrive and depart Japan during this year's Golden Week holiday period, according to Japan's largest travel agency.
LIFE / Travel
Apr 8, 2001

Float like a mayfly, sting like a bee

With Golden Week only a few weeks off, serious fly-fishing enthusiasts throughout Japan are staying up late tying new flies in preparation. Now is the best time of year for fly-fishing because this is when mayflies, caddisflies and stoneflies start hatching at many rivers across the country, making trout...
SOCCER / J. League
Apr 6, 2001

Division One soccer match rescheduled

The J. League announced on Thursday the rescheduling of the Division One game between Nagoya Grampus Eight and Shimizu S-Pluse. The game, initially slated for May 19, has been rescheduled for July 11 (7 p.m. kickoff) after S-Pulse advanced to the semifinals of the Asian Cup Winners' Cup.
Apr 5, 2001

Halfhearted effort at hosting half a World Cup

Why not let South Korea host the whole thing?
Apr 3, 2001

Osaka a tale of two 'Americatowns'

OSAKA -- Many cities in Japan, Europe and the United States have a Chinatown. But Osaka now finds itself with two "Americatowns" that, although not competitors, are keeping an eye on each other.
Apr 3, 2001

Tiger's rivals finally get on the ball

Tiger Woods may be the runaway favorite for this week's Masters, but don't expect everything to go Tiger's way. His "slump" showed that the gap between him and the competition is not as great as some people thought.
Apr 3, 2001

Namibian desert's barren fruitfulness

The San bushmen knew it as "the great white place" or "the white place of dry water." It is Etosha, one of Africa's most dramatic national parks. Price-wise, it is one of Africa's biggest safari bargains.
LIFE / Food & Drink / KISSA KULTUR
Apr 1, 2001

Tea fit for royalty glows at L'Epicier

For the last three months, I have been inexplicably drawn to tea shops with yellow color schemes. Is there a magical connection? Maybe only in a subliminal desire for the very best.
Mar 31, 2001

Lithuania's president to visit Japan in April

Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus will make a five-day official working visit to Japan starting April 9 to further bilateral relations, Foreign Ministry spokesman Norio Hattori said Friday.
Mar 31, 2001

The gift from kitty that never stops giving

If you travel enough, there is going to be a day when your cat pees in your suitcase. It's something that only happens if you have gone out of town and left your cat behind so many times that the cat becomes determined to accompany you in the most odorous way. Basically, your cat's message is: I love...
Mar 27, 2001

Department store sales dip for fifth straight month

Sales at department stores dropped 2.5 percent in February from a year before for the fifth straight month of decline, an industry group said Monday.
Mar 26, 2001

Anxiety hangs over USJ ahead of launch

By Natsumi Mizumoto Kyodo News Many Kansai residents are counting on Universal Studios Japan to help revive Osaka's stagnant economy, but the higher the expectations, the greater the looming sense of anxiety as its launch next Saturday draws closer.
Mar 24, 2001

Jagged little pots dictating form

Asia week had New York City awash with auctions, gallery openings and lectures. Two major auction houses had Japanese art on the block, and five Kyoto potters were exhibiting at the Barry Friedman Gallery in an exhibition organized by Joan Mirviss.
Mar 23, 2001

Ex-Finnish prime minister to visit Japan

Former Finnish Prime Minister Harri Holkeri, president of the 55th session of the U.N. General Assembly, will make a six-day trip to Japan starting April 1 to strengthen ties between Japan and the United Nations.
Mar 22, 2001

What's in store for the third Musketeer?

By now Ichiro Suzuki is making a name for himself in America. The only question is what that name is. When The Associated Press and some other news organizations report on the former Orix BlueWave star, they refer to a player named "Suzuki." But back here in Japan he's always been known as "Ichiro."...
Japan Times
Mar 22, 2001

I'll see your spell and raise a goblin

Akira Kan wipes away the beads of sweat rapidly gathering on his forehead. The 15,000 yen that Pavel Matousek is asking for Juzam Djinn is beyond his budget. But the alternative -- trade in his Mox Pearl and Island of Wak-Wak -- seems like a bum deal.
Mar 22, 2001

Islands in the stream of Indian cuisine

It was no accident that led us to Athara Petara -- we always keep an ear to the ground for the latest of good new venues for foods from other parts of Asia. But anyone fortunate enough to stumble upon this friendly little eatery by chance will understand immediately why the word serendipity was coined...
Mar 21, 2001

Elat, Israel: This place is for the ornithologists

Perched on the southern tip of the Gulf of Aqaba, Elat is a hedonistic cluster of high-rise hotels and bronzing beach bums surrounded by blue sea and burning desert. Basically, it's as close to Las Vegas as Israel gets -- without the gambling.
Mar 21, 2001

Detective work in snow country

Though farther south you are already reveling in springlike breezes, the steady accumulation of snow in the northern third of Japan continues to provide an opportunity for detective work.
Mar 20, 2001

Globalization does its work on Japan

GLOBALIZATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN CONTEMPORARY JAPAN, edited by J.S. Eades, Tom Gill and Harumi Befu. Trans Pacific Press, Melbourne, 2000. 295 pp., 3,250 yen (paper). The word "globalization" is used with increasing frequency these days. It is variously employed to describe the increasing degrees...
Mar 19, 2001

Mr. Sharon goes to work

After nearly a month of negotiations, Israel's new prime minister, Mr. Ariel Sharon, has cobbled together his "unity Cabinet." It may represent a broad spectrum of political opinion, but it is unlikely to be united for long. Once Mr. Sharon gets down to resuming peace talks with the Palestinians -- his...
Mar 18, 2001

Donald Richie: being inside and outside Japanese cinema

In his five decades as a writer, Donald Richie has investigated everything from the glories of noh to the mysteries of the Japanese tattoo, while attempting everything from the travel narrative ("The Inland Sea") to the historical novel (the meticulously researched, wittily engaging "Kumagai"). He is...
Mar 18, 2001

Corey Paul: King of the Eastern League

Hoping to make the Seibu Lions' opening day roster is Corey Paul, a third-year-in-Japan American outfielder who also happens to be the third foreign position player on the team's roster. He's competing with teammates Alex Cabrera and Scott McClain in a system where non-Japanese player quotas allow each...
Mar 17, 2001

Father's plight raises immigration policy questions

Ken Imran Massey considers Japan his home. The Pakistani national has spent almost 18 years -- half his life -- in this country and his two children are both Japanese citizens.
Mar 17, 2001

Taking the Watanabe optional tour

Few of us can understand why the Taliban in Afghanistan is destroying the awe-inspiring giant Buddhist statues at Bamiyan instead of turning them into profitable tourist sites generating millions of dollars in T-shirt and other souvenir sales. Someone who might, however, is Satoshi Watanabe, whose own...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly