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Oct 25, 2001

Supermarkets down, department stores up

Supermarket sales fell in September from a year earlier for the 34th straight month, but department stores saw increased business for the first time in three months, industry groups said Wednesday.
Oct 25, 2001

All sellers, no buyers equals no opportunities in Osaka

OSAKA -- The 16th Global Business Opportunities Convention wrapped up in Osaka on Wednesday evening in an atmosphere of disappointment on the part of organizers and participants.
Oct 25, 2001

Japanese gymnasts will not travel

reaffirmed its decision not to send a team to next week's World Championships in Belgium after meeting with gymnasts Tuesday. The JGA announced last Thursday it would not take part in the championships, getting under way Sunday, over concerns arising in the wake of U.S.-led air strikes in Afghanistan....
Oct 25, 2001

Serendipity in Hokkaido's autumnal air

It was just a bridge, not even a special bridge. The Heiwa Bridge spans the eastern end of Lake Tofutsu in northeastern Hokkaido. To the north there is a narrow neck of wooded land and then the Okhotsk Sea. To the south lies more woodland, then great expanses of farmland. It was just a bridge, but suddenly...
Oct 20, 2001

Pakistan, India sanctions may end

Japan is considering lifting economic sanctions on Pakistan and India, with a view to helping the two nations better deal with increasing instability due to the continued military strikes in Afghanistan.
Oct 19, 2001

First meeting of Asian city leaders outlines 15 projects to boost region

Leaders of major Asian cities issued a declaration Thursday, outlining 15 joint projects that include the development of the region's air industry, online education and environmentally friendly vehicles.
Oct 19, 2001

Automakers rev up search for ultimate clean car

Driven by concerns over global warming and the prospect of tougher restrictions, automakers worldwide have moved up a gear in the race to build the ultimate clean car.
Oct 19, 2001

Economies face up to world after Sept. 11

The events of Sept. 11 in New York and Washington were a watershed that has forced the world's traditional economic powerhouses to come to grips with a new danger that affects every aspect of political, economic and social life, according to participants in the Brookings Institution-Keizai Koho Center...
Oct 18, 2001

No-fry zones a must during World Cup

It used to be good being Swiss, apparently. Now the country that gave us the cuckoo clock and Toblerone finds itself without an airline and, worse still, without World Cup soccer on the telly next year.
Oct 17, 2001

Sweden's other ambassador

Ewa Kumlin pondered the question, "What is Swedish style?" Then she set her mind to answering it.
SOCCER / J. League
Oct 16, 2001

Antlers host Jakarta

The Kashima Antlers will host Indonesia's Persija Jakarta in a one-off first round of the Asian Club Championship on Oct. 24 at Kashima Stadium, the J. League club announced Saturday.
Oct 16, 2001

Corporate failures resumed rise in September

The number of corporate bankruptcies rose 4.4 percent in September from a year earlier to 1,568, up for the first time in three months, a credit research agency said Monday.
Oct 16, 2001

Where turtles swim in the slow lane

It is one of the prettiest boat trips in Central America: up the mangrove canals north from the Costa Rican port town of Limon to Tortuguero National Park.
Oct 14, 2001

Sommelier believes there's more to serving up a fine wine

Takashi Atsuta knows precisely what his customers need to round out a delicious meal. Good food and wine are essential, but the 63-year-old sommelier believes that good service -- with sincerity -- also makes a great difference. Being a sommelier is not just a matter of knowing about wines and selecting...
Oct 12, 2001

Koizumi calls for DPJ support

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi called on the opposition camp Thursday to back a government-proposed bill that would allow SDF personnel to play a noncombat role in the U.S.-led military drama now playing out in Afghanistan.
Oct 10, 2001

El Nino found to affect typhoons

Japanese researchers said Tuesday that the El Nino effect strengthens typhoons and thus increases typhoon-related damage in Japan.
Oct 9, 2001

Bordering countries may get aid: Tanaka

Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka on Monday suggested Japan may provide additional financial support to Pakistan as well as other countries bordering Afghanistan to help them deal with refugees from the conflict-torn country.
Oct 8, 2001

Ozawa warns against unprincipled SDF action

Opposition Liberal Party leader Ichiro Ozawa reiterated his opposition Sunday to a bill aimed at allowing the Self-Defense Forces to extend logistic assistance to an expected U.S.-led military operation against terrorists.
Oct 7, 2001

ICAO acts on Japanese initiative to strengthen world aviation rules

The International Civil Aviation Organization, acting on a Japanese government proposal, has agreed to strengthen international aviation rules aimed at preventing civil aircraft from being used as terrorist weapons.
Japan Times
Oct 7, 2001

10,000 views of Mount Fuji, rising through the steam

The view from the bath is picture-perfect. Through the thick steam rising from the piping hot water, foothills dotted with lush pines and rolling fields of greens and gold give way to a turquoise-blue ocean. From the center rises Mount Fuji, its snow-dusted peak circled in a halo of marshmallow-like...
Oct 7, 2001

What Lara can tell us about Afghanistan

Angelina Jolie's new movie, "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider," might not be up to much, but I have a lot of respect for Jolie herself. On Sept. 10, at a Tokyo press conference to promote the film, the actress mentioned her new job as special ambassador for the U.N. High Commission for Refugees. She spent almost...
Oct 4, 2001

Maglev project OK'd for Aichi

The Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry on Wednesday approved a third-sector company project to build a commercial maglev train line in Aichi Prefecture.
Oct 4, 2001

Marveling at mammalian masters of flight

I have dreamed of flying since childhood, and perhaps that is why I am obsessed with flying creatures. As ground-hugging humans, we readily identify with our fellow terrestrial mammals, assuming, easily enough, that being earthbound is a natural state for life on earth. But, think again. Even among the...
Oct 2, 2001

ASDF readies for refugee-aid mission in Pakistan

A fleet of Air Self-Defense Force aircraft selected to transport relief supplies to refugees entering Pakistan from neighboring Afghanistan will leave Japan this week at the earliest, government sources said Monday.
Oct 2, 2001

Troussier calls out all Japan's stars for 'friendlies'

Like the Radiohead song, there were "no alarms and no surprises" when Philippe Troussier named his 25-man Japan squad for this week's friendly matches against Senegal and Nigeria, two teams the cohosts could meet at next year's World Cup.
Oct 2, 2001

A natural cure for beer-induced exhaustion

Well, it's that time of year in Munich again. The liter-sized steins are being filled by beefy barmaids. Lederhosen and silly hats are being donned. The plaster demons of Herr Schichtel's horror show are fresh with newly sprayed cobwebs, while the calliopes roar and roller coasters whirl and turn.
Japan Times
Sep 30, 2001

Love, love them do

Ask Kyoshi Matsushita about "Beatlemania" and he's far more likely to wax lyrical about Lucanidae, Silphidae, Scarabaedae and Dorcus titanus than John, Paul, George and Ringo.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly