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Mar 26, 2003

Mystery disease raises new fears

The outbreak of a mysterious respiratory disease has set off alarms worldwide. Hundreds of individuals have been affected by the malady, which can result, if untreated, in death. Its rapid spread has reignited concern about the dangers of bioterrorist attacks. Although there is no evidence to suggest...
Mar 23, 2003

KANSAI: Who & What

Foreign artists put their own spin on Japan's art: Two foreign artists will jointly display works based on traditional Japanese art forms between Tuesday and March 30 at Gallery Tobe in Kyoto's Nakagyo Ward.
Japan Times
Mar 21, 2003

Antiwar rallies go on unfazed

Rallies against the U.S.-led war on Iraq continued Thursday in front of U.S. diplomatic offices in Japan, with hunger strikes continuing as U.S. bombs started falling on Baghdad.
Mar 18, 2003

High school kids to be sent abroad

The education ministry unveiled a plan Monday in which 10,000 high school students will be sent overseas each year to study and 100 high schools will be selected to provide advanced English education by the 2005-2006 academic year.
Mar 16, 2003

'Bogus' theme parks becoming the last resort

On Jan. 23, Tokyo Disneyland held a preview event for the media in anticipation of the park's 20th anniversary, which will be celebrated April 15. About 1,400 celebrity guests showed up trailed by 50 camera crews, all from domestic television stations, which means that most of them were from outside...
Mar 15, 2003

Pork, potatoes, pottery Kagoshima's mainstays

Kagoshima Yurakukan, a local-specialities complex taking up three floors of a building in Tokyo's Yurakucho district, has been attracting health-conscious consumers with its products from Kagoshima Prefecture.
Mar 15, 2003

Historian seeks clear U.N. mandate for peace

German-born Klaus Schlichtman is a peace historian. An academic who found his way late in life -- a "seeker" in every sense of the word.
Mar 8, 2003

Embassy officials told to leave Iraq

Japanese Embassy officials in Iraq were ordered Friday to leave the nation amid heightening tension over a possible U.S.-led military attack.
Mar 8, 2003

Matsui's father confident son can play in majors

Some words of caution from Hideki Matsui's father: His son will adjust to the big leagues, but it may take a little time.
Japan Times
Mar 8, 2003

Son of Kochi governor in molestation scandal

The 33-year-old son of the Kochi governor was arrested last month on suspicion of molesting a woman in Tokyo and has since settled the case out of court, police revealed Friday.
Mar 3, 2003

Air traffic havoc hits second day

Troubles related to an air-traffic malfunction in Japan continued into their second day Sunday, with 10 flights canceled and dozens of others delayed for up to two hours, airline and airport officials said.
Mar 2, 2003

Champ Hamaguchi to tour Europe

Kyoko Hamaguchi, a world champion wrestler in the women's 72-kg division, and five other Japanese will travel to Europe next month to take part in international tournaments, wrestling sources said Friday.
Mar 2, 2003

Koizumi envoy heads for Iraq in peace effort

A special envoy for Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi left Saturday for Iraq with a letter calling on Iraq to fully cooperate with weapons inspections.
Japan Times
Mar 2, 2003

The Great North

"It is Japan, but yet there is a difference somehow.'' -- Isabella Bird, 1878
Japan Times
Mar 1, 2003

Mary Kilgarriff

Mary Kilgarriff says she grew up in a service-minded family in Ireland. "When I moved to Japan in 1990, I was struck by the absence here of the type of community service that I took for granted. I approached the Irish ambassador at that time, Jim Sharkey, and his wife, Sattie, and with their support...
Feb 28, 2003

Abductees' kin seek audience in U.S.

Relatives of Japanese nationals abducted to North Korea said Thursday they plan to visit the United States next week to seek both government and public help in settling the abduction issue.
Feb 27, 2003

Tokyo to send envoy to Iraq in zero-hour diplomacy bid

Japan will send its senior vice foreign minister as a special envoy to Baghdad as part of a last-ditch diplomatic effort to get Iraq to give up its weapons of mass destruction program, government leaders said Wednesday.
Japan Times
Feb 27, 2003

Plants of blooming passion

On a gray February day, gardeners may be looking at colorful seed catalogs or even holiday brochures, dreaming of a trip to a tropical island. But this week it's time to leave your armchair gardening, because the tropics have come to Tokyo. The Japan Grand Prix International Orchid Festival offers a...
Japan Times
Feb 25, 2003

Ministry cuts off funds for fraudulent NGO

The Foreign Ministry will demand that a nongovernmental organization that falsified documents to get government subsidies in 2001 refrain from accepting the subsidies for fiscal 2002, and if it doesn't cooperate, the funds will be withheld anyway, ministry officials said Monday.
Feb 24, 2003

Gold Allure shines in year's first jewel

FUNABASHI, Chiba Pref. -- Dirt specialist Gold Allure outshone the competition Sunday to capture the year's first big race, the February Stakes, by a neck over Biwa Shinseiki at Nakayama. Eagle Cafe finished in third place 3 lengths off the runnerup with Kanetsu Fleuve in fourth place 2 lengths later....
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / JET STREAM
Feb 24, 2003

Speak Japanese? You've got yourself a job

What kind of work will I find after leaving Japan? This is a question nearly all language teachers in Japan ask themselves at some point. And it's a question that's being asked more frequently, given the present state of the economy and its dwindling job prospects. There are, however, remarkable opportunities...
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Feb 23, 2003

Men among monsters in deep Yamagata

When it comes to ski resorts, Japan has virtually everything you could want. For serious powder, there are the wonderlands of Niseko in Hokkaido or Hachimantai in Iwate. For those looking for Western-style apres-ski, there's the posh Arai Mountain and Spa. And for the day-trippers from Tokyo, there are...
Japan Times
Feb 16, 2003

When you need a hand ...

Married with two children, 46-year-old Kumiko Mashima thinks her life is just about perfect. She met her loving husband through an omiai -- a formal introduction arranged by a go-between with a view to marriage -- and they both adore their daughters. But before she found her way into her husband's arms,...
Feb 16, 2003

JFA cancels national team U.S. tour

Saburo Kawabuchi, chairman of the Japan Football Association, said Saturday the national team's soccer friendlies in North America scheduled for next month are to be canceled regardless of whether the United States goes to war with Iraq.
Feb 16, 2003

Climb every mountain, saving souls on the way

BONE MOUNTAIN, by Eliot Pattison. New York: St. Martin's Minotaur, 2002, 306 pp., $24.95 (cloth) Novelist Eliot Pattison really knows how to spin a story. He also wants you to sympathize with the plight of Tibetans, which is not difficult to do. "Bone Mountain," Pattison's third novel set in Tibet, is...
Feb 15, 2003

Osaka to build world's largest planetarium theater screen

OSAKA -- The city of Osaka has unveiled a plan to build the world's largest "all-sky" screen at the Osaka Science Museum's planetarium theater to project celestial movements and simulate space travel.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly