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Jun 15, 2003

Different strokes for different war critics

SINGAPORE -- One of the most notable moments at the Group of Eight summit (June 1-3) in Evian, France, was the bilateral meeting between U.S. President George W. Bush and his French counterpart, Jacques Chirac, the first such encounter following their dramatic falling out over Iraq.
Jun 15, 2003

'Propaganda' effort reflects U.S. image

HANOI -- I just wrapped up a 10-day speaking tour for the U.S. State Department after participating in the department's Public Diplomacy (PD) program, which sends folks to speak to universities, think tanks and public forums. The trip took me to the Russian Far East (Vladivostok and Sakhalin) and Hanoi,...
Jun 12, 2003

Current account surplus jumps 15%

Japan's current account surplus rose in April for the first time in two months, up 15.1 percent from a year earlier to 1.256 trillion yen, due partly to the effects of the SARS epidemic, the Finance Ministry said Wednesday.
Jun 11, 2003

5.24 million foreign visitors seen in '02; many had gripes

Foreign visitors to Japan in 2002 increased by 9.8 percent from the previous year to 5.24 million, topping the 5 million mark for the first time, the transport ministry reported Tuesday in presenting a to-do list for achieving the government goal of attracting 10 million annual visitors by 2010.
Jun 10, 2003

Finding acting work, reducing phone bills and ditching old stuff

Freighter travel Judi Sullivan's daughter, who lives in Japan, sent her a Lifelines column with an enquiry from reader Lisa Beretta, who wanted info on cargo ships willing to take a passenger to Europe.
Jun 10, 2003

Mr. Abbas in the hot seat

Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas is a brave man. He took his job knowing that his every move would be attacked from three sides: by Israelis, by Islamic militants and by the Palestinian leadership he replaced, in particular Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat. And within...
Jun 6, 2003

State of the 'empire'

BANGKOK — China has suffered most from the deadly severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus with thousands of victims, a few hundred deaths and new cases being uncovered daily as the disease spreads from major cities to the countryside.
Jun 5, 2003

Losing your mind may produce great art

Inevitably, we learn a lot about ourselves when something goes wrong. By studying what happens to people afflicted by various forms of brain degeneration, for example, we have learned a lot about how the brain works. This generally means that by understanding what goes wrong when specific parts of the...
Jun 4, 2003

Public weight to balance scales of justice?

Unlike Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's administrative and economic reform initiatives, which have seen slow going, his efforts to overhaul the judiciary have made steady progress.
Jun 4, 2003

Public weight to balance scales of justice?

Unlike Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's administrative and economic reform initiatives, which have seen slow going, his efforts to overhaul the judiciary have made steady progress.
Jun 2, 2003

Neo Universe speeds home to capture Nippon Derby

Neo Universe, without even a single lash of the whip, landed the 70th Nippon Derby on Sunday by half a length to claim his second title in Japan's Triple Crown series.
Japan Times
Jun 1, 2003

Tokyo rejects Pyongyang offer to return abductee relatives

Pyongyang has on several occasions offered to allow the families of two Japanese nationals abducted to North Korea to visit Japan in exchange for food aid, but Tokyo has turned down the offers on the grounds that all the abductees' relatives should be allowed to come to Japan, a daily reported Saturday....
May 31, 2003

Matsushita to restart SARS-hit China plants

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. was to resume operations Saturday at two factories in China shut down after five workers were diagnosed with SARS.
Japan Times
May 31, 2003

Improve your English via e-mail correspondence

Studying French from age 11, it was exciting when my school in England teamed up with another in France for correspondence exchange. Francoise and I wrote to one another for five years before fading from one another's lives. But I have never forgotten her, or her impact on my life: opening up the world...
May 27, 2003

Supermarket sales off 2.6% in April

Sales at supermarkets around the nation dropped 2.6 percent in April from a year earlier on a same-store basis, down for the 10th consecutive month, the Japan Chain Stores Association said Monday.
May 27, 2003

Painless driving instruction and a move to Japan

More on DIY trading "Gaijin" writes that further to my answer to Wilma Jay (Lifelines; April 29), there are around 60 Internet brokers through which she could do day trading. (Gaijin himself/herself makes a living through trading).
Japan Times
May 25, 2003

Take the first step toward heaven

NAGANO -- Here's one way to assure yourself a place in heaven. Get to Nagano City's noted Zenko-ji Temple by June 1 and catch a glimpse of its most sacred icon -- the Maedachi Honzon. According to tradition, making the arduous pilgrimage to this temple to pray to Amida Nyorai, the Buddha of Gokuraku...
Japan Times
May 25, 2003

A blow to Russo-Japanese relations

When, in 1891, Tsarevich Nicholas reached the age of 23, his father Czar Alexander III sent him on a tour of the Far East to "round out his political development," recalled Russian politician Count Sergei Witte some years later.
May 25, 2003

Vietnamese cuisine in a Parisian scene

The Book of Salt, by Monique Truong. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003, 261 pp., $24 (cloth). It's Paris, 1929. You're young, Vietnamese and gay. You don't speak much French, but you can cook a mean omelet. You see an ad in the paper: "Two American Ladies Wish to Retain a Cook." You answer the ad. You get...
May 24, 2003

Political Islam is not global

MEDFORD, Massachusetts -- In light of the recent terrorist bombings in Riyadh and Casablanca, travel advisories were quickly issued for Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. The October Kuta bombings in Bali served as a crucial reminder of the vulnerability of Southeast Asia to terrorism. Will Middle Eastern-style...
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle / JET STREAM
May 22, 2003

Political scientist gained key perspective in Japan

On March 19, just hours before U.S. forces began their raids on Baghdad, more than 50 U.S. government intelligence experts as well as scholars and embassy staff from several South Asian countries assembled in a top-floor room at John Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies for a...
May 20, 2003

Putting the frighteners on Japanese travelers

Films, books and television programs can teach you a lot about those who dwell in the world outside yours.
Japan Times
May 16, 2003

Bombay Club: At last, Indian food for kulcha vultures

It's been a very long time -- thankfully -- since we could count the number of places in Tokyo serving real Indian food on the fingers of one hand. These days we don't have to travel too far to find a reasonably authentic curry. In fact, it's a measure of how fortunate we are that our main complaint...
Japan Times
May 15, 2003

Big-mouth bulbuls time it just right

Second of two parts Imagine, if you can, an opinion poll of Japanese forest plants. Question: which bird is most important to you? The brown-eared bulbul, or hiyodori, would have to take a bow.
May 11, 2003

In praise of tireless women

In Japanese, a jagged stretch of coastline is referred to as riasu, which is taken from the Spanish word "rias." The word is most commonly used on the northwestern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, or Galicia, which is characterized by hundreds of small coves that provide homes for a rich variety of sea...
Japan Times
May 11, 2003

Moon over Matsushima

"God made me the messenger of the new heaven and the new earth of which he spoke in the Apocalypse . . ."
May 3, 2003

Tit for tat in the game of Japanese gift-giving

"Beware of Japanese bearing gifts!"


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly