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Oct 4, 2005

Japan's tech may be up to SST task but business prospects adding drag

Preparing for a crucial flight test this week, officials with the key contractor developing a Japanese supersonic jet said they are confident they have the technology to make the project fly -- but not so sure of its future business prospects.
Oct 4, 2005

Volunteers, taxes and Amnesty

Volunteering Reader S. lives in Gifu-ken and is looking for volunteer work in her area. She also travels to Nagoya on weekends to meet friends, so is looking for volunteer opportunities there too.
Japan Times
Sep 29, 2005

Communal individuals

World-famous sculptor Antony Gormley has spent the last 25 years "infecting" public spaces with sculptures that transform viewers' imagination and challenge their preconceptions. In "Children's Field," a Gormley-inspired community art project produced by the American School in Japan (ASIJ) and A.R.T....
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Sep 23, 2005

War and peace in Hiroshima

Before coming to Japan, most people don't know more than about half-a-dozen place names in the country. But one name certainly familiar to all is that of the largest city at the western end of Honshu.
Japan Times
Sep 17, 2005

Kingsley-Rowe Potter

MADELEY, England -- As many retired English people like to do, June Kingsley-Rowe Potter lives in the countryside. She takes her dog on long-distance walks around Madeley. She cares for her garden. She volunteers for charity work, and enjoys traveling. For her research into local history, she reads ancient...
Japan Times
Sep 15, 2005

Independent brushstrokes

A commonly heard accusation is that Japanese oil painters are followers rather than innovators. It is a criticism that has been made against many early adopters in this country -- be they filmmakers, fashion designers, chefs or rock musicians -- and one that has even come from painters' compatriots....
Sep 11, 2005

The curious Mr. Longfellow

LONGFELLOW'S TATTOOS: Tourism, Collecting, and Japan, by Christine M.E. Guth. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2004, 256 pp., 123 illustrations, $29.95 (paper). After the new Japanese government was officially installed in 1868, only a decade or so after the country had been, more or less, forcibly...
Japan Times
Sep 11, 2005

What's the Point?

Fabrice Blocteur may not be as well known as Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan or Sir Francis Drake. But like explorers of old, this French-Canadian resident of a rural Kyoto village is on a quest to rewrite the maps through new discoveries.
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Sep 10, 2005

Kashiwada to become Giants scout

Yomiuri Giants veteran pitcher Takashi Kashiwada, who had a one-year major league stint with the New York Mets, will retire and become a scout for the Central League club's international section, Yomiuri officials said Friday. Yomiuri has asked the 34-year-old Kashiwada to join the front office in an...
Sep 7, 2005

Toyota boosts precrash safety system

Toyota Motor Corp. said Tuesday it has improved its precrash safety system by adding a driver-monitoring function that warns of an imminent collision when the driver is not looking straight ahead.
Sep 4, 2005

The aged better off heading for the hills on their limited pensions

The main opposition parties claim that Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's attempt to make the upcoming Lower House election a referendum on postal reform is simply a scheme to deflect public attention away from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's fiscal failures under his leadership. Consequently,...
Sep 1, 2005

Budget ax poised to swing as agencies vie for shrinking pie

Starting Thursday, officials from government ministries and agencies will line up in the hallway outside the Finance Ministry Budget Bureau to make their annual pitches for hunks of the 2006 general account budget.
LIFE / Language
Sep 1, 2005

Peace scholarship looks to resourceful students

The Rotary Foundation, a century-old, worldwide benevolent group of over one million business and professional leaders, has a new scholarship on offer. Rotarians have long provided a variety of international exchange opportunities, but their newest project, the Rotary World Peace Scholarship, is committed...
Japan Times
Aug 30, 2005

Dogs driving up niche firms' profits

As pets, especially dogs, increasingly become inseparable from their owners, companies are cashing in on what is becoming a lucrative market ranging from safety restraints in cars, motion sickness medicine and insurance, all for canines.
Aug 30, 2005

Spoiled pooches live the good life

Whether it's "wan-wan," "bow-wow" or "ruff-ruff," dogs in Japan are all speaking the same language: life here ain't too dog-gone bad.
Japan Times
Aug 18, 2005


Dear Alice,
Japan Times
Aug 13, 2005

JAL chief joins kin in marking '85 crash

UENO, Gunma Pref. -- Kin marked the 20th year Friday since 520 of their loved-ones died when a Japan Airlines jumbo jet crashed on a mountain in Gunma Prefecture -- the worst single-air craft accident in aviation history.
Aug 10, 2005

JR West reports 4% increase in net profit

West Japan Railway Co. said Tuesday its group net profit in the April-June quarter rose 4.0 percent from a year ago to 13.87 billion yen despite the fatal April 25 train derailment in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture.
Aug 9, 2005

Staying mobile and Book-Off

Used CDs John Mackin says the Book-Off store near his home in Kawasaki not only buys and sells books, it also buys and sells CDs, DVDs, WalkMans, iPods, TVs, PCs, clothes, women's handbags -- you name it.
Aug 6, 2005

Colts RB James happy he made the trip after all

Now that he's in Japan, Indianapolis Colts running back Edgerrin James is finding out things aren't so bad after all.
Aug 3, 2005

Youth here yet to pick up the peace torch

Their appearances belied the seriousness of their gathering on a hot Friday night last month in Tokyo.
Jul 31, 2005

Will Hanshin still be in swing after 'road trip of death'?

The Hanshin Tigers are in a position to win their second Central League pennant in three seasons, but they will have to get by a jinx that has plagued Tigers teams in the past: the "shi-no-rodo" or "road trip of death."
Japan Times
Jul 30, 2005

Messages of peace seek empathetic human canvas

A peace symbol set modestly with diamonds. A tiny image that is open for interpretation as a tree, an atom-bomb cloud or even an angel. The curved line of a whale suggesting the swell of the sea while winking freedom with a precious eye. All are designs on a theme -- the work of jewelry artist-craftsman...


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly