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Nov 26, 2005

Oshima tapped to lead Hariri panel

The U.N. Security Council has picked Japanese Ambassador to the United Nations Kenzo Oshima to chair a panel tasked with determining whether to punish those suspected of being involved in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, the Foreign Ministry said Friday.
Japan Times
Nov 26, 2005

Gate ceremony: Pomp or circumstance?

"Please come to the opening ceremony for the gate," said the Buddhist priest. I'd never seen a ceremony for a gate before, so my first thought was, "What should I wear?" My second thought was, "I won't even be here for it, so I could probably go naked and no one would notice." I thanked the priest for...
Nov 25, 2005

U.S. eyes $9 billion to move marines

Japan is considering using a high-speed ship developed jointly for commercial use by Japanese shipbuilders to transport U.S. forces, sources said Wednesday. The move is being made as part of the interim report on the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan. It is, however, unclear whether the Techno Super...
Nov 24, 2005

A frustrating trip for Mr. Bush

Heads of state travel either to get a respite from domestic problems or to get photo opportunities that make them look like leaders. By those standards, U.S. President George W. Bush must be frustrated by his recently concluded eight-day Asia tour. He neither escaped increasingly contentious and bitter...
Nov 24, 2005

Hayabusa landed on asteroid but didn't leave probe

The Japanese space probe Hayabusa successfully landed on the asteroid Itokawa, located about 290 million km away from the Earth, during its landing attempt Sunday, but did not drop the equipment for collecting surface samples, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said Wednesday.
Nov 23, 2005

Neocons absconded with round five

BRUSSELS -- The six-party talks, which initially began in August 2003 to resolve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, reconvened in Beijing on Nov. 9, then adjourned three days later inconclusively. Defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory.
Japan Times
Nov 22, 2005

Bob Sliwa

Bob Sliwa, 50, who hails from Massachusetts, has lived in Japan for 22 years. He is the Advance Design Director at COBO Design Co., Ltd., one of the biggest industrial design firms in Japan, and a judge for the Japan Car of the Year Award. He followed the success of his 2004 book "Lexus ga Ichiban ni...
Japan Times
LIFE / Style & Design
Nov 15, 2005

Marie-Helene de Taillac, Side by Side, Viliue cosmetics, Youth Records

Staff writer A gem of an idea
Japan Times
Nov 15, 2005

What's your approach to starting a cross-cultural romance?

Krystle Hara Exchange student, 20 I don't have a line. But I've got, "Do you like anime?" a few times. Something that tends to work for me is when a guy says "I speak English," because it makes choosing which language you are going to speak in less awkward.
Japan Times
Nov 15, 2005

Consultant eyes bank market

The recent deregulation and stiffer competition in retail banking will boost the demand for marketing services at branches, according to the head of a U.S. marketing and design firm specializing in retail banking.
Nov 13, 2005

Probe's robot sent toward asteroid is feared lost

A Japanese space probe released a small robot Saturday toward an asteroid orbiting the sun between Earth and Mars as part of a rehearsal for its own planned descent later this month, but the robot probably missed the target, the space agency said.
Nov 13, 2005

Olympic medalist walks through Shikoku in NHK's "Kaido Tekuteku Tabi" and more

Japan is enjoying a "walking boom," with something like 28 million people taking up the habit as a recreational activity. The main idea is exercise, but there is also a cultural component. Walkers are seeking out scenic routes that have historical significance, thanks mainly to renewed interest in the...
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / VINELAND
Nov 11, 2005

Can Japan sales save Beaujolais Nouveau?

Japan overtook the United States as Beaujolais' top export market in 2004, but a disastrous sales campaign for Beaujolais Nouveau last year raised serious doubts as to whether Asia can save the Beaujolais from the hole that they've dug themselves into.
Nov 10, 2005

The reduction of impunity

Government is about making and implementing public policy choices. These are neither always easy nor always right. Governments, like individuals, do make mistakes. But in democracies, the task of making decisions on behalf of the people is delegated to elected representatives who then answer to the courts...
Japan Times
Nov 8, 2005

The art of having fun in style

Agnes Trouble Bourgeois, known to the world as Agnes B., started to design clothes at the age of 19 and opened her first boutique in Les Halles in Paris in 1976. Twenty-nine years later, her company has 129 boutiques, selling clothes, accessories and travel goods around the globe. While there are 32...
Oct 29, 2005

Task force to compile bird flu plan

The government set up a task force Friday that will compile an action plan by the end of November to fight possible outbreaks of bird flu variants among humans, according to health minister Hidehisa Otsuji.
Oct 27, 2005

Legal revision on banking agents passes

A revision to the Banking Law that would allow companies to be agents for banks was enacted Wednesday after it cleared the House of Councilors.
Japan Times
Oct 25, 2005

Japan sees beginning of change

Writer Alex Kerr first came to Japan in 1964, since when he has worked as a translator, art dealer and in real estate during the "bubble" economy.
Oct 21, 2005

Supermarket bank counters coming soon

In the near future, people may exchange money at travel agencies and open savings accounts in supermarkets.
Oct 20, 2005

Panic over bird flu isn't wholly misplaced

LONDON -- It would be funny if it were not so serious. As migratory birds carry the avian influenza virus west across Europe, Britain is following in the footsteps of Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Turkey and asking hunters to shoot down as many incoming ducks and geese as possible. They have been issued...
Japan Times
Oct 15, 2005

Man Zhuang

This year Man Zhuang is exhibiting for a second time in the print show sponsored by the College Women's Association of Japan. This young woman is Chinese, an art student from Shanghai. She is also a dentist.
Oct 15, 2005

Indian minister seeks more tourists

The Indian government has designated 2007 "Japan-India Friendship Year" to commemorate the 50th anniversary of a cultural-exchange agreement between the two countries, a visiting Indian minister said Friday.
Japan Times
Oct 9, 2005

Building a bridge to forgiveness

Takashi Nagase still breaks down when he remembers the young British man he helped torture. "I couldn't bear his pain," he says, choking back tears. "He was crying 'Mother! Mother!' And I thought: What would she feel if she could see her son like this? I still dream about it."


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo