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Japan Times
Mar 10, 2006

Japan's offshore firms unprepared for health crises

Despite a possible outbreak of a new strain of influenza that may kill more people than SARS did in 2002, only a few Japanese firms operating overseas have drawn up plans to deal with an epidemic.
Japan Times
Mar 10, 2006

Parisian maverick targets Tokyo

"Fashion is everything," says Armand Hadida, owner of Parisian boutique chain L'Eclaireur. "It's how you wake up, how you walk, how you eat and, of course, how you dress."
Mar 5, 2006

Red hats and purple dresses

If you are out on the town one day -- anywhere from Tokyo to Tijuana -- and you suddenly spot a group of animated, middle-aged women all wearing red hats and purple dresses, don't be puzzled. Smile! You might anyway, because it is an oddly heartwarming spectacle when a chapter of the global sisterhood...
Japan Times
Mar 4, 2006

Investor, philanthropist gives new name to jet set

It is 7:30 a.m. and Takaaki Kawashima has less than one hour to spare before leaving for Narita airport. He's due to take a midday flight to London, arriving in time for dinner with Prince Charles, Camilla and a small group of intimates at Clarendon House. He will leave for Japan again Friday morning,...
Japan Times
Mar 4, 2006


Although she was only 5 when, with her family, she was evacuated from Saigon, Mong-Lan thinks the events of war and suffering in her early life traumatized her. Thirty years later, critics find in her poetry "the tectonic force of history, beauty and despair." Poetry, giving release to her emotions,...
Japan Times
Mar 3, 2006

Freaky tribal gathering

They are playing like schoolgirls, bouncing a balloon-shaped teddy-bear off each other and gaily dancing about in front of the Kiddy Ferris Wheel (admission 100 yen) for the lone press camera.
Mar 1, 2006

Arakawa says winning gold is like dream come true

Olympic champion Shizuka Arakawa said Tuesday it seems as if she is living in a dream after returning home with the gold she won in the women's figure skating at the Turin Games.
Mar 1, 2006

Race against bird flu speeds up

A vian flu appears to be spreading with increasing rapidity. In recent weeks, there have been confirmed reports of the disease in Europe and Africa, demonstrating that the H5N1 strain is hardier than thought and truly a global danger. While health officials call for continuing surveillance and vigilance,...
Feb 28, 2006

Poison, vendors and tai chi

Dangerous G wonders (somewhat bizarrely) where to begin inquiring about where people go to find poisons for the purpose of suicide. "I would appreciate some suggestions for the heroine of a story I'm planning to write."
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2006

Psychedelic radar 02.24

Saturday, Feb. 25
SOCCER / World cup
Feb 16, 2006

Zico to switch shape for Finland friendly

Japan coach Zico said Wednesday he will scrap his 3-6-1 formation for this weekend's friendly at home to Finland after Japan were outclassed by the United States in Saturday's 3-2 defeat in San Francisco.
Feb 16, 2006

Critics cry white elephant while backers hunker down and hope

KOBE -- It was the airport nobody except the Kobe Municipal Government and a few local business leaders originally wanted.
Feb 16, 2006

Kobe airport seeking business travelers

With the opening of the new Kobe airport Thursday, air carriers are set to wage a battle against railways, especially for business travelers, between Tokyo and Kobe.
Japan Times
Feb 14, 2006

Nobuko Mitsumori

Nobuko Mitsumori, 37, works with her mother in their small accounting office in Tokyo's Chuo Ward. With one assistant and myriad clients, the three are always happily overworked. Nobuko studied classical literature and didn't think that math was her strength, but thanks to her talent, the numbers somehow...
Feb 12, 2006

A yen to help a dictatorship

LONDON -- So Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are now working to help support the dictatorship of the people in China -- as managed on their behalf by the Chinese Communist Party. So are most of the world's multinational companies -- as well as you (and me).
Feb 8, 2006

New charge looms in 'phishing' fraud

Police have served another warrant on a 25-year-old man who was arrested on suspicion of a "phishing" fraud, in which he allegedly stole and used personal information from Yahoo Japan's Internet auction service users, the Metropolitan Police Department said Tuesday.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Feb 7, 2006

How Japan became No. 1

Who has the global bragging rights to slimness? First there was Mireille Guiliano's book, "French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure," published in 2004. Hot on the heels of this best-seller, Naomi Moriyama threw down the gauntlet less than a year later with "Japanese Women Don't...
Feb 5, 2006

How will Valentine, Hillman and Brown fare in 2006?

One-fourth of the 12 Japanese pro baseball teams in 2006 will be led by American managers. Their performances this season may dictate whether the recent trend for the Central and Pacific Leagues to hire foreign kantoku will continue or if the clubs will return to putting native Japanese in charge.
Japan Times
Jan 28, 2006

Belavi Facelift Massage battles time and gravity

The room is warm. The music relaxing. Aromatherapy oils perfume the air. I am wrapped in hot towels after an hour of sheer bliss. And the years have fallen away. Off my face, that is.
Jan 25, 2006

Saving our environment one step at a time

Having ended 2005 with a rant (see below), let me begin 2006 on a more positive note by introducing some valuable environmental education resources.
Jan 23, 2006

Funeral for Livedoor-linked suicide

The funeral was held Sunday for a former brokerage executive linked with takeover deals by Livedoor Co. who committed suicide last week in Naha, Okinawa Prefecture.
Japan Times
Jan 22, 2006

Bosses where they want to be

Born and raised in Yokohama, Nalin Advani, 40, never tires of extolling the virtues of his home town.
Jan 20, 2006

Rakuten pushes ahead with bold move into finance

Rakuten Inc., one of the country's fastest growing Internet startups, said Thursday it has formed business alliances with three entities, as it works to expand its Internet shopping mall business into comprehensive financial services.
Jan 19, 2006

Still plagued by sleazy politics

LONDON -- There is understandably a great deal of cynicism about politicians in every country. Their reputation is probably now lower than that of any other profession because they have so often been exposed as liars and/or as corrupt.


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo