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Sep 15, 2007

Hope found in submarine legacy

and Katja Boonstra (left), who lost their fathers during World War II, visit William King, the former skipper of the British submarine HMS Telemachus, at Oranmore Castle in Ireland in May 2004. PHOTO COURTESY OF AKIRA TSURUKAME
Sep 9, 2007

Department store special, history focused tourism, police interrogation special documentary

This week's installment of the business documentary series "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)" (TV Tokyo, Tuesday, 10 p.m.) looks at the current trend of department-store mergers.
Sep 9, 2007

The Japanese diplomat in Britain

JJapanese Envoys in Britain, 1862-1964: A Century of Diplomatic Exchange, compiled and edited by Ian Nish. Global Oriental, 2007, 255 pp, 55 (cloth) Next year Britain and Japan celebrate 150 years of diplomatic relations, and just on cue comes this book, "Japanese Envoys in Britain (1862-1964)," which...
Japan Times
Sep 4, 2007

What's your take on the Asashoryu scandal?

Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Aug 31, 2007

A great escape to Biwako

Jasmine, a writer who hails from Hiroshima and is much older than me but has a refined magnetizing beauty that cannot be ignored, pours me a cup of green tea on my first ever junket. It's just before the world turns blue; just before I'm dropped into a Marc Chagall painting by an invisible but all-seeing...
Aug 28, 2007

Thai character trumps flaws of politics

LOS ANGELES — When social scientists or journalists are in doubt, sometimes it's best to consult the artist.
Japan Times
Aug 26, 2007

Homegrown art: rice-paddy ukiyo-e

Mysterious "corn circles" of incredible complexity that appear overnight, or a baseball park as in the 1989 film "Field of Dreams" — who knows what you might come across in your local rural idyll these days.
Aug 25, 2007

Wynn, 'pachislo' wizard Okada await casino boom in Japan

Steve Wynn turned to Kazuo Okada when the gambling magnate needed cash to fund his namesake Las Vegas casino in 2000. Now, Okada could be the ace up Wynn's sleeve in the Japanese businessman's home market.
Japan Times
Aug 25, 2007

Ami, guitar team up against sex trafficking

Ami & Her Guitar revolve dramatically through the doors at What the Dickens pub in Tokyo's Ebisu. She's late, she's late, for a very important date, but on a day when temperatures have hit 40 C plus, she is easily forgiven.
Aug 21, 2007

Baby boomers' pension demands met with new bonds issues

With nest eggs that hold the promise of fresh demand, the many baby boomers starting to retire this year may be a boon for manufacturers, travel agencies and banks, but it is another story for the financially troubled local governments on the hook for paying retirement allowances to their employees....
Japan Times
Aug 21, 2007

Pocket tissues

Dear Alice,
Aug 19, 2007

Sports stars, primate nature special, eating disorders

There will be lots of international athletes coming to Japan this week and plenty of opportunities to see them do their thing on TV.
Aug 17, 2007

Roh's trip to Pyongyang puts three scenarios in play

WASHINGTON — There is much speculation about what President Roh Moo Hyun will do when he meets North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang during Aug. 28-30.
Japan Times
Aug 12, 2007

Japan's Paradise Lived

It's a strange world we're about to enter.
Japan Times
Aug 11, 2007

Critic awaits callers in Imperial Hotel suite

The Imperial Hotel in central Tokyo's Hibiya district is a surprising place. Yes, of course the rich and famous stay there. But how many realize that this famed institution also rents out private office suites. On the fifth floor, for example, is where TV commentator and author Kenichi Takemura hangs...
Japan Times
Aug 10, 2007

'One Day in Europe'

"One Day in Europe" is a comedy of cultural and linguistic misunderstanding that toys with the idea of a unified Europe, where everyone shares the same singular, unifying identity. Unlike many Americans, who proudly admit to being "American," Europeans — single currency and the EU notwithstanding —...
Reader Mail
Aug 8, 2007

Fees hold back Kansai Airport

I am glad to see a second runway at Kansai Airport. But as stated in a recent article, the high cost of landing fees is keeping airlines from continuing to operate at KIX. I used to enjoy a flight to Chicago, where I could catch a connecting flight to my home state of Florida. That flight no longer...
Aug 7, 2007

JAL cuts net loss to nearly one-sixth, losing just ¥4.2 billion in first quarter

Japan Airlines Corp. said Monday it managed to reduce its group quarterly net loss to ¥4.2 billion in the first three months of business 2007.
Aug 5, 2007

Keeping the horror of Hiroshima alive

Masako's Story: Surviving the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima, by Kikuko Otake, edited by Dr. Jesse Glass. Tokyo/Toronto: Ahadada Books, 2007, 94 pp. with photos and maps, $15 (paper) The cenotaph for the Hiroshima victims reads "Let all the souls here rest in peace, for we shall not repeat the evil," but...
Japan Times
Aug 4, 2007

Speech contest aims to pull nation together

Up until a few years ago, Tom Gerrard was an entrepreneur with an eye to mainstream business. He then underwent a radical shift of attitude and interest, changing the name of his company in 2004 from Comm Pro (Communication Professionals) to Global Learning.
Japan Times
Jul 31, 2007

Abe looks to shake up Cabinet

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Monday he will change his Cabinet lineup sometime after an extraordinary Diet session next week, as the ruling bloc licked its wounds from its drubbing in the House of Councilors election.
Japan Times
Jul 31, 2007

'Eikaiwa' vets look beyond Big Four

Globalization, the Internet and increased mobility have made the planet a smaller place. The world is now often referred to as a global community, and its lingua franca is undoubtedly English. It is the official language of air traffic control and the de facto language of both international business...


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo