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Japan Times
Dec 20, 2009

Zimbalist says Matsui's key impact for Angels will be on the field

Ichiro Suzuki, Hideki Matsui and Daisuke Matsuzaka all helped open up markets and bring new streams of revenue to their respective teams when they made their major league debuts.
Japan Times
Dec 20, 2009

Stephen Mansfield: Best books of 2009

Not for those looking for a cozy fireside New Year read. The fiendish methods used by the Kempeitai, Japan's military police, are known in outline, but now we have the chilling details. Felton focuses not only on the unit's systematic physical and sexual torture of Allied soldiers and Asian civilians...
Japan Times
Dec 20, 2009

Anthony Fensom: Best books of 2009

The best expose of Japan's organized crime scene since Robert Whiting's "Tokyo Underworld." Former Yomiuri Shimbun journalist Jake Adelstein takes readers on a gripping tour of his 12-year stint on the Tokyo police beat and into a dark world closed to most non-Japanese. Part Philip Marlowe and part Clark...
JAPAN / Media / Japan Pulse
Dec 17, 2009

Turning the Japanese household on its head

Aya Ueto is cute, but we think Softbank's Shirato commercials are brilliant because they subvert both the notion of family and being Japanese.
Japan Times
Dec 15, 2009

To gargle or not to gargle?

The Web site for the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) contains a pandemic influenza storybook filled with personal reflections from survivors, family members and friends. One of the accounts tells the story of Art McLaughlin, who lived about 25 km east of Chicago during...
Reader Mail
Dec 13, 2009

Helpful 'ambassador' appreciated

Regarding the Nov. 15 article "Opening a 'window' to Japan": It's refreshing to see that Japan has such helpful personnel as Yuka Tsujimura at the Narita Airport Tourist Information Center. Especially in a recession, when people travel less, it is more important that the first impression be pleasant...
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Dec 13, 2009

The colorful lure of carp in Japan

Two milestones were achieved at this year's All-Japan Show for Nishikigoi, or ornamental carp, which was held last month in Izumo, Shimane Prefecture.
Dec 12, 2009

Emperor will meet China's Xi Tuesday

Emperor Akihito will meet Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping on Tuesday, waiving a customary rule that he be notified a month in advance of such visits, the Imperial Household Agency said.
Reader Mail
Dec 10, 2009

The right to vote is not enough

We are reading much news about the Hatoyama administration considering giving permanent residents voting rights at the local level. As a permanent resident since 1984 and now a "senior citizen," the news doesn't excite me at all.
SOCCER / J. League
Dec 5, 2009

Frontale need help to capture first J. League title

KURIHIRA, Kanagawa Pref. — For Kawasaki Frontale goalkeeper Eiji Kawashima, Saturday will either mark the greatest day of his club career or the latest in a long line of painful failures.
Japan Times
Dec 4, 2009


Carl Fredricksen, the 70-something protagonist of Pixar's "Up," is a squat, short-tempered geezer, a virtual knot of rage on legs.
Dec 2, 2009

Skynet starts ¥10,000 ticket offer for foreign tourists

Skynet Asia Airways Co. kicked off a campaign Tuesday offering ¥10,000 one-way domestic flight tickets for foreigners with temporary visa status.
Dec 1, 2009

Japan Tourism Agency Web site seeks foreigner buzz

The Japan Tourism Agency is kicking off a Web site Tuesday to give foreigners a forum to pitch this country in their native tongues to promote more tourism.
Japan Times
Nov 28, 2009

Publican practices the art of beer

Love beer? Look to Bryan Baird, 42, an Ohio native living in Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture. Imbibe a foamy one at his original brewery, The Fishmarket Taproom, but just don't call him a bartender. Baird prefers the term "pub."
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Nov 27, 2009

Kodo brings the beat back to home turf

Kodo, Japan's most famous taiko (drumming) troupe, will cap the year with a series of special concerts, showcasing the members' progress after an extensive worldwide tour.
Japan Times
Nov 27, 2009

A revolution off the record

As the clock struck midnight on Dec. 31, 1999, hundreds of thousands worldwide were reveling in clubs and arenas to the sounds of records played by their favorite DJs. Little were they to know that in the space of 10 years the record was to become an endangered species.
Japan Times
Events / WHERE IT'S AT
Nov 24, 2009

Rock Challenge Japan sets youthful energy, idealism to music

Hip hop, pop, ballade and minyo Japanese folk formed the musical backdrops in the Rock Challenge Japan 2009 last week, a dance performance by and for high schoolers.
Japan Times
Nov 24, 2009

How can the government encourage more tourists to visit Japan?

Midori Tsunekawa, 59 Housewife (Japanese)Tourist organizations in every prefecture should offer free or low-cost English-speaking guides. They could show visitors around and help them experience Japan, while teaching them about our culture and customs.
Japan Times
CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Nov 23, 2009

Motherload of inventions at Make: Tokyo

The 4th Make: Tokyo meeting displays work ranging from the ingenious to the just plain silly, with all shades between.
Nov 20, 2009

Drawing out North Korea

SEOUL — Negotiations over the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula look set to resume. Sadly, they are unlikely to end soon. Talk of a "grand bargain" remains just that — talk.


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo