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Japan Times
Apr 5, 2011

Asia shines in Cricket World Cup

MUMBAI — India's in cricket heaven, Sri Lanka reached the final and Pakistan the last four. Of cricket's main Asian nations, only Bangladesh had a bad World Cup.
Reader Mail
Apr 3, 2011

Nuclear benefits outweigh risks

Philip White's argument against nuclear power in his March 30 article ("A silver lining to the Fukushima disaster?") is weak. It's typical of the attacks used by opponents of atomic energy in that it includes no hard data, relying on vague fears of unseen or unknowable impacts as it tries to steer us...
Apr 3, 2011

Renewed national pride will shape Japan's future

Spring dawns on a shattered Japan. "Not since World War II" is a recurring phrase, and no wonder. Mass destruction accompanied by radiation — what other analogy is big enough?
Apr 3, 2011

Burma, the broken country

EVERYTHING IS BROKEN: The Untold Story of Disaster Under Burma's Military Regime, by Emma Larkin. Granta, 2010, 265 pp., £12.99 (paper) Tropical storms are given names by meteorological offices around the world. In English we generally prefer to be anthropomorphic, using male and female names alternately,...
Japan Times
Apr 1, 2011

'Kigeki Konzen Tokkyu (Cannonball Wedlock)'

Hollywood screwball comedies have long been favorites of Japanese filmmakers, with many listing such genre masters as Frank Capra, Howard Hawks and Billy Wilder as influences. Screwball comedy heroines, however, are usually self-centered, hard-headed types, while the local feminine ideal on screen is...
Apr 1, 2011

Dry-bulk shippers may be in for a big boost

Reconstruction from the March 11 disaster that destroyed or damaged more than 150,000 buildings may boost volumes for dry-bulk shipping lines struggling with global overcapacity.
Mar 31, 2011

Fukushima No. 1's scary shadow

FUKUSHIMA — Tetsuo Sakuma has loaded his small pickup with all it can carry. There's not much of value: a television, some books, boxes of clothes, snatched in haste from a home he may never sleep in again.
Japan Times
Mar 30, 2011

Tsunami came late to unprepared Chiba

ASAHI, Chiba Pref. — Shortly after the magnitude 9.0 quake hit the Tohoku region on March 11, Noriko Suzuki looked out of her house and saw tsunami coming.
Mar 30, 2011

A silver lining to the Fukushima disaster?

The most remarkable thing about the response so far to the "genpatsu shinsai" (nuclear-earthquake disaster) that has engulfed Japan is that there are still people who think nuclear power has a future. Should this be attributed more to the dependence of modern industrialized societies on massive inputs...
Mar 29, 2011

Hosting, contacting survivors

Reader DB says: "I've created a Facebook group to provide Japanese victims with accommodation. Right now there are about 20 offers from different countries around the world. We need help contacting Japanese locals and/or organizations so people can actually get help."
Mar 25, 2011

Despair engulfs Pakistani asylum seekers

In a ramshackle Yokohama house smelling of damp and rotting wood, Nasir Qadri and his family await their fate.
Japan Times
LIFE / Lifestyle
Mar 25, 2011

Peace Boat rallies help for victims

A nongovernmental organization based in Tokyo is recruiting volunteers, both Japanese and non-Japanese, to travel to Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, and work to help those who are still suffering there after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
Mar 21, 2011

Building a happy society means junking GDP myth

The mass media in Japan have played up the news of China's gross domestic product exceeding, in U.S. dollar terms, Japan's to become the second largest economy in the world after the United States.
Japan Times
Mar 20, 2011

Solace for some in the nuclear science

The few, seemingly miraculous, stories of survival are passed on from person to person, and some are given as much media coverage as the horrific devastation. The rescue of a 60-year-old man from the roof of his house, washed 15 km out to sea; the survival of a 4-month-old girl who was swept away from...
Mar 20, 2011

Actions of Apache, Broncos unacceptable

It's understandable that the Sendai 89ers, whose home region was devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, won't continue play this season. But the Tokyo Apache and Saitama Broncos, Sendai's Eastern Conference rivals in the bj-league, appear to have not thought things through or come up with...
Mar 19, 2011

Other nations continue moving their people out

Embassies continued Friday to evacuate citizens and shut down or relocate diplomatic offices in Tokyo amid grave international concern over the nuclear crisis in Fukushima Prefecture and the lack of timely, credible information on what is happening.
Mar 19, 2011

F.A. punishment of Ferguson illustrates just how gutless it really is

LONDON — The five-game touchline ban and £30,000 fine handed to Sir Alex Ferguson by the Football Association for criticism of referee Martin Atkinson ranks alongside five minutes on the naughty step.
Mar 18, 2011

Embassies launch emergency measures

Embassies in Tokyo have started emergency steps such as moving their functions to the Kansai region or flying diplomats' families out of Japan amid concern over radiation from the crisis-hit Fukushima nuclear plant.
Japan Times
Mar 18, 2011

Regular-season play begins again for bj-league

Nearly a week after the devastating destruction in Tohoku due to the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami that killed several thousand people, followed by the Fukushima nuclear plant's ongoing radiation crisis, the bj-league has decided to resume competition this weekend to lift people's spirits.
Japan Times
Mar 18, 2011

Indie scene aims for normalcy in unusual situation

As I write this on Tuesday afternoon, four days after the earthquake that hit northeastern Japan on March 11 and with the continuing drip, drip, drip of nerve-shaking news from the damaged nuclear reactors in Fukushima forming background noise to life in Tokyo, I see on the BBC news feed that Canadian...
Mar 17, 2011

Fukushima nuclear plant alert

The situation at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s No. 1 Fukushima nuclear power plant, damaged by the March 11 quake and tsunami, is worsening. Following hydrogen explosions in the No. 1 and No. 3 reactors Saturday and Monday, respectively, serious accidents occurred in the No. 2 and No. 4 reactors Monday...
Japan Times
Mar 17, 2011

Apache's foreign players prepare to leave country

The Tokyo Apache's season isn't officially over, but the team's American players and head coach, Bob Hill, were busy making plans to leave the country as soon as possible, The Japan Times has learned.
Mar 14, 2011

Helpful websites, phone numbers

Locating family and friends:
Japan Times
Mar 13, 2011

Sendai squad split in quake's aftermath

As expected, Sendai 89ers players, coaches and team staff left Sendai early Friday afternoon for a road trip to face the host and Eastern Conference rival Niigata Albirex BB.
Japan Times
Mar 10, 2011

Robocon founder Dr. Masahiro Mori

Dr. Masahiro Mori, 84, is a specialist in robotics and Emeritus President of the Robotics Society of Japan. Mori is the founder of Robocon, the robotics contest he started in 1981 when he was a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Since then, Robocon has developed into the world's most famous...
Mar 8, 2011

Edano named as temporary minister: Kan

Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Monday appointed Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano to temporarily double as foreign minister following Seiji Maehara's Sunday resignation for accepting illegal donations from a foreign national.
Mar 8, 2011

JR West taps low bond yields to refinance loans

West Japan Railway Co., starting the nation's newest bullet train service this week, is slashing interest costs by using the world's lowest bond yields to refinance government loans.


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo