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Japan Times
Apr 26, 2012

Rockers CN Blue stand out amid dancey K-pop

Since its 2009 debut in South Korea, CN Blue has been a bastion of rock in a music scene dominated by danceable electro-pop.
Apr 24, 2012

JAL may use 787s to fly to Madrid, Berlin after Boston debut

Japan Airlines Co., which began Boston services Sunday with its new Boeing Co. 787, may also use the fuel-efficient plane on routes to Spain and Germany as it bolsters services to smaller cities.
Japan Times
Apr 22, 2012

Past and present on Route 66

"Ah, there's nothing like a Polish sausage smothered with jalapenos to settle a queasy stomach," I said to my skeptical traveling companion Bob Allen, adding a squirt of mustard for good luck and taking a humongous bite.
Apr 22, 2012

Fascinating facts along the way

One of the original long-distance paved U.S. Highways, Route 66 always had about it an aura of romance born of wide-open horizons and travel on it that spanned not just a country, but a continent.
Apr 21, 2012

Spirituality drove Mie native to scale mountains for 9,738 consecutive days

A photo exhibition celebrating a Mie Prefecture man who climbed mountains for nearly 10,000 days straight, and who only stopped because he died last year, opened earlier this month at the Mont-Bell outdoor and climbing goods store in Nagoya.
Apr 21, 2012

Kansai's new budget airline offers juicy savings

On March 1, the first flight of All Nippon Airways' new low-cost carrier, Peach Aviation Ltd., was launched. Yes, now we know that fruit can fly. This may bring on a whole slew of flying fruit — flying bananas, pineapples, and even low-budget strawberries.
Apr 19, 2012

The North Korean wild card

In a quantum leap over North Korea's controversial though unsuccessful long-range rocket launch on April 13, India plans to test not just one but three ballistic missiles in quick succession over the next week, including the first firing of its Agni 5 missile with a range of 5,000 kilometers.
Apr 18, 2012

Competition gives U.S. airlines a bumpy ride

From his office window, Thomas W. Horton, in his fifth month as CEO of American Airlines, can see in the distance the Manhattan-size footprint of Dallas-Fort Worth airport, where American has 85 percent market share; it also has 68 percent in Miami, gateway to South America's booming market. A few miles...
Apr 16, 2012

Shining Suns spoil Jets' home finale

There was a storybook finish to Sunday's Chiba Jets-Miyazaki Shining Suns game. But unlike a Disney-like fantasy for the hosts, the Shining Suns authored a riveting last-second finish, winning 78-76.
Japan Times
Apr 13, 2012

Westin Tokyo Golden Week bus tour

For the Golden Week holidays, The Westin Tokyo in Yebisu Garden Place is offering a special accommodation plan that includes an open-air night bus tour of Tokyo.
Japan Times
Apr 13, 2012

'John Carter'

Just in time for the 100th anniversary of its first publication, "Tarzan" author Edgar Rice Burroughs' "A Princess of Mars" gets the 3-D blockbuster treatment from Disney under the revised title "John Carter." This new franchise should have been a sure thing, with a novel that has endured in readers'...
Japan Times
Apr 9, 2012

Pakistan airlifts Japanese tourists out of Gilgit

The Pakistani government dispatched a military aircraft Sunday to airlift 120 foreign tourists, including 77 Japanese, from a northern region where sectarian violence has left them stranded since early this month.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Media
Apr 8, 2012

Keene shares his love for Tohoku

Donald Keene, one of the world's most renowned scholars of Japanese literature, said during an event held in Tokyo on March 20 that he believes that Japan's northeast will recover from the Great East Japan Earthquake and be reborn as a beautiful region.
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Apr 6, 2012

Catch a glimpse of geisha at annual spring dance event in Kyoto

The way of the geisha is slowly disappearing, but there are still small pockets where you can find them around Japan. The biggest one of these areas is the Kyoto neighborhood of Gion. All through April, Gion will host the Miyako Odori — the spring dance of the geisha.
Apr 3, 2012

Volunteers struggle to track neediest residents

Welfare commissioners cover a broad array of tasks, including regularly checking in on elderly and disabled residents, looking for signs of child abuse, providing local residents with information about services, and even helping them dispose of garbage.
Apr 3, 2012

Keene should engage brain before fueling 'flyjin,' foreign crime myths

Congratulations to Donald Keene, who was granted Japanese citizenship last month with great media fanfare. At 89 years young and after a lifetime contributing to world scholarship on Japan, he truly deserves it.
Japan Times
Mar 31, 2012

Singer finds fusion in Japan's cultural dichotomy

Japan's fusion of the traditional and modern fascinated musician Yara Eddine as a young child when she learned about the country at a school in Canada. Fifteen years later, Eddine witnessed this integration firsthand.
Japan Times
Mar 25, 2012

Tracing the trees in a long national love affair

When five shell-pink buds open together on a particular tree in the precincts of Yasukuni Shrine in central Tokyo, the city explodes with the joy of spring. The cherry-blossom season has officially begun!


Passengers that were on a morning train attacked by members of the Aum Shinrikyo group wait for medical assistance outside Kasumigaseki Station on March 20,1995.
The day a religious cult brought terror to Tokyo