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Nov 6, 2012

Startup: Add risk, cash, entrepreneur

Softbank Corp. CEO Masayoshi Son took the world by surprise last month by announcing a $20 billion buyout of U.S.-based Sprint Nextel Corp. In 1980, his startup firm was a two-man computer wholesaler. Now through vigorous mergers and acquisitions it's angling to be the world's third-largest telecommunications...
Japan Times
Nov 6, 2012

If bully Ishihara wants one last stand, bring it on

On Oct. 25, Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara announced his resignation from office. He now plans to stand for election to the Diet as head of a new conservative party. He suggested political alliances with other conservative reactionaries and xenophobes, including Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto and Tachiagare...
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Nov 4, 2012

Lake Shikotsu: a Hokkaido wonderland awaits

I have spent the last four hours perspiring under the summer sun, moving slowly and photographing wildflowers. Having hiked the circuitous, twin-peaked route around the caldera of constantly active 1,041-meter Mount Tarumae, I then loped up and down a small peak known only as Kyu-san-ni (its height,...
Japan Times
Nov 3, 2012

Free magazines zoom in on all things Japanese

While English-language magazines in Japan are fast becoming a species in danger of extinction, Europe is experiencing a renewed interest in this country thanks to a veteran French journalist who since 2010 has been publishing Zoom Japon (and its English version, Zoom Japan), a free monthly magazine about...
Nov 2, 2012

Encephalitis vaccine deemed safe; no link found to deaths

A health ministry panel has concluded there is no need to stop administering the vaccination for Japanese encephalitis despite the deaths this year of two children who received the drug.
Japan Times
Oct 27, 2012

Jewish Japanese-American keeps multicultural connections in tune

Even in casual conversation, Danny Katz entertains. His voice doesn't just speak, it croons with comedic pacing, imitations and abrupt shifts in tone. He peppers his speech with accents, New York City slang, Japanese formalities or onomatopoeia.
Japan Times
Oct 26, 2012

'A Room With a View' / 'Another Country'

Note to self: Do not travel back in time to the 20th century. Or to be more accurate, to early 20th-century England. We've been conditioned to think it was all hot scones and tennis on the lawn, but after a closer viewing of historical facts I have learned that only a certain segment of the populace...
BASEBALL / Japanese Baseball
Oct 26, 2012

Giants, Fighters inch closer to Japan Series clash

The dust has settled on the 2012 season and only the Yomiuri Giants and Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters are still standing.
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / A TASTE OF HOME
Oct 19, 2012

As the mercury drops, comfort food means pie, pie, pie

In this new monthly column I'll be hunting down home comforts from around the world. And when the weather turns abruptly cold, the American mind turns to Thanksgiving, that annual feast of rare origin — it's as American as apple pie.
Oct 17, 2012

Clarifying the economic damage of the Senkakus row

Japan's overseas tourist industry can just write off all of 2012 thanks to the two territorial disputes.
Japan Times
Oct 16, 2012

Well-traveled Brit wins woman with 'cheeky smile'

Dave Greatbanks of England met his future wife, Mimari, in 2000 when he was teaching English at a language school in Niigata that she attended once a week after work.
Reader Mail
Oct 14, 2012

Remembrance is 'compensation'

This week, seven former American POWs of the Japanese will travel to Japan and revisit former campsites where they were held during World War II. Some of them will also visit the companies for whom they were forced to work. Although their memories of Japan from 68 years ago are still painful, they know...
Japan Times
Events / Events Outside Tokyo
Oct 12, 2012

All aboard for Art Area B1

If you can't bring the people to the art, take the art to the people: This thinking, which for more than a decade has inspired art-in-the-street and art-in-the-countryside projects, last year engendered its oddest event yet: "Art-in-the-underground-train-station-concourse"!
Japan Times
LIFE / Travel
Oct 7, 2012

Summer in the city's Todoroki Valley wilderness

Where does an expatriate living in Okinawa go for a two-week summer holiday? Why, to Tokyo, of course — if it's a working holiday — as there's no better place in Japan to make good money than the Big Mikan.
Oct 6, 2012

Villas-Boas slowly but surely turning reputation around

When the media decides a manager is not to its liking for whatever reason, it takes time, trophies and charm to turn it around because humble pie is not a diet the press enjoys.
Japan Times
Oct 5, 2012

A Ta Gueule: French fare born of a one-track mind

The golden age of luxury long-distance train travel is over. The days when overnight journeys were made in exclusive style — complete with Pullman sleeping cars, lounge bar and restaurant on wheels — have gone the way of the steam locomotive.
Japan Times
Oct 4, 2012

Ex-UCLA QB Craft happy to be in Japan

Even though he fell short of reaching the NFL, former UCLA quarterback Kevin Craft doesn't curse his past, but rather, embraces it.
Oct 2, 2012

Revisionists marching Japan back to a dangerous place

No doubt you've seen the news about the Takeshima and Senkaku disputes: Japan is sparring with China, South Korea and Taiwan over some specks in the ocean.
Japan Times
Sep 30, 2012

Telework answers rural and disabled needs

Disaster mitigation and a better "work-life balance" for staff are not the only benefits of having employees working outside the office, an increasing range of companies are now coming to realize.
Japan Times
Sep 29, 2012

Pro tips on how to act like a native Japanese

This column is for Kim Bostwick, who is moving to Japan this week. I've made a list of pertinent things to know for her smooth transition into Japanese culture. Do these things, and people will mistake you for a native Japanese:
Japan Times
Sep 28, 2012

Diversifying Japan's biggest food festival

From its origins as a regional festival in the backwaters of Aomori Prefecture, the B-1 Grand Prix has attained a status of Fuji Rock-like proportions. The seven-year-old event, which attracts enthusiasts of local cooking from around Japan, almost single-handedly kick-started the country's obsession...
Japan Times
Sep 28, 2012

Monstrous robotic behemoth brings anime fantasies to life

It's hard to say whether technology will ever catch up with sci-fi anime and realize an era when giant robots roam the earth, but for artist Kogoro Kurata and student Wataru Yoshizaki the future can't come soon enough.


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties