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Feb 17, 2013

Beat Takeshi and disappearing Japan; Taking apart the Boeing 707; CM of the week: Takada Moving Center

An endangered plant or animal species symbolizes a world that changes irrevocably every moment, but there are also man-made things that vanish. This week, on the variety show "Takeshi no Nippon no Mikata" ("Takeshi's Way of Viewing Japan"; TV Tokyo, Fri., 10 p.m.), comedian-filmmaker Takeshi Kitano looks...
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Feb 16, 2013

SAS bullish on Japan after logging best year ever in 2012, exec says

Scandinavian Airlines System has seen its business in Japan recover dramatically since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the upturn is continuing, according to an SAS executive.
Feb 15, 2013

Tips for springtime on the Shikoku pilgrimage route

Setsubun is over and it is officially springtime in Japan. So what if it's still cold — happy spring! And spring means cherry blossoms, a new school year and, of course, pilgrimaging! This spring, many people will set out on the pilgrimage of a lifetime as they walk, bicycle, bus or drive the Shikoku...
Japan Times
Feb 15, 2013

British photographer documents lives outside the lines

Uchujin, aka Adrian Storey, a British photographer and filmmaker based in Tokyo, drolly explains his rather unusual business moniker: 'I'd rather be an alien than an outsider.'
Japan Times
LIFE / Food & Drink / A TASTE OF HOME
Feb 15, 2013

Tokyo has California-style burritos all wrapped up

Nothing gives me greater pleasure, as a California native, than to discover a new burrito shop. I'm not talking about the kind of burritos served on a plate in a restaurant.
Feb 15, 2013

Rampant airport insecurity

Under the U.S. notion of airport security, authorities would do better dressing passengers in hospital gowns and putting them to sleep for the flight.
Japan Times
Feb 15, 2013

'A Good Day to Die Hard'

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that if you had to see yet another 20th-century action star, alive and well and kicking ass for the benefit of the over-40s crowd — and that star is Bruce Willis, whom you can remember as having a full head of hair (brunette) and a terrible taste in suits...
Japan Times
Feb 8, 2013

The Hitler home movies: how Eva Braun documented the Nazi dictator's private life

Lutz Becker was born in Berlin, he says, "during the anno diabolo, 1941. Mine was the generation that was sent into a dark pit." Meeting this survivor of the Third Reich, now in his 70s and living in Bayswater, London, it's hard to suppress the thought that Becker, a distinguished artist and film historian,...
Japan Times
Feb 8, 2013

The movie exposing the lies at the heart of U.S. capitalism

In one sense, "Inequality for All" is absolutely the film of the moment. We are living through tumultuous times. The economy has tanked. Austerity has cut a swath through our lives.
Japan Times
Feb 8, 2013

Nagano city takes roundabout tack

In what is being touted as a local first, a new roundabout is in operation in the Towa district of Iida, Nagano Prefecture, in a bid to ease congestion and eliminate the need for traffic lights.
Feb 8, 2013

Japanese attorneys throw their nets farther out

Big city lawyers are moving to the sticks to drum up business.
Japan Times
Feb 8, 2013

New lobby at Ritz-Carlton, Osaka; grill your own pancakes; Valentine's Day dinner with roses

Ritz-Carlton, Osaka renews lobby
LIFE / Travel
Feb 6, 2013

American Airlines gets new look; KLM helps Iwate students; Korean Air campaigns

American's new design
Feb 4, 2013

Proposed free U.S. Wi-Fi divides techs, telecoms

The federal government wants to create Wi-Fi networks across America, so powerful and broad in reach that consumers could use them to make calls or surf the Internet without paying a cellphone bill every month.
Japan Times
Feb 1, 2013

Andaman tribe freed at last from 'human safaris'

Human safaris to see the Jarawa tribe of the Andaman Islands have finally come to an end as the authorities there bow to domestic and international pressure.
Japan Times
Feb 1, 2013

Canadian uses sports as bridge to teaching, writing, understanding

Writer, teacher and sports fan Trevor Kew, 32, pedals and kicks his way through culture shock. He uses sports to help him adapt to unfamiliar cultures or new places when traveling, trusting his bike or a soccer ball to bridge the gap with locals.
Japan Times
Jan 31, 2013

Firm seeking to conquer world with translation app

For non-Japanese speakers, services like Google Translate and NTT DoCoMo Inc.'s phones that provide automated translation by speaking into the devices may have made it easier to communicate while in Japan.
Japan Times
Jan 31, 2013

'Motoju Miyosawa: Katazome Stencil Dyeing'

After meeting Muneyoshi Yanagi, a pioneer of the famous Mingei (folk arts) movement, artist Motoju Miyosawa (1909-2002) became a major advocate of the beauty of frugality, a quality that Mingei followers believed everyday objects possessed. During the 1960s, however, he chose to travel internationally...
Japan Times
Jan 31, 2013

February: My Bloody Valentine returns

January featured a ton of great concerts across Japan, but February might be even better — hope your wallet isn't too thin this month.
Jan 28, 2013

Cartwright makes immediate impact as Evessa beat Shining Suns

It's only been two games, but new coach Bill Cartwright's no-nonsense challenge to the Osaka Evessa — to play a smart, aggressive brand of basketball, as revealed by several players — is paying off.
Japan Times
Jan 25, 2013

Can the discovery of oil save Ecuador's rainforest?

American biologist Kelly Swing thwacks a bush with his butterfly net and a dozen or so bugs and insects drop in. One is a harvester, or daddy-long-legs, another a jumping spider that leaps onto a leaf where two beetles are mating.
Japan Times
Jan 25, 2013

I still haven't found what I'm looking for ...

Thinking about Google over the last week, I have fallen into the typically procrastinatory habit of every so often typing the words "what is" or "what" or "wha" into the Google search box at the top right of my computer screen. Those prompts are all the omnipotent engine needs to inform me of the current...
Jan 25, 2013

A defiant North Korea

If North Korea goes ahead with a threatened nuclear test in reaction to a U.N. Security Council scolding, it will the first under new leader Kim Jong Un.
Japan Times
Jan 23, 2013

'Coriolanus' comes home — to Kyoto

It's a fair bet that many people at the Globe Theatre in London last May expected the Kyoto-based Chiten (Point) Company to present a stereotypically Japanese, samurai-style "Coriolanus," complete with taiko drums and period armor.
Jan 23, 2013

Looking to bring Japan's tastes to new markets through sake

As people across the globe toasted the New Year this month, Japan's sake brewers had another reason to celebrate. The industry saw modest increases in sake sales, offering a glimmer of hope to producers who have watched consumption decline since the late 1970s. According to the Japanese Sake and Shochu...


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties