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May 18, 2000
Digital exterminators
May 16, 2000
Asia's storm clouds haven't dispersed
May 13, 2000
Celebrating the cream of Japanese pottery
May 11, 2000
After the tour, the real work begins
May 9, 2000
Crime knows no boundaries
May 9, 2000
Testing times for Japan-U.S. alliance
May 1, 2000
The prime minister's empty chair
May 1, 2000
Okinawa heliport threat to sea mammal
Apr 23, 2000
On to Hawaii -- maybe
Apr 17, 2000
URL burial is grave news
Apr 15, 2000
Education -- in whose music?
Apr 4, 2000
Canterbury meets Samarkand
Mar 23, 2000
Economic doomsayers are off the mark
Mar 22, 2000
NTT then and now
Mar 20, 2000