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CULTURE / Japan Pulse
Jun 11, 2013

Japan by the numbers (06.11.13)

Who would read every book in a series of 70? One in four Japanese people in their 20s, according to one poll. There's more where that came from.
Jun 9, 2013

Darvish impressing experts with his strikeout ability

If you watch the home broadcast for one of Yu Darvish's starts for the Texas Rangers, you will, at some point, hear play-by-play man Steve Busby exhorting, "got him swinging," after Darvish fans a batter.
Jun 9, 2013

Baggio impressed by Japan's progress

Italian soccer legend Roberto Baggio has paid tribute to the strides Japan has made under manager Alberto Zaccheroni, but the former FIFA World Player of the Year has warned his compatriot not to expect an easy ride at this month's Confederations Cup.
Japan Times
WORLD / Science & Health
Jun 8, 2013

How does science explain a bolt from the blue?

Divine attribution In ancient times, the drama of thunder and lightning so clearly went beyond human scale that the phenomenon was handed wholesale to the gods. The Greeks had Zeus, the Romans Jupiter. At the head of the Hindu pantheon was Indra, while Norse mythology gave us Thor — all wielders of...
Jun 8, 2013

Encouraging, not comparing, accomplishments

Aging Japan. We hear this phrase all the time. The question is, what are they talking about — the infrastructure? The people? Four Roses whisky?
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Jun 7, 2013

AirAsia to up overseas flights to offset weaker yen

AirAsia Japan Co., one of the three Japanese low-cost carriers that started last year, is adding more overseas flights to increase foreign currency revenue to offset a rise in fuel and lease costs caused by a weaker yen.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Jun 5, 2013

Jobs' role focus of Apple e-book trial

Apple's late founder, Steve Jobs, was a key figure Monday in the Justice Department's suit against the Silicon Valley giant for allegedly leading an illegal scheme to raise the prices of e-books.
Japan Times
Jun 3, 2013

Tunisian leader touts investment opportunities

Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki on Sunday invited Japan's businesses to invest and play a major role in his country's transition toward democracy and a free-market economy.
Japan Times
Jun 1, 2013

Yoko Ono: 'I feel that I am starting a new life at 80'

Sitting at her kitchen table, sipping green tea, Yoko Ono looks much the same as she did when I met her 20 years ago. Dressed in black and peering intently over tinted spectacles, her face bears little trace of the passing of time and her diminutive form exudes utter calmness. Having crossed the famous...
Japan Times
Jun 1, 2013

Destroyer of domestic chaos charts way for others to lead organized lives

Jo Ebisujima describes herself as "a hybrid of MacGyver and Martha Stewart."
WORLD / Society
May 30, 2013

Nearly 40% of U.S. moms are family breadwinners

In a trend accelerated by the recent recession and an increase in births to single mothers, nearly 4 in 10 families with children under the age of 18 are now headed by women who are the sole or primary breadwinners for their families, according to a report released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center....
Japan Times
May 30, 2013

K-ballet brings back 'Giselle' and introduces new leads

As summer approaches with the misty other-worldliness of Japan's rainy season, Tokyo's K-Ballet graces the stage in June with a revival of the hauntingly romantic masterpiece "Giselle." Six different ballerinas will perform the lead role as the production synthesizes K-Ballet's changing image from a...
Japan Times
May 29, 2013

Sony lab offers a peek into the future

A miniature rotor craft controlled through a head-mounted display and Lego blocks manipulated with a PlayStation controller: These were just a couple of examples of new ideas and creativity on display last week at a two-day open house held by Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc.
May 28, 2013

Iraqi Shiites take up arms for Syrian government

The Iraqi fighters in the video shoulder assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades as they walk down a highway lined with cypress trees. Grinning, some hold up cellphones and camcorders to capture the moment — the aftermath of a victorious battle to secure Aleppo Airport from Syrian rebels who had...
Japan Times
May 28, 2013

Tokyo's Koreatown emerged from the flow of bilateral ties

Diplomatic friction between Tokyo and Seoul over territorial and historical disputes is making headlines once again, and Tokyo's right-wing protesters know just where to go to get in the face of its Korean residents: Koreatown in Shinjuku Ward's Shin-Okubo district.
May 28, 2013

Marathon winner to donate medal

The Ethiopian winner of this year's Boston Marathon said Sunday that he will donate his first-place medal to the people of Boston, telling visiting Secretary of State John Kerry that he wants to honor the dead and wounded from the bombing at the finish line.
May 26, 2013

History shows one man's rape is another's wooing

"The evolution of political thought in this relatively isolated island nation during the period in question is unique to the point of being somewhat freakish."
Japan Times
May 26, 2013

Infernal prose flows again from Dan Brown's brain

I used to think that Dan Brown was merely bad. Now, after reading the latest version of the apocalyptic thriller he rewrites every few years, I suspect he might be mad as well.
JAPAN / Politics
May 24, 2013

Hashimoto maintains he will still meet with sex-slavery victims, visit U.S.

Osaka Mayor and Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) coleader Toru Hashimoto said Thursday he still planned to meet Friday with two Korean former "comfort women" despite calls from both in and outside the party to cancel.
May 22, 2013

Why China's developmental state says no to liberalism

Modern history is the story of how liberal democracy, originating in Britain and America, spread around the world. This may sound like an absurd fantasy. In actuality, this Whiggish narrative of progress underpins most newspaper editorials, political commentary and speeches in the West, and frames larger...
May 22, 2013

Five myths about Benghazi

The events surrounding the deaths of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, look dramatically different depending on your politics. Republicans tend to see a cover-up and a scandal. Democrats see an attempt to damage President Barack Obama and...
Japan Times
May 21, 2013

Fear and incarceration, from Kampala to Nagoya

"I was stopped by two men in a government-registered vehicle, blindfolded and dragged off the street. They took me away to a house in a place I did not know. I was forced into a room with blood all over the walls and floor, where two men lay. I couldn't tell if they were dead or alive. They had been...
May 20, 2013

For a more 'friendly' Japan

A Shiga University professor has some reservations about a government industrial council's proposals to make Japan 'the world's most business-friendly environment.'


The sun shines from behind a waving Philippine flag at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.
Eighty years after the Battle of Manila, old foes forge new ties