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Japan Times
Jul 5, 2003

A very English experience in intimate learning

"Welcome to Moor Cottage," declares Judith Godfrey, principal of the Manchester Language School, located in a quiet leafy suburb of the famed northern English city.
Japan Times
Jul 5, 2003

David Helfgott

In 1996, a movie portraying the true-life story of pianist David Helfgott became a box-office hit. Actor Geoffrey Rush, who played the part of David, won an Oscar for his sympathetic, moving and convincing performance. The annual book Video Movie Guide applauds his interpretation of "deeply troubled...
Jul 5, 2003

CDC employee top winner in Shizuoka translation meet

An American building engineer has won top prize in a major translation competition from Japanese into English, the Shizuoka prefectural board of education said.
Jul 4, 2003

Softbank to open Net game portal

Softbank Corp. is opening an online game portal in an effort to boost the number of subscribers to its broadband service, the Japanese Internet company said Thursday.
Jul 4, 2003

Ueno music project to start in 2005 and feature Ozawa

An annual music program featuring renowned conductor Seiji Ozawa as artistic director will start in March 2005 as part of efforts to make Tokyo a major global center of the arts.
Jul 4, 2003

Does irrelevancy await Japan?

HONOLULU -- Japan-U.S. relations are at a postwar high, "the best they have ever been," report policymakers on both sides of the Pacific and longtime observers of the relationship. Credit growing realism in Japan about security issues, unprecedented decisions in Tokyo and a remarkable personal relationship...
Japan Times
Jul 2, 2003

Boxer dances for reunification of Koreas

Champion boxer Masamori Tokuyama says his dream is to use his status as a well-known Korean resident of Japan to contribute to the reunification of the Korean Peninsula.
Jul 2, 2003

Mori takes turn at insulting women

Former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori is in hot water over remarks he reportedly made last week insinuating that women who grow old without having children deserve no state aid.
Jul 2, 2003

Is Baghdad safe enough for SDF? Depends on which party you ask

The ruling bloc and the opposition parties are presenting completely conflicting reports on their respective fact-finding missions to Iraq, with the opposition arguing the Self-Defense Forces should not be dispatched to the area due to deteriorating security.
Jul 2, 2003

Drive for European unity gets a boost from Iraq war

PARIS -- Two months ago, the European Union seemed bound to be one of the major casualties of the trans-Atlantic rift generated by the Iraqi war. Now, however, the climate is improving.
Jul 2, 2003

Pyongyang: keep the gloves on for now

LONDON -- There is no question that the anachronistic communist regime in North Korea threatens the peace in Northeast Asia. In the absence of good intelligence, however, it is difficult to estimate the extent of the threat. American intelligence on Iraq was faulty, and it is doubtful whether the CIA...
Japan Times
Jul 2, 2003

A chip off the old block

IWATE, Iwate Pref. -- The town of Iwate, population 17,302, is one of the last places you'd expect to find an international art event. But though the largely rural Iwate Prefecture put itself on the art map 18 months ago, with the opening of the Iwate Museum of Art (currently hosting a Frank Stella exhibition;...
Japan Times
Jul 2, 2003

Off the wall

"My most favorite artist? The problem with that question," says Frank Stella, settling back in his chair, "is what's the point of it?"
Jul 1, 2003

Bush 'indicted' over war crimes

A group of Japanese lawyers unveiled documents Monday "indicting" U.S. President George W. Bush for war crimes allegedly committed against the Afghan people since the United States-led coalition began its antiterrorism campaign in Afghanistan in October 2001.
Jul 1, 2003

Another nudge for the U.S. economy

The stars are beginning to line up for the U.S. economy. The war in Iraq ended quickly, the Bush tax cut has become law, economic indicators point to growth in the second half of the year and the dollar is declining against other currencies, boosting the prospects for exports. To help nudge things along,...
Jul 1, 2003

Foreigners' war-redress battles rage on

For many elderly foreigners who were victims of Japanese prewar and wartime aggression and occupation, the fighting continues.
Japan Times
Jul 1, 2003

Apparel firm teaches teenagers to like its fashions

For teenage girls, brightly colored clothing from Angel Blue, Daisy Lovers and Mezzo Piano are all the rage -- especially for those aspiring to be models.
Jul 1, 2003

Average monthly wage rises 0.5%

The average monthly wage at companies in Japan stood at 281,862 yen in May, up 0.5 percent from a year earlier and the first rise in 25 months, the government said Monday.
Jun 30, 2003

DPJ may soften stance over SDF dispatch bill

The Democratic Party of Japan may consider discussing with the ruling coalition revisions to a government bill to allow the dispatch of Self-Defense Forces to help with the postwar reconstruction of Iraq, a senior DPJ official said Sunday.
Jun 30, 2003

U.S. policy only fuels fundamentalism

NEW YORK -- "In pre-surrender discussions of the postwar world, no principle, save the basic principle of democracy itself, was more frequently cited than that of religious freedom as essential to the establishment of a permanently peaceful world."
Jun 30, 2003

Extension of Stackhouse's contract bizarre

NEW YORK -- Who exactly were the Wizards bidding against when they awarded Jerry Stackhouse a two-year extension ($18 million) to piggyback the two years he could have escaped from before July 1?
Jun 30, 2003

An irrational space odyssey?

MOSCOW -- Of all the arms races humankind has been involved in, the one in space has been the most bizarre. If a person is interested in a case study of unintended consequences, one could hardly find a better subject. Scientific curiosity, imperial dreams, down-to-earth geopolitics, interests of commerce...
Jun 30, 2003

Most smokers undeterred by tax hike

More than half of the smokers responding to an online survey said a plan to increase the tax on tobacco will have no effect on their intake.
Jun 30, 2003

Most smokers undeterred by tax hike

More than half of the smokers responding to an online survey said a plan to increase the tax on tobacco will have no effect on their intake.
Jun 30, 2003

U.N. strives to control real weapons of mass destruction

In July 2001 the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus an action program to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons. Two months later, the 9/11 terror attacks hit the United States, shifting the focus to international terrorism and the proliferation...
Jun 30, 2003

Most smokers undeterred by tax hike

More than half of the smokers responding to an online survey said a plan to increase the tax on tobacco will have no effect on their intake.


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly