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Japan Times
Mar 2, 2022

Afghans face starvation as economic crisis worsens and Taliban struggles

Millions are jobless and facing starvation, a problem compounded by the difficulty of supplying humanitarian aid due to sanctions.
Japan Times
Feb 28, 2022

Global warming is outrunning efforts to protect human life, U.N. reports says

The effects of melting glaciers and thawing permafrost in some areas are 'approaching irreversibility,” the report compiled by top climate scientists said.
Japan Times
Feb 24, 2022

Russia could use cryptocurrency to blunt the force of U.S. sanctions

Sanctions have been a powerful tool for the U.S. because of the dollar's dominance in the global economy, but today's digital marketplace is changing that.
Feb 14, 2022

New bill looks to beef up Japan's economic security, but firms are wary

The planned legislation would cover a range of sectors, with penalties for those that don't comply, but businesses worry that it could harm international competitiveness.
Japan Times
Dec 14, 2021

It will take more than a summit to protect democracy

Democracy is slow and deliberative, process oriented and, as a result, capable of manipulation by special interests.
Japan Times
Nov 18, 2021

Asia’s three largest economies and polluters face tough road toward ditching coal

For Japan, China and India, promises to further reduce emissions by phasing out coal run straight into domestic political roadblocks and social realities.
Japan Times
Sep 15, 2021

Firms sucking carbon from air see boost from 'code red' climate crisis

The need to remove carbon already in the air to try to limit the damage from climate change is becoming increasingly clear.
Japan Times
Aug 28, 2021

U.S. intelligence community says it cannot solve COVID-19 mystery without China

'China's cooperation most likely would be needed to reach a conclusive assessment of the origins of COVID-19,' U.S. officials said.
Japan Times
Aug 25, 2021

China makes risky bet on Taliban, looking to Afghanistan’s $1 trillion in minerals

The war-torn country has deposits estimated to be worth $1 trillion or more, including what may be the world's largest lithium reserves — if anyone can get them out of the ground.
Japan Times
Jul 8, 2021

China's gene giant harvests data from millions of women

The U.S. has warned that the firm is amassing and analyzing data that could give China a path to economic and military advantage.
COMMENTARY / World / Geoeconomic Briefing
Jun 10, 2021

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan: Why Japan should prepare for the worst

As tensions rise in the region, Tokyo needs to coordinate with Washington and Taipei to counter the threat of war from Beijing.
Japan Times
May 27, 2021

Biden renews COVID-19 origin probe that’s so far come up empty

After more than a year hunting for the pandemic's mysterious origins, it's unclear what new resources American spies may bring to the search.
Japan Times
ASIA PACIFIC / Science & Health
Mar 27, 2021

Former CDC chief says he thinks coronavirus came from Wuhan lab

Robert Redfield said that he was 'not implying any intentionality,” or accusing China of purposefully releasing the virus.
Japan Times
Mar 24, 2021

Politically correct? Bond market steers clear of judgment calls.

For all the hype and billions of dollars globally pouring into investing based on ESG factors, it is a niche play in the sovereign bond market.
Japan Times
Feb 7, 2021

Japan Times 1971: Crown Prince opens pre-Olympic Games in Sapporo

Fifty years ago, Japan began to gear up for the 1972 Sapporo Olympics with some pre-game events to test the facilities.
Japan Times
Dec 5, 2020

Grounded pilots out of practice because of COVID-19 spark airline safety fears

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, pilots aren't getting the opportunity to fly because airlines have grounded planes and scaled back operations.
Japan Times
Oct 21, 2020

Trump records shed new light on Chinese business pursuits

Trump and his allies have tried to paint the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, as soft on China, in part by pointing to his son's business dealings there.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Economy
Jun 9, 2020

World Bank forecasts worst recession in eight decades as virus persists

According to a semi-annual report per-capita output will contract in more than 90 percent of countries, the largest percentage since 1870.
Japan Times
Mar 4, 2020

U.N.'s nuclear chief to Iran: Cooperate or face new crisis

Iran risks triggering a new crisis if it does not cooperate with the U.N. nuclear watchdog after failing to answer its questions about past nuclear activities at three sites and denying it access to two of them, its chief said on Tuesday.
Japan Times
Jan 31, 2020

The world's hypocrisy about Israel's occupation of the West Bank

Jewish settlements are not the primary obstacle to peace with the Palestinians.
Jan 25, 2020

Japan 2030: Tackling climate issues is key to the next decade

The new decade kicked off with images of Australia in flames.
Japan Times
Jul 3, 2019

Next G20 summit shouldn't happen in Riyadh, U.N. Khashoggi investigator says

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi officials in Istanbul was a "state killing" that should prompt world leaders to reconsider having the Group of 20 summit in Riyadh next year, according to the U.N. expert who investigated the columnist's death.
Japan Times
Jun 11, 2019

Japan must prepare as the U.S. and China dig in

Tokyo will be increasingly squeezed between demands from its ally and those from its top export market and driver of its economy.
Japan Times
May 7, 2019

China's furtive fleet of nuclear missile-laden submarines tests the Pentagon

Recent visitors to the bay surrounding a submarine base on the southern coast of China's Hainan Island describe a curious nocturnal phenomenon. Powerful spotlights are sometimes trained directly on the ocean frontages of neighboring hotels at night, making visibility out to sea virtually impossible....
Japan Times
May 1, 2019

China's vast fleet seen tipping the balance of power in the Pacific

A generation ago, from mid-1995 into early 1996, China lobbed missiles in the waters around Taiwan as the self-governing island prepared to hold its first fully democratic presidential election. Washington forcefully intervened to support its ally, sending two aircraft carrier battle groups to patrol...
JAPAN / Beyond Tokyo
Feb 24, 2019

As the world drowns in plastic, Kameoka in Kyoto and other cities across Japan fight back

Plastic pollution in the ocean has become one of the world's most urgent environmental problems. Footage of vast fields of floating plastic debris between California and Hawaii — now commonly known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch — have driven home the gravity of the problem, with scientists and...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Malaysia special
Oct 5, 2018

Strong, diverse economy has much to offer investors

It is often said that statistics only tell half the story, and for anyone interested in investing in Malaysia, it's well worth taking a closer look.
Japan Times
WORLD / Crime & Legal
Jul 23, 2018

Accused Russian agent Maria Butina met in 2015 with U.S. Treasury, Fed officials

Accused Russian agent Maria Butina had wider high-level contacts in Washington than previously known, taking part in 2015 meetings between a visiting Russian official and two senior officials at the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury Department.
Afghan women after an earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan, on Oct. 10, 2023
BUSINESS / Economy
Oct 14, 2024

Poorest nations in worst financial shape since 2006, World Bank says

The World Bank report finds these economies are poorer today, on average, than they were on the eve of the COVID-19 pandemic.
World Anti-Doping Agency Director-General Olivier Niggli speaks during the agency's symposium in Lausanne, Switzerland, in March.
Dec 4, 2024

Anti-doping agency froze out investigators who warned about China

The decision by WADA’s leaders to keep its own investigators in the dark raises new questions about WADA's response to possible doping by Chinese athletes.


Professional cleaner Hirofumi Sakurai takes a moment to appreciate some photographs in a Gotanda apartment whose occupant died alone. 
The last cleanup: Life and death in a lonely Japan