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LIFE / Travel
Oct 20, 1999

Apimondia: all abuzz about bees

The white sails of the Vancouver Trade and Convention Center were a beehive of activity Sept. 12 to 18, as nearly 3,000 scientists and beekeepers from around the world converged in Vancouver for a huge international beekeeping congress.
Oct 20, 1999

Ducking out for a nature moment

Among the smaller waterfowl, there are basically two types: There are ducks that dive, and there are those that dabble. Diving ducks, such as the tufted duck, scaup, scoter, harlequin and long-tailed duck, are birds of open, deep water, birds of lakes, coasts and the open ocean. Dabbling ducks, on the...
Oct 19, 1999

Now it is up to Pyongyang

There were hopes, a few years ago, that North Korea might just quietly implode, as the Soviet Union did, then be absorbed by its neighbor to the south. The hermetic state was on the brink of mass starvation, created by economic mismanagement and compounded by nature's caprice. The government in Pyongyang...
Oct 19, 1999

Aum fills a spiritual need

Special to The Japan Times It has been more than four years since key members of the Aum Shinrikyo religious sect carried out sarin gas attacks on the Tokyo subway system. With its principal facilities closed and its guru and his cohorts arrested, the cult has received a crushing blow. Reports say, however,...
Oct 18, 1999

Kajima trash plant turns leftovers into electricity

Major construction firm Kajima Corp. announced Monday that it has succeeded in building a facility that can generate electricity directly from leftover food and other organic waste.
Oct 18, 1999

ANA pins survival hopes on global alliance

Staff writer
Oct 15, 1999

Fukaya says a united front crucial at WTO trade talks

Trade chief Takashi Fukaya reiterated his determination Friday to seek a united front with the European Union and other economies against Washington's agriculture-oriented strategy in upcoming trade liberalization talks, scheduled to start in Seattle late next month.
Oct 15, 1999

State stand on Korean veterans may be unconstitutional: court

OSAKA -- Refusing a state pension to Korean residents of Japan simply because they are not Japanese nationals might run counter to the constitutional principle of equality under the law, the Osaka High Court said Friday.
Oct 15, 1999

The shortsighted U.S. Senate

The United States Senate this week voted down the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. This is the first time since the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 that the Senate has rejected a major international agreement. We can only hope that the results of this shortsighted move will not be as great. Still, the vote...
LIFE / Food & Drink / WINE WAYS
Oct 14, 1999

Heeding the siren call of Sopron's wine country

A Japanese friend I recently met amid the late-summer amalgam of humid heat, mucky air and urban frenzy suddenly assumed a rather wistful faraway look and expressed the desire to get away from the whole maddening throng and disappear into nature.
LIFE / Digital / CYBERIA
Oct 13, 1999

Not just for kids anymore

I was never much of a video-game player, although I did have a brief infatuation with Missile Command. (It ended when a pal proceeded to stomp me every time we went head to head.) I must be one of the few: Video games are reckoned to be a $20 billion-a-year industry and revenues now outpace movie-ticket...
Oct 10, 1999

Dishonored by the honors system

Twice a year, the government confers orders and honors on eminent citizens in recognition of their service to the nation or their local communities. This decoration system, which has been in place since the Meiji Era, has been drawing flak from part of the business world. Some business leaders are calling...
Oct 9, 1999

A resounding win for Mr. Vajpayee

Political stability has been a rare commodity in India of late. In the last three years, the country has had five governments and three general elections. The cycle seems to have been broken in the national elections held five weeks ago, however. As the final results come in, it looks as if Mr. Atal...
Oct 9, 1999

Toward a leaner, meaner defense budget

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Republicans and Democrats alike claim to support fiscal responsibility, but you wouldn't know it from the defense budget. The House-Senate Conference Committee has approved $8 billion in budget authority for next year -- $8.3 billion more than requested by the Clinton administration,...
Oct 9, 1999

Whisked away by an age-old tradition

IKOMA, Nara Pref. -- "It is totally handmade and finely crafted work, but no matter how well it is made, chasen (a bamboo tea whisk) is a commodity with a limited life span," says Keizo Kubo, 59, who has been manufacturing the tea-ceremony utensil for 36 years.
LIFE / Travel
Oct 9, 1999

Beijing throws new light on Silk Roads

BEIJING -- As China celebrates the 50th anniversary of communist society and evolves toward a more prosperous future, it is once again recognizing the value of its rich past.
Oct 9, 1999

Chongqing leads the next China boom

Japan is poised to lead foreign investment in the next important phase of China's development, centered on Chongqing, an inland city whose name most outsiders have never heard.
Oct 8, 1999

Mitsubishi, Volvo form bus-truck alliance

In the latest realignment in the global automotive industry, Mitsubishi Motors Corp. and AB Volvo of Sweden will form a strategic alliance in the field of trucks and buses that includes a capital tieup, top officials of the two firms announced Friday.
Oct 8, 1999

Middle East peace talks scheduled

International aid donors to Palestine will convene next week in Tokyo to discuss ways to add momentum to the Middle East peace process after a pledge for peace was recently put forward by Israel and Palestine, Foreign Minister Yohei Kono said Friday.
Oct 7, 1999

Asahi, Tokai move up merger

Asahi Bank and Tokai Bank announced Thursday they will integrate their operations under a holding company next October -- moving up their original schedule by more than a year.
Oct 7, 1999

Four promoters of Japan culture awarded

The Japan Foundation presented this year's awards for overseas promotion of Japanese culture to four individuals and an institutional recipient at a presentation ceremony held Thursday at a hotel in Tokyo's Minato Ward.
Oct 7, 1999

Need a new millennium look? Try going over-the-top glam

The world of fashion is one of the best places to search for signs of millennial spirit. If you look at what designers are creating for 2000, you'll find an overall atmosphere where everything is over the top, pushed to the outer edges and carried to astonishing extremes, from which there are several...
Oct 7, 1999

Cabinet Interview: Trust in nuclear energy Nakasone's goal

Staff writer
Oct 6, 1999

Japan dangles new carrot in Pyongyang's face

Staff writer
Oct 6, 1999

Nature nurtured by the Dead Sea

"There is nothing, absolutely nothing alive in this sea; neither fish nor algae nor molluscs, only rocks and salt, candid saline formations that rise from the water like ghostly coral."
Oct 6, 1999

Widow recalls 'Japan's Schindler'

YOKOHAMA -- Yukiko Sugihara, 85, still recalls the huge crowd outside the Japanese Consulate in Nazi-occupied Lithuania one cold summer morning in 1940 -- hundreds of European Jews desperate to escape persecution.
Oct 6, 1999

Back to the brink in Indonesia

"What we have now in Indonesia is the same old New Order without Suharto. Nothing is really changing."
Oct 6, 1999

Widow recalls consul's effort to aid Jews

Staff writer
LIFE / Digital / CYBERIA
Oct 6, 1999

The future is in the air

I have written and read e-mail during my commute, beamed my virtual meishi to new acquaintances, played cards in taxis, and once in a shameless display of computing on my feet I consulted a database of Tokyo restaurants, which I had downloaded from, and located a great Indonesian joint...
Oct 2, 1999

Blair touts 'the vision thing'

LONDON -- Watching British Prime Minister Tony Blair is like watching a religious phenomenon. He has stepped off his platform on the backs of members of the Labor Party and has ascended into the clouds, where he hopes to be borne along by the rushing winds of the future. As he lifts off, he kicks away...


Ayumi Matsuki, a priestess at Yoshiwara Shrine, shows off some "o-mamori" charms. She says visitors to the shrine have increased since the NHK drama “Unbound” began airing this month.
Tracing Tsutaya Juzaburo, Edo’s media maverick